  • Report:  #66419

Complaint Review: Scrap In A Snap - Lehi Utah

Reported By:
- Salt Lake City, Utah,

Scrap In A Snap
98 North 1200 East Lehi, 84043 Utah, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
We have just uncovered a civil lawsuit that Scrap In A Snap lost nearly a year ago and has never paid!!!! ALERT! A judgment was entered AGAINST Scrap In A Snap on September 9, 2002 - just about a year ago.

The company lost a lawsuit against one of their vendors, Precision Litho. Scrap In A Snap lost this lawsuit in Salt Lake County Third District Court. ASTOUNDING! The amount of the lawsuit was for $53,356. MORE... Scrap In A Snap lost this lawsuit and a judgment was filed against them on September 9, 2002 and they were supposed to remit $53,356 to Precision Litho at this time. However, they never paid this vendor even though they were required to by a court of law!!!! NOW, NEARLY A YEAR LATER THEY ARE FINALLY BEING FORCED TO HAND OVER $53,356 THAT THEY ARE REQUIRED TO.

On August 21, 2003 - Scrap In A Snap was officially served with papers at their offices in Lehi, UT that they are in violation of this judgment and MUST PAY NOW!!!! If you want to check these facts for yourself please feel free to call the Salt Lake County Third District Court at 801-238-7480 and reference file number: 10909446. A county worker in the civil court division will be happy to confirm all information.


Salt Lake City, Utah

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