  • Report:  #1464037

Complaint Review: Smart Body - Miami Florida

Reported By:
Uncle I - Saint Louis Park, Minnesota, United States

Smart Body
2200 NW 72nd Avenue #29059 Miami, 33102 Florida, United States
(877) 252-7479
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I purchased their trial offer for $4.97.  The woman on the phone tried to sell me the other product as well.  I repeatedly told her over and over again, that I was not interested.  I said all I want is this trial offer.  After her being upset that I was not agreeing to purchase the other products, she finally gave up and said that I would be billed $4.97.  Today, about 6 weeks later, I received another shipment.

I called today to dispute why I received another shipment. I was told that I had 14 days to cancel my subscription to this food supplement.  I told this person today, that I was very clear on my intentions to not get anything more than the $4.97 trial.  Never did they mention that I would be billed for the full price after 14 days, nor did they tell me that I would be included on automation shipments after that.  

The woman said the note says that they told you that you had to cancel within the 14 days.  I told her that I did not care what the note says, because I was adamant when I ordered the trial.  She told me, "we record all of those orders".  I said fine, then get the recording and play it for me, because that will prove what I said was I only wanted the trial purchase, nothing more.  She then told me to hold on, and she came back about 30 seconds later and said, "all I can do for you is offer you a 35% discount, we do not accept returns, even if unopened because you did not cancel in the 14 days. 

I refused to pay $100 less the 35%, she told me to hold again, and again came back and this time said, "well, I can give you the friends and family discount which is 50%.  I again told her that I am not paying for that.  She again reminded me that they record the phone çalls when orders are placed.  I said, "good, find my recording so I can prove that what I am saying is the truth.  She told me to hold again.  She then came back and said, I am issuing you a full refund and it will show up on your credit card in about 4 or 5 days.

After the phone call, I called my credit card company and come to find out not only did they charge me the original $4.97, but then another $94.97 on September 4th, and again on October 4th.  So essentially, they refunded me for the October 4th charge on my credit card, and did not ask me to return the shipment that I received today.  So now, I am stuck with a $94.97 charge that I did not approve.  The credit card company said, that they will put in a request for a dispute, but doubts that the company will refund me for that original purchase.  Had the company followed up on what they promised me that they would do, there would have been no problem.  This is a company that is running a real scam.  I don't know if their product does what they say it does, so I can't knock the product, but the company's business practices are very questionable.

I am going to write them to see if I can get the $94.97 back, now that I have an email address for them. I doubt I will get anywhere with them, but I am going to ask them once again to present me a copy of the recording that they made of me ordering, to prove to them that I was never told that I had to cancel within 14 days, and also to prove to them that I was very clear that I wanted nothing more than the $4.97 trial bottle.

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Saint Louis Park,
United States
My persistence paid off

#2Author of original report

Wed, October 17, 2018

I wrote to their customer service department the same night after I was able to get them to refund the second charge for this product.  I told them that the only way I would stop contacting them was if one øf two things occurred.  One, they issued a credit to my credit card, or two, they played me a copy of the recording that they claimed that they had of me ordering and accepting the terms that they say that I was informed of.  I also told them that if I did not receive a response in one of the two ways that I requested, that I was going to send my complaint on to their attorney general's office.

Within half an hour, I had a reply, and I credit of $94.97 was issued to my credit card, and a copy of the credit advice from this company sent to me. So, when you are going up against a scammer or scammers, persistence can pay off.  Overall, it took about an hour between the time on the phone and writing them, but in my case, it worked.

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