  • Report:  #1120223

Complaint Review: Sokol Massage - Longboat Key Florida

Reported By:
makingitright - Florida,

Sokol Massage
Longboat Key, Florida, USA
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Real Stories of Marital Fraud

Case 1: True Intentions

Here's a little background about me and my soon to be ex-wife Elena. I am 41, and Elena is 42 years old. Elena and her daughter Sasha, 14 arrived here in March 4th of 2004. We were married on March 20th of 2004. Everything was fine at first however as time went on I could see somethings were not good. I simply at the time chalked them up to the culture change for Elena and Sasha.

(The following letter was sent to Gary's wife two months after they were married!)

(Harry should be translated Gary.)

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(The original untranslated letter)
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After one year more things were still not good and I still chalked them up to the culture change. I did what I could to make this marriage work. I Loved Elena, and I guess a part of me who thinks of Elena for what she led me to beleive she was still does love her. I guess that is why this hurts so bad.

In July of 2005, Elena got a job at in Sioux Falls, SD (a one hour drive) as a sales person in the mall. Several weeks after working there, Elena asked me about the possibilty of her getting an apartment in Sioux Falls so she could stay there on the days she had to work. This upset me because she made no attempt to get a job locally. She wanted only to work in the mall in Sioux Falls. When she asked me about getting this apartment, it spelled the beginning of the end for me. I simply told her that there would not be enough money to pay our house payment and pay for an apartment. Besides, I told her it would then be "less expensive for us if you did not work all". The matter was dropped for the time being.

A couple of weeks later she asked me when I was going to give her the credit card with a $10,000.00 limit that she said I had promised her during our correspondence via e-mail. I told her, "Elena, I never promised you a credit card with a $10,000.00 limit". She insisted that I did. She explained to me that she saved the letter in which I wrote this. I said "OK lets see it then". She quickly dropped the subject because she could see I was not going along with it.

Everthing was quite edgy between us for sometime, and on the evening of Sept 14, 2005, she came to me again and asked me one more time for the apartment in Sioux Falls. I told her "Fine if you want an apartment in Sioux Falls, get one, but you will need to pay for it yourself". Then I asked her, "and I suppose now you are going to ask me again for the $10,000.00 credit card?" Elena jumped up from the sofa, started screaming at me in Russian, and then jumped on me and grabbed me by the neck and started choking me. After about 5 seconds she let go of me. I could only think to call 911. I grabbed my cell phone, ran outside, got in the car, locked the doors, and then called 911. My son Zach was with me.

Soon, Elena and Sasha ran from the house and down the driveway. Elena was yelling in her meek timid voice, "NEIGHBORS HELP ME!". The police soon arrived, and I explained the situation. The officers, while they were talking to me, got a call from the dispatch on their radio of a woman and child at the local gas station who called 911 saying she was assaulted by her husband. The police explained to me after sometime that my wife had bruises and scratches on her neck. I was arrested and went to jail for the evening. In jail I called home and Elena answered. She told me she was going to live with her cousin in Des Moines. I am out now on bond and I have not seen Elena or Sasha since. I assumed they went to stay with Elena's cousin Aleksandra and her husband. She also is from Russia. 

I was so confused. I understood Elena was not always happy here. I offered several times to pay for her and Sasha to go back to Russia, but I could see she would not for her daugher's sake. For 2 months I was in a confused state, not understanding what happened and why. Why would she try to choke me? She is rather small, and her ability to choke me was very little, not to mention if I had fought back, she would stand no chance against me. Nothing made any sense until one day I came home from work and there was a message on my answering machine from Elena's cousin, Aleksandra, asking me to call her. I knew that there was a restraining order issued on me, so I was worried if I called her back that I would be violating that order. So, I asked my lawyer and he advised me to tape the conversation for protection. I was told that one sided taping is legal in Iowa. So, I called her back, and yes, Elena and Sasha had been there, but Alek had just kicked them out. 

I asked Alek, "What story did Elena tell you about what happened on Sept 14th?". Alek told me that first Elena told her the same story as she had told the police. But Alek said that after Elena was there for 2 weeks, she felt comfortable and she told her the truth about how she choked me to provoke me to assault her. After several conversations with Alek, she finally told me how Elena got her bruises and scratches on her neck. She said how it happened sickened her. She also wrote it down on her statement.

(Below is Alek's hand written statement about her cousin, Elena, who is married to Gary. The letter speaks for itself.)

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(Here is the shack!)

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I did not know at the time that the "Womans Act" included special provisions for battered immigrant women and that this would allow them to get a greencard without having to stay with their husband. Anyway, Alek will help me in the DV case. I hope I will win the DV case. I certainly think I should win with Alek's help. 

Elena and Sasha left that evening while I was in jail. They took with them almost everything they had. Elena did however leave her diary in the desk drawer. She missed cleaning out one drawer before they left. I have since had this diary translated (it was hand written in Russian text).

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I was shocked when I read it, but I understood better why this all happened. You see, Elena used me to get a greencard. She explains in her diary how her plan was to come to America, get her greencard, and then leave me, and hopefully get a large divorce settlement. Her main goal was to get a modeling career started for her daughter. She also talks about how she will use Witchcraft and Black Magic to achieve her goal. She explains in her diary she will cause physical pain or mortal death to anyone who stands in the way of acheiving her goal.

I do not believe in this, so she can cast all the spells against me that she wants. I don't care. Alek explained to me that she hated me and she hated the small town and area of the country we were in. Alek told me that Elena called my house a shack and my city a sh-t hole and the people a bunch of religious freaks, and that Elena referred to my children as retarded pigs. Elena obviously could not stand living with me anymore, and choose the route of a battered woman to get her greencard.

Gary's story attracted the attention of Rick Yarborouh, producer of FOX5 news, Washington D.C. He was then film interviewed by the local FOX affiliate in Sioux City, and the film of this was sent to FOX5. It was broadcast in DC in March of 2006.

The USCIC (INS) never contacted Gary. Gary tried to contact the USCIS in Sioux Falls, Sioux City, Des Moines and Arlington, Virginia. His response from them was was best summed up by a agent in Des Moines, "What do you want me to do about it??"

On November 17th, I got this e-mail from Gary:

dave you won't beleive it, Elena's greencard showd up in my mail box today, what should i do with it?

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Case 2: Premeditated Green Card Marriage

Case 3: Research Questions & Answers

Case 4: Small Town Disgrace

Case 5: Cruel Admissions

Case 6: Another Green Card Seeker

Case 7: I know how to make your life miserable and I am going to do it!

More stories of immigration marriage fraud can be seen on our FORUM.

4 Updates & Rebuttals

Elena Valentina

#2Author of original report

Sun, June 21, 2015

 The name she is using now is Elena Valentina and she is still living in Longboat Key, Florida.


holistic body-mind therapy & wellness

#3Author of original report

Thu, April 24, 2014

She has now changed her name on her Facebook page to holistic body-mind therapy & wellness and has changed her city to Sarsota Florida


Sarasota Bradenton

#4Author of original report

Fri, February 21, 2014

She advertises in sarasota Florida


Last Name

#5Author of original report

Mon, February 03, 2014

Her last name when she entered the country was SEMECHKINA. I wonder why the name change.

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