  • Report:  #66241

Complaint Review: Sony - Fort Myers Florida

Reported By:
- Salinas, California,

12451 Gateway Blvd. Fort Myers, 33913 Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
On June 27, 2003, I called the Sony Direct response Center for my digital camera, model # DSC-P71, which was only 8 months old, because it was defective. It was shutting itself off within seconds and the LCD screen was going haywire until it eventually would not power on anymore; even with trying it with new and fully charged batteries.

When I called Sony, they told me that the labor warranty expired in 90 days, but the parts warranty was good for 1 year. I was then informed by the customer service rep and his supervisor, that I was required to pay $139.00 for the labor charge in advance of the repair, regardless if the unit was repairable or not! I argued that if they could not fix it, and in the event it had to be replaced, why do I have to pay for labor....what labor? Taking a new unit off the shelf and shipping it??? I was outraged, but felt I had no other option, as I already paid $400.00 for this camera, and did not want to lose the money already invested in it, so I relunctantly sent a check for $139.00 with my defective camera to Sony's repair center in Irvine, California. I also included with the camera a written letter explaining the problems and specifically asked for the refund of the $139.00 if the unit was not repairable and had to be replaced.

About 2 weeks later, I got my camera back from the Sony Service Center and they replaced 2 parts: a battery terminal board and a mounted c. board, and the invoice stated that they charged me the advance payment of $139.00 for those repairs. I then tested the camera and it was still shutting itself off within 2-3 seconds (it's supposed to stay on for 90 seconds before auto shut-off feature takes over) and within 5 minutes it went totally DEAD again. I was so upset.

I called Sony right away and they said they would send me a shipping label to send it back to Irvine. It took 2 weeks to get the shipping label, and then 3 more weeks till they finally sent me a new replacement camera. When I first got the Sony package, I was relieved to see the new camera, but I searched inside the box hoping to find a refund check for the $139.00, but there was none. That was on or about August 15, 2003. And to this day, I have not yet received a refund in the mail or no other contact from them. That's why I am fighting back.

Sony's warranty states: "PARTS: In addition, Sony will supply, at no charge, new or rebuilt replacements in exchange for defective parts for a period of one (1) year. After 90 days from the date of purchase, labor for removal and installation is available from Sony authorized service facilities or a Sony Service Center at your expense."

The key words above are REMOVAL and INSTALLATION. Since Sony's first repair attempt of my camera failed, I should not have to pay labor for that. And since the second time, all they did was replace it, there is no REMOVAL or INSTALLATION of any parts!!!

Therefore, they owe me a refund for that labor charge of $139.00 that they forced me to pay in advance.


Salinas, California

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