  • Report:  #24795

Complaint Review: speedee oil change and tune up - metairie Louisiana

Reported By:
- metairie, la,

speedee oil change and tune up
1714 veterans blvd metairie, 70005 Louisiana, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I went to Speedee oil change for a routine oil change. After completion of the oil change the technician informed me that I had a bad fuel filter. I told him I had no time to wait for it to be changed and he insisted it would only take 25 minutes so I agreed.

I asked him if he had the part in stock and he said yes to which surprised me because I have a 1988 Saab. He finished in the approximated time ,I paid, and left. Each time I got out the car after that day I smelled gasoline and I thought it was just because the fuel filter was just changed.

Then after this proceeded days after I called my family mechanic to check it out. He found that speedee pout the wrong size filter in the car and had I not brought the car to him when I did ,I may have caught fire. With this discouraging news, I called Spoeedee to inform them of the bad part they installed in my car. In response to it Joey The manager said that my mechanic is a liar and that putting the wrong part in a Saab was impossible because they have to leave to retrieve such a part.Ironicallly though that day the technician told me that the part was in the building!!!!!!!!

I then told Joey this and he didn't care. I asked for my money back and he bluntly said no!! He said he'd give me a store credit and quite frankly I'll never trust Speedee to touch my car ever again!!!!


metairie, Louisiana

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