  • Report:  #3863

Complaint Review: Speedy.com - Glendale California

Reported By:
- Yucaipa, CA,

www.speedy.com Glendale, California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I was informed that I had actually won one of their cash prizes. I followed their instructions that was supposed to enable me to claim my prize. HOKAY...Fine!!! When it came to the "submit" part, my screen froze, and I got a message that this program was not working, and I was prompted to end the program, which I did.

Now, I have Windows 2000, which does not crash...it merely shuts down, and restarts. So, I thought I'd done something incorrectly, and attempted to claim my prize again. Yup...you guessed it, samo-samo! OoooKay."lets find their customer service...ummm...it had to be there somewhere. But, guess what? No cigar. Every one of their so-called links to their tech services/help/e-mail, all re-load their page!!! Don't try to call them...it's not a real human! Alas, I've come to the very real consideration that there are NO prizes...it's a scam to keep you on their site.

Now, there's no way that anyone can convince me that someone from such a big site made an innocent "boo-boo" in their programming! The site is to well put together.

My suggestion to all you gamers out there? Totally stay away from these game sites. There are quite a few other game sites that freeze up on you, so...beware, unless you want to restart your buddy, your trusty computer several times over.

Hey, I'd like to have been able to claim a cash prize...who wouldn't? So...Speedy.com, where's the mula you owe me...huh?

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