  • Report:  #46854

Complaint Review: Spiegel - Beaverton, Oregon

Reported By:
- greenfield, Wisconsin,

FCNB Processing Center For Spiegel Co Beaverton,, 97078 Oregon, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
we were solicited by this company for an insurance policy and were told that at any time we could discontinue it after the trial period.

we contacted them and told them we did not want this policy and they continue to bill us. we made many phone calls to this company and spoke to various people there and wrote their names down on the billings and they promised us our money would be refunded in the terms of terminating the billings. some said it would take at least three billing periods for this to appear on our bill.

we are still getting billed and now the bills say our account is SERIOUSLY OVERDUE AND WILL BE TURNED OVER TO A COLLECTION AGENCY. I hope something can be done about this dishonest manner of getting money from people.

I dont even have a spiegel charge card and they also said that our card that was originally sent to us would be placed as not active.this card was cancelled shortly after receiving the first billing from them.


greenfield, Wisconsin

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