  • Report:  #1256048

Complaint Review: SPS REVIEW FORUM & - Internet

Reported By:
MaggieL - Va Beach, Va , Virginia, USA

Internet, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
"Hope" the owner of the site claimed the site was opened to share spiritual info. and experiences, both good and bad. It seemed to divert from what some of us expected and instead grew to tormenting people, much like some Nigerian scammers had done to some, caused them to feel suicidal. That is why I joined the site because a scammer from a different country had tormented a person, until they were on the brink of taking their life. It

was horrible what was done to some, so have no idea why "Hope" and her following would repeat that type of behavior. It is appalling!

Some of us, (ok I), did not realize what she was "Hope" was doing, until I accidentally had supported and defended her in her dishonesty. I don't know for sure if the Sps Review Forum was started with the intention of attacking, spreading lies about good people's, and or company names and

businesses, and really terribly defaming and taunting others, but it sure did grow to that. She was also allowing a competing seller to read on other

seller's vessels.

The Definition of Social Bullying. - Social or covert bullying involves spreading rumors about another person, purposely leaving someone out of an activity or group or embarrassing a person in public. Another form of bullying that falls into this category involves encouraging others to avoid a certain person or group.

Federal Trade Commission can help those whose businesses have been harmed.

((There is a section on Competition.))

For bullying, her/their spreading of rumors and exclusion the police and FBI are the route to go.

Internet fraud and SPAM

Internet harassment

FBI local office

I strongly discourage anyone to try to obtain justice by following their lead of harassing. You want your case to be hold value with the proper
authorities. Just stick with truths, as what Hope and the forum, that she alone controls (unless something changed after I left the site in 2012) is
in fact now engaging in illegal practices. In the 16 mos. I was on the site it grew into something unreconizable and now is just plain fraudulent.
Please report and save others from being hurt by her false rumors and or claiming good workers are scammers when they are not. I
am concerned with her and the SPS forum members bullying tactics really will someone will committ suicide. 

4 Updates & Rebuttals

SPS Review Site is the Jerry Springer like show of websites.

#2Author of original report

Sun, October 18, 2015

It appears even though the SPS forum has tormented and explotied people for years they cry foul when exposed. Some of us are into a bunch of massage therapists in Washington state, as well as Kismet and Crystal posters in Arizona. Just turn every bit of info. over not just to your local police, but the police stations in the United States of Washington, Arizona, New York, California, Manasas Virginia, Florida and Colorado, Interpol, FBI and IC3. Makes Calls and Send Letters.

 A friend and I were discussing that people's secrets are something people take to their graves, but these people are reprehensible to others and need exposing. It is not so much helping people but instead wanting to hurt people, for their own gain and profit.


Jim D.

Twin Falls,
The site is a thorn.

#3Consumer Comment

Mon, October 12, 2015

Going to pass on this information to some friends. Would be nice if those in the coven could get use craft for better use. While t's pushed some clients our way, it takes time tto explain we are no scammers. 

More Info.To Help..........

#4Author of original report

Thu, September 24, 2015

These are links gathered that should be of help.
to those in the spiritual community, both to workers
who are seeking monetary damage and to anyone who was
defamed by them. Read the links (if interested), because
snail mail with precise directions and/or wording is needed for some.

For Organizations

Complaints about mergers, antitrust issues, acquisitions and business

conduct that harm competition, limit products or services, destroy

innovation, or raise prices may be submitted to


Office of Policy and Coordination

Room CC-5422

Bureau of Competition

Federal Trade Commission

600 Pennsylvania Ave., NW

Washington, DC 20580

Telephone: (202) 326-3300

[email protected]
NOTE: Send mail only to the 600 Pennsylvania Ave., NW (Headquarters) address

above. For Individual Consumers

Complaints about fraud, scams, phishing, identity theft, unwanted

telemarketing, credit or debt issues, or other unfair business practices may

be submitted to
Offices in DC, the FTC has eight regional offices — in Atlanta, Chicago, Cleveland, Dallas,
Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco, and Seattle — that help to amplify our national impact
and local presence, and allow us to respond better to the diversity of the U.S. marketplace.



Report content issues or violations


"Here's how you can let us know when you come across inappropriate content,

comments, and reviews on Google Play. We take your reports very seriously."


(Just one site of many that may be helpful.)
Defamation Online

Defamation is generally defined as a false,

published statement that is injurious to the plaintiff's reputation.

An online posting, even on an obscure website, will likely be seen

by a few people, thus satisfying the publication requirement.

- See more at:


Opinion and Fair Comment Privileges

As per Freedom of Speech..............

This is not to say that every statement of opinion is protected. If a

statement implies some false underlying facts, it could be defamatory. For

example, stating that "in my opinion, the mayor killed her husband" is not

likely to be a protected opinion. Couching false statements of fact as

opinion or within quotes from other sources generally won’t protect you

either. Nor will trying to cover yourself by saying that a politician

“allegedly” is a drug dealer, or that your neighbor said the politician “is

a drug dealer,” or that in your opinion, the politician is a drug dealer.

A reader may well assume you have unstated facts to base your conclusion on,

and it would be a defamatory statement if the implied facts turn out to be

*** Publication of Private Facts: The legal claim known as "publication of private facts"
is a species of invasion of privacy. You commit this kind of invasion of privacy by publishing private facts about an individual, the publication of which would be offensive to a reasonable person. his legal claim can only be successful, however, if the facts in question are not legitimately newsworthy. So, for instance, if you disclose the fact that your neighbor has an embarrassing health condition, you might be liable for publication of private facts. If, however, this medical condition is particularly relevant to some topic of public interest -- say, your neighbor's fitness to serve in public office, a court might find that your publication is lawful ****
* Attention to first prapagraph
In a defamation lawsuit, a court will not hold you liable for stating an opinion.
But, be aware that simply adding the words "in my opinion" to the beginning of
a sentence will not always hold on in a lawsuit or court hearing.

you might have been tricked by a phishing email:

Obvious Phishing/Luring.
(From Hope to me.) I did not comply!
We can get a free analytic program and get accounts for access.

The free sites like topix or world press do not give you good analytic. I

like clicky, we can create a free account, it has some limitations, but it

is good.

First let me know what you think is better, topix or world press, and think

about a good title and an article about spellcasters and scammers.

You write the article and open it to comments. I can set it up for you. I

just do not have the time or energy to get involved in another forum or

blog, if you know what I mean. Just give me the name you like and I will

open an email account and a blog with that name

Once it is set up it will take few weeks before the search engines find it,

we may need to make some posts to get it going and once the search engines

find it, scammers will come to it, I know what they look for because I have

all their searches.

I will set it up for you, can create an email account, give you the

passwords and let you do with it as you please, as I told you before, I can

not get involved in the operations, this forum is taking too much of my time


Just put some ideas toogether and I will open and prepare the blog for you:

To start we need:

Choose service: Word Press - Blogger or Topix?

Blog name

Basic article to open the blog and description

Once it is set, you get some people posting there about scammers, start

posting and exposing scammers, soon they will find it and will come with

their rounds, but it will take it few months before is fully visible in the

search engines. Maybe you can call it Maggie's Blog or maybe it would be

best to make it independent from the forum all toogether, it is up to you.


Posts: 868

Joined: 08 Sep 2010 04:00

Private message

Maggie, lets open a blog just like topix, I will open and let you manage it,

I do not have the time to do it myself. We open it to comments and I send it

to the search engines, scammers will find it and will post un moderated, let

them fill it up, to catch their IPs.

I can do the wordpress page and let you manage it, it will be great if we

can get the ips of everyone who comes and post!


Posts: 868

Joined: 08 Sep 2010 04:00

Private message
There are many, maybe hundred who joined the sps review forum
only to be called "a scammer" and told "they were promoting", if
they tried to be helpful in sharing someone's name that had helped them.
So much for "honest reviews."
(Including this last part, because I feel certain "Hope" will lie and claim I came
on there in the fist place as a ruse, but not so.) Seen it before, as she claims
when exposed or disagreed with, that that person is "a scammer. " This is why
she connected me and others to everyone else, because if the dots diverted
away from who she wanted! Anyone can believe what they want though, but
someone maybe will see what she does.)
This was the start to my end on the site. I had only been on the site for a year.

Hi ____,
          I hope life is treating you well. I hope this doesn't make you uncomfortable, but I have been very uncomfortable myself, about something that took place on the SPS review forum, and for the first time am thinking of quitting it. Feel it is was extremely wrong for Hope to have shared all that info. about Why_ _ _ .
           Just the fact that it was another member has left me feeling almost sick about it. Clearly she holds on tightly to a grudge. We should all protect the members, and especially in their absence. I don't mind helping others, but I can not support that. Got an opinion on this?
                              Have a great day,
Exposing a woman's and her family private info., ( including bathroom habits) is just cruel, that had been privately passed on to her and allowing another (me) to fault that blame shows the type f person she is. It was really wrong that people much, much older than the young woman who was wasbeing attacked and bullied was clearly wrong, but what Hope did was
just as wrong!!
To lure people to her site to embarrass, accuse and slander them, when they thought
the'd be learning and sharing is just over the top cruel and deceptive.
((Just know Hope will try ever angle there is to make it seem I am a scammer, ..as in oh my, the audacity ofcalling her out. Know she will attempt to make it seem it it has nothing to do with the real facts at hand. Once it was ponted out to me that one of the AIRR people who has been helping people for many years, often offering free and great advice had been falsely labeled a scammer I was just taken aback and knew someone FOR SURE was amiss then. Then To be told very recentlly by someone I know well "Yaya" was promoted as "the only approved one" (as per a spellcaster,) to see first hand luring people by deception and ruining people's lives and reputations by repeatedly putting all their info. on Google for the whole world to see, for them to feel repeatedly "emotionally raped", by "Hope's" actions, despite was losses , sicknesses, tragedies, bleeding hearts., with not one care about the person is so blatantly the actions of a SCAMMER!!! To see young minor children who have suffered on of life's greatest cruelties featured in Google with a lady and scammer was just ott. ))
I am not in anyway defending myself, (I have no need to);just stating facts, but sure the lies will permeate with some, until you are ready to see things for yourself. I do not work for anyone, never did. Paid for insight like everyone else did, got no favors to lure business to others. Kinda really does seem likesomething like that may be an issue on that site now, but that is just a guess. ' What happened a year later is not my doing, and I really do not have all the answers. NOT HOPE  AND ANY CONSPRICY THEORISTS ON THERE, OUT TO SPEW DIRT ABOUT OTHERS WHEN THERE IS NO WAY OF THEM BEING ABLE TO DEFEND THEIR CHARACTER.
Anyway this really has nothing at all to with the past.This is a the serious matter at hand, so I will not allow "Hope" to act like it is about something I have waiting to retaliate about. It just simply is not.Some of these spiritual workers have lost thousands upon thousands, due to slander and favortism, lives are being destroed and even private citizens lied about. THAT IS ILLEGAL &THOSE ARE THE REAL ISSUES!

Their Slander

#5Author of original report

Tue, September 22, 2015


“A rumor is a social cancer: it is difficult to contain and it rots the brains of the masses. However, the real danger is that so many people find rumors enjoyable. That part causes the infection. "

~ Chris Jami, Killosophy

“What man ever openly apologizes for slander? It is not so much a feeling of slander as it is that of a massive lie, a misdeed not only to the slandered but also to those manipulated in the process. He has made them all, every one, his enemies, thereupon he is so overwhelmed with guilt that he will deny it until his grave.”

― Criss Jami, Killosophy

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