  • Report:  #202419

Complaint Review: STALLION - WHITNEY MYRICK Aks CYDCOR - Nashville Tennessee

Reported By:
- Old Hickory, Tennessee,

Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
This company is the saddest thing I have ever encountered. Here's how they will scam you! First, you will answer a completely obscure add(whether it be via newspaper or internet)that will have nothing to do with the company(i.e. "Do you like having breakfast with stars?...B.S.!!) You are really doing outside cold calls business to business selling the much loved products of Bellsouth. Then some completely fake bubbly person will call and say that you have been exclusively selected to participate in a first round interview, and that they are only doing them today and tomorrow(BS again)and what time is good for you ____ or ____? So, thinking this is some great opportunity, you're sucked into one of their many dishonest techniques to scam you.

Okay so now you go to this office in Green Hills (that can only be afforded because she can scam tons of people on a daily basis) and are greeted by either JESS or LIZ who both are sucked into this monsters world(poor girls) and are now being paid hardly crap for a totalitarian monster that is completely irrelavant to their hard earned degrees(sad, I know). So now you are asked to fill out this ridiculous questionare that has no real questions that any respectable employeer would ask, and then finally brought in to the most histaricall interview you'll ever go to by either WHITNEY MYRICK(aka the fake monster) or STEPHEN SHEIREKO(the only honest one of the group). If you get Stephen, feel lucky, because the blonde didnt think she could scam you, he's a good person( by the way runs a seperate sales company and is very up-front). But if you got "Whit", as I did with many unfortunate others, heres whats REALLY up.

So the first interview is filled with tons of COMPLETELY out there questions like if you could visit any country in the world where would it be? But will completely avoid anything that has to do with the job. So, AMAZINGLY, she will then say she has several people to interview and she will only select a few for a second round interview and mentions once again absolutely nothing about the job. So low and behold, you WILL get a second interview, even if you came in and were dressed like a clown and have never worked a day in your life, eventhough they will say that there are only going to be a few that get the second interview.

So the second interview is just as entertaining as the rest of the crap. Remember when you were one of the select few that will get a second round??? Well, thats a lie too. Its a real shocker to walk into this pathedidc excuse of a waiting room and see 10 other people there. You will also come in expecting to have a real discussion about the job and SUPRISE, you have just walked into a full day interview shadowing a "top account executive. A "top account exeutive" will then come and show you a typicall day in the job. RIGHT, ok reality...these top account executives are people who have probably just completed their third week of training and have NO IDEA whats going on or even how to effectively interview a person, all they know is the automatic response to give( as you will find out this method is a trend) and you will spend a whole day following around this sad brainwashed person business to business and listen to them scam and minipulate each person they come into comtact with.

So before you get back to the office, the real kicker will beign. they will then do what most companies who have no morals do, entice you with MONEY!!! so they will lay out this huge "management training" crap about how they are trying to promote out tons of new offices and blah, blah , blah......whatever. They say that you will have the opportunity to own your own company and create opportunity for others and make hundreds of thousands of dollars along the way, oh and by the way, this will only take about a year. How may successful companies do you know of that start making hundreds of thousands of dollars after only a year and are honest, NONE!

So you get back to the office and now supposedly the "top account executive" and the she devil will have to discuss your day and then evaluate what to do....NO...they will tell sexual racial and dead baby jokes till they think enough time has passed and then bring you in and give you the job. shocker, huh. so at that point they will walk you down and bully you into starting tomorrow and make sure you dont come into contact with anyone who may have caught on to any of their lies.

FIRST DAY, joy joy, so you fill out your "new hire" paperwork which will include an honesty clause that says if you are caught lying to customers you are to be fired. Funny, someone should dust that off and apply its guidelins some time. Then she will inform you that you will not be paid for 3 weeks and at that point youll receive a check that has training pay for the past weeks, LIES which will be explained later. and then after thats done, its time to enter ATMOSPHERE!!! Welcome to the most unprofessional ridiculous part of this place. There will be rap music, unedited by the way if you get what i mean, and high fiving( because all the CEOs and Executive do this instead of that immature shaking handa thing), and shouting and booty dancing, and hangman. WOW, that just screams proffessionalism. Another thing youll notice is that strangely all the employees are white and between the ages of 20-26. Thats once again a doing of ms. whitney myrick. equal opportunity employeer anyone?

So now the training begins. You'll have 5 maybe 6 days if your lucky to cram all the product knowledge, selling(or should I say Lying) techniques, and automated responses into your head before they cut you loose. But dont worry, your honest and upstanding trainer will make sure any commission he/she makes will be equally shared to you! GUESS AGAIN! Let me let you in on a little secret, there is no compensation for training, eventhough, they will tell you point blank you are being paid. It is absolutely heart breaking to see a person who has a family be sucked into this crap by lure of money just to see him get cheated out of 3 WEEKS of 50+ hours a week of pay.Its sickening. When you confront them about this, they will say OH im sorry, there must be an error or flaw and I will check on it. I worked there for 4 months and never saw a penny for my first 5 weeks. I have looked into this and even if you are a commission based only employee you are still to average out at least minimum wage but those rules dont apply here. ( I have since reported them to the fair wage and compensation department of tennessee and they are outraged and pursuing more research). Oh and did i mention you are to use all your own gas, and your own car with NO compensaion at all to drive to a territory that is an hour away??? ya Im gagging too.

So now that youve been taught to scam, eventhough you have NO IDEA you are really lying to your customers, heres how they do it. they tell you exact things to say to customers that conveinently omitts information to the customers and in turn enables you to make a sell. Really, does Billy Joe Bob's transmission need international long distance and does his credit card machine need voicemail??? According to whitney and all her lying schemeing sorry excuses for human being associates thinks so. OH by the way, I know youre a one telephone line extremely small businessbut i want to make sure you are covered just incase there ever was an accidental callling to an internaional number. ya I accidently dialled Japan last week, it happens all the time. but lets neglect to tell you that its gonna raise your bill 20 dollars a month. Lets just say "your paying for all the features to activate it," right BROOKE VAIL(one of the many fat, nasty fake tanned lying idiots who call themselves humans that works there)??? NO sorry that is a plain BOLDFACE LIE and I will have NO PART OF IT! Not to mention the part that really makes my skin crawl, no matter what the problem, be it personal or business there is an automated response to EVERYTHING and I mean EVERYTHING! For example, I had a concern about the amount of time I was spending at work vs the time at home as a newlywed. Whitney then said she would have a meeting with me after work and we would discuss it. So the time came and she then proceeded to tell me we were going to the local bar to sit and discuss my personal issues and have a drink. theres that professionalism again. so we then proceeded to have what I thought was a heart felt conversation about how she and her boyfriend had gone through the same thing blah blah blah, like she even cares about him, she tells him she doesnt smoke eventhough shes got one in her mouth every 5 minutes! what a role model. So, about 3 weeks later we have a meeting about "critical Conversations" and she hands out his typed out diagram of what exactly to say to someone if they have a personal or business related problem that always will divert the conversation from the issue and make it a plus for the company, even if its a lie, even down to how to get some one to take the least amount of time off if there is a death in the family. Unbeleiveable. Bottom line, I could go on and on and on of the lies that were told on a day to day basis with that place. The crap they fed me and will feed you is so outlandish and i feel so sorry for those people. So heres my advice to you wheter you are researching the company or are curious because it sounds too good to be true??? well IT IS! Get out as soon as you can and dont be sucked in like I was for SOOOO long. All lies are soon uncovered, so do you want to be standing there exposed next to the heartless poor excuses for humanbeings when the time comes? You make the choice.


Old Hickory, Tennessee

8 Updates & Rebuttals


Ah, so here is how Stallion, Inc gets away with no minimum wage.

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, July 13, 2007

You can ignore my post above if you want. In a few seconds, I realized how Stallion is not federally responsible to pay minimum wage. Minimum wage does not apply to exempt employees. Employees of Stallion are exempt because they primarily handle outside sales and are customarily and regularly away from the office in Hillsboro. The FLSA defines customarily and regularly as "more than none but less than often". No wonder we drive around door-to-door. Since employees conduct all sales away from FUN atmosphere, they fall into this category which is littered with semantics. Direct Marketing is lovely and a way to avoid telemarketers? Perhaps, but direct marking also is a shrewd and clever way to sidestep minimum wage. Bravo, Cydcor, bravo.


Minimum Wage

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, July 13, 2007

My report above is subjective. I would like to add one criticism of Stallion, Inc which is not rooted in personal bias. Stallion, Inc does not meet federal minimum wage standards. Anyone who has questioned this probably received one of the following answers: 1) You understand that pay is commission-based. 2) Tennessee does not have a state law in regard to minimum wage. Neither of the above are acceptable reasons. Why? Although the state of Tennessee does not itself set a state law, federal law trumps this issue. Every legal employee is entitled to a base pay of $5.15/hour according to federal regulations. Commission is intended to be added income to this base. This takes no further steps to learn about than a simple search online of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). In the event that a state does have a law, the employee is entitled to the higher amount. Logic follows that states create their own laws ONLY to raise the federal minimum. States that do not have their own law are still subjected to uphold the federal standard. Even though employees sign an acknowledgment of the commission-only pay, Stallion Inc should ethically ensure at least minimum wage. Now, of course Cydcor has a team of lawyers who are spin experts. My goal is not to take down Stallion. I simply want to throw out something for employees and future-employees to keep in mind. If you get a chance, walk into that supply closet. You know. The room to the left of the entrance where forms are kept. There, behind one of the cabinets, you will see the posted FLSA statement of minimum wage. Every business is required to post this within sight of its employees, so take a look.


See through the tricks.

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, July 12, 2007

Of course, each individual has a different experience within the company and group. This business is not for everyone, but that does not say it is without fault either. In no way is it ethical to manipulate thoughts. However-- who actually buys it? The company teaches business tactics which yes, are incorporated generally in any business. That is the nature of the field. Door to door sales is not glamorous. It is not a humanitarian effort. At its bare bones, even though some vendors are helped with updated phone plans-- the focus is on the individual gain of the seller. This is a "take control of your life" company, but who would follow its practices? I took control and got out. Sure, some on top of this pyramid succeed. It is not comparable to the setup in ethical business, even the most lucrative in cities like New York and Boston (where these Stallion employees hope to be one day). To anyone like me who feels duped, do not take out your anger on Stallion. Don't let them impact you. Move on and consider yourself smart. Even though a handful of Cydcor employees thrive and make a high salary-- most don't. Do you honestly think the people you worked alongside would make it in a REAL city and a REAL business. When the client base stretches outside of the ignorant, small-town Joe or apathetic business owner in Brentwood, let's see if they can compete with the sharp minds coming out of business schools and universities. That is what amuses me most. During training, everyone spit out "I want this car" or "I will make six figures" one day. I laughed inside, because my friends who were years younger than them were already making that salary but did not defy ethics. But hey, what I wrote above borders insignificance. To anyone still at Stallion or who is considering applying-- be your own judge. Who am I to set your standards. I personally did not see myself in Stallion's mold, because I had different goals for myself. I did not want to waste 6-8 months in a company, climbing the ladder through jokes and dancing, when I could actually be working a normal day, getting paid for it, and better yet-- seeing a more tangible future for myself. This future existed above Stallion. There is no need to mention names, because as previously advised-- be your own judge. I will say that although ANYONE who posts on this board more than likely represents either extreme, there is truth in both the positive and negative reviews. The interview process has been described in my opinion truthfully. There is not much diversity (a handful of black or asian people does not yield diversity if they constantly are labeled as token minorities), but this could be a reflection of Nashville itself. I personally agree with Reba in regard to the lack of professionalism in and out of the office. Professionalism and fun do not have to be separated, but the office should present an image that runs parallel to its corporate message. Stallion felt more like a happy-hour of people in their late 20's who only talk about what they will buy or do once they get out of Stallion. The top reps talk about their goals away from Stallion? The company is a transition-focused meat churner. If this works for you, you'll be fine. If you want something else for yourself, then leave. The good thing is you sign no contract- so you can leave whenever you want.


Rebuttal to your Rebuttal

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, March 08, 2007

I was also told by Whitney that only 2 people would be chosen. I came in the next day to find that there were more people being interviewed even though the "interviewing process was being wrapped up," according to Liz. I also asked for paperwork on benefits and other policies, which I never got. I was just thrown in the field with my trainer without knowing what most employers volunteer on the interview alone. And I, like some others I've heard from, was not aware that I would be "in the field" an entire day and had to rearrange my schedule to fit it in for fear of not being offered the job. Oh, and Whitney also brought in the classifieds to one morning's "atmosphere" to tear down other employers' ads to let us know what we "could" be doing and were told to "get excited" about being a plumber who makes 10 bucks an hour. If it weren't for that plumber, Whit, you'd have to scrape the s**t off your own floor, and I don't think you'd be very excited about that now would you? Also, I heard so many people hoping to be "in leadership by Friday," yet they always did the same thing I was doing in training, and still making only commission. Not worth it, people, not worth it. I'm just glad I found out what Stallion was doing before I got in too deep. I knew something was up when on the first day I already started to dread going to work on Tuesday. I'm glad I got out. I hope others will see the light soon, too. I really hope the young lady who was being "interviewed" on my first day with a two-year-old son gets out. I do have one question: How many locations has Stallion been in? I've seen three different addresses for this branch. We did have several black employees, but everyone was under 30. And about the "being bullied into starting the next day"....I sort of was. On my application I wrote that I was available on March 19, but was asked to start on March 5 instead. I was going to be out of town a week, but they insisted I start before I left. Too bad I quit 3 days later.


Whitney Myrick a competent & successful manager

#6UPDATE Employee

Sun, July 30, 2006

Whitney Myrick has been up front and honest with me about every situation that I have brought to her attention. First off, Reba, Jess & Liz are anything but fake. After working with them for 4 months you should be able to determine the difference between sincerity and fakeness. As far as the interview, perhaps your memory is a little weak...I was brought in for the interview and my credentials were reviewed as well as my job history. The only topic that didn't pertain to the interview was me asking Whitney where she was from. Everything was fully disclosed to me, from the interview on. The second interview was a day in the field with one of the reps, the pay structure was commission only, and the training was consequently not paid with the exception of splitting the commission with your trainer. In the event that you didn't get paid it wasn't Whitney's fault, it was your trainer who didn't split the apps right. The interviewing process is just like Whitney said it was, she interviews 40-50 people a day so naturally being selective means 5-10 people coming back for a second interview, get your numbers and facts right before you speak. As far as the reps scamming and manipulating business owners, there is a tremendous amount of independence in the job. Which means an account rep can be as shady or as honest as they want to be. Most of the shady account reps are out of the company within 3-4 months because dishonesty NEVER succeeds in business..strange how long were you with the company wasn't it 4 months? As far as honest companies making more than 100k in their first year I would venture to say there are hundreds, did you never talk to the business owners you were selling the products you hated? Multiple business models allow employees to make that kind of money, but those companies place the responsiblity of doing that solely in the employees hands. It's called taking personal responsibility for your life. I pushed back my start date 3 times, I was never "bullied" into starting the next day. Whenever I had an interview in the field me and Whitney ALWAYS talked about that person and if I felt they were qualified for the job or not. I remember quite clearly most of the "booty-dancing" done by you which strangely 3 weeks ago you had no problem with. It's seems to me that corporate america has a problem with showing enthusiasm these days, what's wrong with having fun while you work? Hi-fiving isn't an appropriate celebration? As far as EOE we have 4 african-american employees, one asian-american, and a couple 30 year olds in an office of 20...so they aren't all white. Of all the people in the office you should be the last person to whine about pay! You made $3000 in one day!!! How many things did that business owner get that he really didn't need for his 26 locations? If it is your choice to sell with a decieving mentality you can do it. Every business owner that I sold voicemail to knew it was 7 bucks a month and they knew they were getting it. The long distance usually was set up in a way where it qualified the recipient for a 40% discount therefore lowering their bill, they could also cancel the ld anytime they wanted to! Whitney and I have had multiple discussions on me fitting into the company. This business isn't for everyone and she was upfront with me on that from the get go. I've had issues with certain things and people that I work with and every time she has not been shady or dishonest. If you would have leveled with her I'm sure she could give you accurate advice as she has me. Fact of the matter is don't be a company role-model 1 week and then the next week slam the company for everything you did in your own judgement, it lacks consistency..I would've thought you better than that.


Whitney Myrick a competent & successful manager

#7UPDATE Employee

Sun, July 30, 2006

Whitney Myrick has been up front and honest with me about every situation that I have brought to her attention. First off, Reba, Jess & Liz are anything but fake. After working with them for 4 months you should be able to determine the difference between sincerity and fakeness. As far as the interview, perhaps your memory is a little weak...I was brought in for the interview and my credentials were reviewed as well as my job history. The only topic that didn't pertain to the interview was me asking Whitney where she was from. Everything was fully disclosed to me, from the interview on. The second interview was a day in the field with one of the reps, the pay structure was commission only, and the training was consequently not paid with the exception of splitting the commission with your trainer. In the event that you didn't get paid it wasn't Whitney's fault, it was your trainer who didn't split the apps right. The interviewing process is just like Whitney said it was, she interviews 40-50 people a day so naturally being selective means 5-10 people coming back for a second interview, get your numbers and facts right before you speak. As far as the reps scamming and manipulating business owners, there is a tremendous amount of independence in the job. Which means an account rep can be as shady or as honest as they want to be. Most of the shady account reps are out of the company within 3-4 months because dishonesty NEVER succeeds in business..strange how long were you with the company wasn't it 4 months? As far as honest companies making more than 100k in their first year I would venture to say there are hundreds, did you never talk to the business owners you were selling the products you hated? Multiple business models allow employees to make that kind of money, but those companies place the responsiblity of doing that solely in the employees hands. It's called taking personal responsibility for your life. I pushed back my start date 3 times, I was never "bullied" into starting the next day. Whenever I had an interview in the field me and Whitney ALWAYS talked about that person and if I felt they were qualified for the job or not. I remember quite clearly most of the "booty-dancing" done by you which strangely 3 weeks ago you had no problem with. It's seems to me that corporate america has a problem with showing enthusiasm these days, what's wrong with having fun while you work? Hi-fiving isn't an appropriate celebration? As far as EOE we have 4 african-american employees, one asian-american, and a couple 30 year olds in an office of 20...so they aren't all white. Of all the people in the office you should be the last person to whine about pay! You made $3000 in one day!!! How many things did that business owner get that he really didn't need for his 26 locations? If it is your choice to sell with a decieving mentality you can do it. Every business owner that I sold voicemail to knew it was 7 bucks a month and they knew they were getting it. The long distance usually was set up in a way where it qualified the recipient for a 40% discount therefore lowering their bill, they could also cancel the ld anytime they wanted to! Whitney and I have had multiple discussions on me fitting into the company. This business isn't for everyone and she was upfront with me on that from the get go. I've had issues with certain things and people that I work with and every time she has not been shady or dishonest. If you would have leveled with her I'm sure she could give you accurate advice as she has me. Fact of the matter is don't be a company role-model 1 week and then the next week slam the company for everything you did in your own judgement, it lacks consistency..I would've thought you better than that.


Whitney Myrick a competent & successful manager

#8UPDATE Employee

Sun, July 30, 2006

Whitney Myrick has been up front and honest with me about every situation that I have brought to her attention. First off, Reba, Jess & Liz are anything but fake. After working with them for 4 months you should be able to determine the difference between sincerity and fakeness. As far as the interview, perhaps your memory is a little weak...I was brought in for the interview and my credentials were reviewed as well as my job history. The only topic that didn't pertain to the interview was me asking Whitney where she was from. Everything was fully disclosed to me, from the interview on. The second interview was a day in the field with one of the reps, the pay structure was commission only, and the training was consequently not paid with the exception of splitting the commission with your trainer. In the event that you didn't get paid it wasn't Whitney's fault, it was your trainer who didn't split the apps right. The interviewing process is just like Whitney said it was, she interviews 40-50 people a day so naturally being selective means 5-10 people coming back for a second interview, get your numbers and facts right before you speak. As far as the reps scamming and manipulating business owners, there is a tremendous amount of independence in the job. Which means an account rep can be as shady or as honest as they want to be. Most of the shady account reps are out of the company within 3-4 months because dishonesty NEVER succeeds in business..strange how long were you with the company wasn't it 4 months? As far as honest companies making more than 100k in their first year I would venture to say there are hundreds, did you never talk to the business owners you were selling the products you hated? Multiple business models allow employees to make that kind of money, but those companies place the responsiblity of doing that solely in the employees hands. It's called taking personal responsibility for your life. I pushed back my start date 3 times, I was never "bullied" into starting the next day. Whenever I had an interview in the field me and Whitney ALWAYS talked about that person and if I felt they were qualified for the job or not. I remember quite clearly most of the "booty-dancing" done by you which strangely 3 weeks ago you had no problem with. It's seems to me that corporate america has a problem with showing enthusiasm these days, what's wrong with having fun while you work? Hi-fiving isn't an appropriate celebration? As far as EOE we have 4 african-american employees, one asian-american, and a couple 30 year olds in an office of 20...so they aren't all white. Of all the people in the office you should be the last person to whine about pay! You made $3000 in one day!!! How many things did that business owner get that he really didn't need for his 26 locations? If it is your choice to sell with a decieving mentality you can do it. Every business owner that I sold voicemail to knew it was 7 bucks a month and they knew they were getting it. The long distance usually was set up in a way where it qualified the recipient for a 40% discount therefore lowering their bill, they could also cancel the ld anytime they wanted to! Whitney and I have had multiple discussions on me fitting into the company. This business isn't for everyone and she was upfront with me on that from the get go. I've had issues with certain things and people that I work with and every time she has not been shady or dishonest. If you would have leveled with her I'm sure she could give you accurate advice as she has me. Fact of the matter is don't be a company role-model 1 week and then the next week slam the company for everything you did in your own judgement, it lacks consistency..I would've thought you better than that.


Whitney Myrick a competent & successful manager

#9UPDATE Employee

Sun, July 30, 2006

Whitney Myrick has been up front and honest with me about every situation that I have brought to her attention. First off, Reba, Jess & Liz are anything but fake. After working with them for 4 months you should be able to determine the difference between sincerity and fakeness. As far as the interview, perhaps your memory is a little weak...I was brought in for the interview and my credentials were reviewed as well as my job history. The only topic that didn't pertain to the interview was me asking Whitney where she was from. Everything was fully disclosed to me, from the interview on. The second interview was a day in the field with one of the reps, the pay structure was commission only, and the training was consequently not paid with the exception of splitting the commission with your trainer. In the event that you didn't get paid it wasn't Whitney's fault, it was your trainer who didn't split the apps right. The interviewing process is just like Whitney said it was, she interviews 40-50 people a day so naturally being selective means 5-10 people coming back for a second interview, get your numbers and facts right before you speak. As far as the reps scamming and manipulating business owners, there is a tremendous amount of independence in the job. Which means an account rep can be as shady or as honest as they want to be. Most of the shady account reps are out of the company within 3-4 months because dishonesty NEVER succeeds in business..strange how long were you with the company wasn't it 4 months? As far as honest companies making more than 100k in their first year I would venture to say there are hundreds, did you never talk to the business owners you were selling the products you hated? Multiple business models allow employees to make that kind of money, but those companies place the responsiblity of doing that solely in the employees hands. It's called taking personal responsibility for your life. I pushed back my start date 3 times, I was never "bullied" into starting the next day. Whenever I had an interview in the field me and Whitney ALWAYS talked about that person and if I felt they were qualified for the job or not. I remember quite clearly most of the "booty-dancing" done by you which strangely 3 weeks ago you had no problem with. It's seems to me that corporate america has a problem with showing enthusiasm these days, what's wrong with having fun while you work? Hi-fiving isn't an appropriate celebration? As far as EOE we have 4 african-american employees, one asian-american, and a couple 30 year olds in an office of 20...so they aren't all white. Of all the people in the office you should be the last person to whine about pay! You made $3000 in one day!!! How many things did that business owner get that he really didn't need for his 26 locations? If it is your choice to sell with a decieving mentality you can do it. Every business owner that I sold voicemail to knew it was 7 bucks a month and they knew they were getting it. The long distance usually was set up in a way where it qualified the recipient for a 40% discount therefore lowering their bill, they could also cancel the ld anytime they wanted to! Whitney and I have had multiple discussions on me fitting into the company. This business isn't for everyone and she was upfront with me on that from the get go. I've had issues with certain things and people that I work with and every time she has not been shady or dishonest. If you would have leveled with her I'm sure she could give you accurate advice as she has me. Fact of the matter is don't be a company role-model 1 week and then the next week slam the company for everything you did in your own judgement, it lacks consistency..I would've thought you better than that.

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