  • Report:  #369840

Complaint Review: Steele Creek Animal Hospital - Charlotte North Carolina

Reported By:
- York, South Carolina,

Steele Creek Animal Hospital
9729 S Tryon Charlotte, 28273 North Carolina, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I was hired as the Practice Manager at Steele Creek Animal Hospital in Jan of 2007, through a veterinary consulting firm (VMC, Inc) on a year contract. Within a week of locating my family all the way down the east coast, Dr. Young told me that she could not afford to pay me. During my short 5 weeks at SCAH, I experienced a very hostile environment,, backstabbing, and an Assistant Manager (Moana Leone) that obviously had it out for me.

One morning, 4 weeks after I started, I noticed the bank deposit from the previous night was not where it usually was. It was the Assistant Manager, Moana, that was on the night before. Of course, she didn't know what happened to it. Dr Young accused me of stealing it.

I'll skip to the chase. Dr. Young FIRED me after 5 weeks there, stating in the termination letter that I wasn't doing my job up to par, so to speak (and I still have emails from the consulting firm stating that I was doing a great job). She gave me a zero dollar final paycheck (it should have netted $2000), and then got a friend cop of hers to call me and threaten to prosecute me for stealing the deposit.

The cop called me incessantly, threatening that he knew that I stole the deposit and that he was working on getting a warrant if I didn't come in for questioning. I called a few lawyers (of course, I didn't have money for one...Dr. Young took my last paycheck). The advice I got was to NOT go in for questioning. Nobody has to go in for questioning. If the police had a warrant, they wouldn't have to call me in for questioning. I believe in obeying the law, but I felt like I was being set up and I had never been in trouble with the law, so I wasn't sure how things worked.

Then...somehow, the police did get a warrant. Not for stealing the deposit, but for false pretense..Dr Young alleged that I gave her a fake moving receipt for exchange for the moving money she gave me (which didn't cover half of my moving expenses). The receipt was not fake. Keep in mind, the cop was a good friend of hers.

Dr. Young told unemployment and the EEOC (I called because of my final paycheck) that I had been arrested for false pretense, and told the consulting firm that I was hired through, and even told my church pastor and my previous employers!!!!!!! I have essentially been blacklisted in my field of work.

Recently, the charges have been dropped. Apparently, the prosecution realized the truth...a little too late, considering my children and I have been drug through the mud. Now, unemployment and the EEOC say the statute of limitations have expired, apparently, the statute of limitations have expired for defamation of character, as well. How does that work, considering everyone told me (before the case was dismissed) they couldn't do anything as long as there were criminal charges against me, even if they were false allegations? So, after all she has done to me, I'm supposed to just go on with my now meager life, and leave it alone? Is there no recourse?

By the way, Moana Leone is now the Practice Manager (what I was hired for). Ironic?

Obviously, Dr. Young consulted a lawyer, and they told her to press criminal charges against me so I couldn't do anything to her. There must be something that protects employees from this stuff.


York, South Carolina


5 Updates & Rebuttals


Have you all considered a class action suit?

#2Consumer Comment

Sun, November 02, 2008

I hope you kept DOCUMENTATION of all of this because you will need it when BOTH of you file CLASS ACTION SUITS against this lying ***** and her henchman. It sounds to me like she is hiding assets from IRS by accusing employees of taking the money SO YOU ALL --BOTH OF YOU--NEED TO REPORT THIS TACTIC to the IRS CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION DIVISION AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! You can also file charges on HER for fraud and misappropiation with the District Attorney's office. Also, I would consider civil action against her as well and her whole RIP-OFF operation. I WOULD ALSO SUE THE HEADHUNTER COMPANY THAT REFERRED YOU TO HER BECAUSE THEY SET YOU UP FOR FAILURE. EOC WAS THE WRONG PLACE TO HAVE GONE. THEY BASICALLY ONLY HANDLE MATTERS OF DISCRIMINATON BASED ON GENDER, RACE AND ETHNIC AND RELIGIOUS AT WORK. YOU NEEDED TO COMPLAIN TO THE WAGES AND HOUR PEOPLE ( THE LABOR BOARD --CONTACT YOUR STATE EMPLOYMENT COMMISSION TO FIND OUT HOW TO CONTACT THESE FOLKS) There ARE laws in place to keep employees from being cheated out of wages that they legitimately earned. Your state employment commission should have what we have in Texas and it is called the Payday Law Enforcement Division where the assets of the employer can be frozen UNTIL they pay the employee what they owe them! Imagine how this woman treats the pets that unwary pet owners bring to her for treatment. NOT MUCH LOVE,COMPASSION HERE FOR EMPLOYEES, WHAT CAN THERE BE FOR THE LITTLE ANIMALS? And, by the way, you can file a complaint on her with the State Agency that licenses veterinarians and they will send someone to investigate. CONSULT AN ATTORNEY WHO IS LICENSED BY THE BAR ASSOCIATION IN YOUR STATE FOR LEGAL ADVICE THAT PERTAINS TO YOUR CASE. Initial consultation is free. I bet you might be able to find a number of people who hav e been screwed over by this lady in her attempts to conceal assets by accusing former employees of stealing them which is why I suggested reporting this to the IRS -- THEY have NO statute of limitations for prosecuting tax evaders and our country can sure use those back taxes plus penalities and interests. So report her to IRS...


Have you all considered a class action suit?

#3Consumer Comment

Sun, November 02, 2008

I hope you kept DOCUMENTATION of all of this because you will need it when BOTH of you file CLASS ACTION SUITS against this lying ***** and her henchman. It sounds to me like she is hiding assets from IRS by accusing employees of taking the money SO YOU ALL --BOTH OF YOU--NEED TO REPORT THIS TACTIC to the IRS CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION DIVISION AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! You can also file charges on HER for fraud and misappropiation with the District Attorney's office. Also, I would consider civil action against her as well and her whole RIP-OFF operation. I WOULD ALSO SUE THE HEADHUNTER COMPANY THAT REFERRED YOU TO HER BECAUSE THEY SET YOU UP FOR FAILURE. EOC WAS THE WRONG PLACE TO HAVE GONE. THEY BASICALLY ONLY HANDLE MATTERS OF DISCRIMINATON BASED ON GENDER, RACE AND ETHNIC AND RELIGIOUS AT WORK. YOU NEEDED TO COMPLAIN TO THE WAGES AND HOUR PEOPLE ( THE LABOR BOARD --CONTACT YOUR STATE EMPLOYMENT COMMISSION TO FIND OUT HOW TO CONTACT THESE FOLKS) There ARE laws in place to keep employees from being cheated out of wages that they legitimately earned. Your state employment commission should have what we have in Texas and it is called the Payday Law Enforcement Division where the assets of the employer can be frozen UNTIL they pay the employee what they owe them! Imagine how this woman treats the pets that unwary pet owners bring to her for treatment. NOT MUCH LOVE,COMPASSION HERE FOR EMPLOYEES, WHAT CAN THERE BE FOR THE LITTLE ANIMALS? And, by the way, you can file a complaint on her with the State Agency that licenses veterinarians and they will send someone to investigate. CONSULT AN ATTORNEY WHO IS LICENSED BY THE BAR ASSOCIATION IN YOUR STATE FOR LEGAL ADVICE THAT PERTAINS TO YOUR CASE. Initial consultation is free. I bet you might be able to find a number of people who hav e been screwed over by this lady in her attempts to conceal assets by accusing former employees of stealing them which is why I suggested reporting this to the IRS -- THEY have NO statute of limitations for prosecuting tax evaders and our country can sure use those back taxes plus penalities and interests. So report her to IRS...


Have you all considered a class action suit?

#4Consumer Comment

Sun, November 02, 2008

I hope you kept DOCUMENTATION of all of this because you will need it when BOTH of you file CLASS ACTION SUITS against this lying ***** and her henchman. It sounds to me like she is hiding assets from IRS by accusing employees of taking the money SO YOU ALL --BOTH OF YOU--NEED TO REPORT THIS TACTIC to the IRS CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION DIVISION AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! You can also file charges on HER for fraud and misappropiation with the District Attorney's office. Also, I would consider civil action against her as well and her whole RIP-OFF operation. I WOULD ALSO SUE THE HEADHUNTER COMPANY THAT REFERRED YOU TO HER BECAUSE THEY SET YOU UP FOR FAILURE. EOC WAS THE WRONG PLACE TO HAVE GONE. THEY BASICALLY ONLY HANDLE MATTERS OF DISCRIMINATON BASED ON GENDER, RACE AND ETHNIC AND RELIGIOUS AT WORK. YOU NEEDED TO COMPLAIN TO THE WAGES AND HOUR PEOPLE ( THE LABOR BOARD --CONTACT YOUR STATE EMPLOYMENT COMMISSION TO FIND OUT HOW TO CONTACT THESE FOLKS) There ARE laws in place to keep employees from being cheated out of wages that they legitimately earned. Your state employment commission should have what we have in Texas and it is called the Payday Law Enforcement Division where the assets of the employer can be frozen UNTIL they pay the employee what they owe them! Imagine how this woman treats the pets that unwary pet owners bring to her for treatment. NOT MUCH LOVE,COMPASSION HERE FOR EMPLOYEES, WHAT CAN THERE BE FOR THE LITTLE ANIMALS? And, by the way, you can file a complaint on her with the State Agency that licenses veterinarians and they will send someone to investigate. CONSULT AN ATTORNEY WHO IS LICENSED BY THE BAR ASSOCIATION IN YOUR STATE FOR LEGAL ADVICE THAT PERTAINS TO YOUR CASE. Initial consultation is free. I bet you might be able to find a number of people who hav e been screwed over by this lady in her attempts to conceal assets by accusing former employees of stealing them which is why I suggested reporting this to the IRS -- THEY have NO statute of limitations for prosecuting tax evaders and our country can sure use those back taxes plus penalities and interests. So report her to IRS...


Have you all considered a class action suit?

#5Consumer Comment

Sun, November 02, 2008

I hope you kept DOCUMENTATION of all of this because you will need it when BOTH of you file CLASS ACTION SUITS against this lying ***** and her henchman. It sounds to me like she is hiding assets from IRS by accusing employees of taking the money SO YOU ALL --BOTH OF YOU--NEED TO REPORT THIS TACTIC to the IRS CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION DIVISION AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! You can also file charges on HER for fraud and misappropiation with the District Attorney's office. Also, I would consider civil action against her as well and her whole RIP-OFF operation. I WOULD ALSO SUE THE HEADHUNTER COMPANY THAT REFERRED YOU TO HER BECAUSE THEY SET YOU UP FOR FAILURE. EOC WAS THE WRONG PLACE TO HAVE GONE. THEY BASICALLY ONLY HANDLE MATTERS OF DISCRIMINATON BASED ON GENDER, RACE AND ETHNIC AND RELIGIOUS AT WORK. YOU NEEDED TO COMPLAIN TO THE WAGES AND HOUR PEOPLE ( THE LABOR BOARD --CONTACT YOUR STATE EMPLOYMENT COMMISSION TO FIND OUT HOW TO CONTACT THESE FOLKS) There ARE laws in place to keep employees from being cheated out of wages that they legitimately earned. Your state employment commission should have what we have in Texas and it is called the Payday Law Enforcement Division where the assets of the employer can be frozen UNTIL they pay the employee what they owe them! Imagine how this woman treats the pets that unwary pet owners bring to her for treatment. NOT MUCH LOVE,COMPASSION HERE FOR EMPLOYEES, WHAT CAN THERE BE FOR THE LITTLE ANIMALS? And, by the way, you can file a complaint on her with the State Agency that licenses veterinarians and they will send someone to investigate. CONSULT AN ATTORNEY WHO IS LICENSED BY THE BAR ASSOCIATION IN YOUR STATE FOR LEGAL ADVICE THAT PERTAINS TO YOUR CASE. Initial consultation is free. I bet you might be able to find a number of people who hav e been screwed over by this lady in her attempts to conceal assets by accusing former employees of stealing them which is why I suggested reporting this to the IRS -- THEY have NO statute of limitations for prosecuting tax evaders and our country can sure use those back taxes plus penalities and interests. So report her to IRS...


North Carolina,
know how you feel

#6UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, November 02, 2008

to queen b i know how you feel with the whole steele creek bull. i was an employye there for about 6-7 months. the whole time i was there it was nothing but backstabbing, gossip, cat fights, etc, you name it . especially by the "pratice manager" Mo. she was the worst bout starting up crap between everyone and talking crap behind people back. i was fired from having an allergic reaction and passing out from it my husband had to rush me to the emergency room then when i came back to work to find out that ive lost my job right at thanksgiving! but before that crap everytime i turnd around someone was talking crap about me dont know if they were jealous or what i know it wasnt from not doing my job cuz like you i have letters stating goog job, gift cards, these fish pins and all kinds of other stuff plus on top of that i had great customer service if i didnt then the owners woulldnt have given me tips, presents, complimented me IN FRONT OF Mo and Dr Young, i still dont why i was fired they never came out with a reason. i didnt even get a termination letter, i came into work, worked the whole day and when i went out to my car liz followed me and told me mo needed to talk, when i got in there she told me that she had to let me go, with again no valid reason but when i filed for unemployeement i was denined and i didnt even get all of my last two paychecks. i can only imagine what they told the unemployeement people especially after what they said about you!!!! they are some kind of work of art/devil they judge everyone talk crap about everyone and some of the things they had said about some of the clients im surprised they have any clients left. when i was there they actually made a client turn his puppy over to them cuz he couldnt pay the total bill of a couple thousand dollars, after a week or so they finally decided to give the puppy back and let them do monthly payments. i think that maybe why one of the reason why i got fired cuz i let them know my opinion about it but of course the person i told turned what i said around and got fussed at about and i need to keep my opinion to my self there is so much more i can go on about. now because of that i probably wont be able to get another job in the animal field and that what i know.

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