  • Report:  #363462

Complaint Review: Suzie Q's Puppies - Tobaccoville Rd. North Carolina

Reported By:
- sanford, North Carolina,

Suzie Q's Puppies
6265 Tobaccoville Rd. Tobaccoville Rd., North Carolina, U.S.A.
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For my birthday all I wanted was a yorkie. I gathered up all of my birthday money and bought my puppy from Suzy Q.

I fell in love with my new baby girl. Two days later she was very sick and I took her to the vet. She had parvo.

After three more days of heart ache and $500 dollars later a Total of $800 for vet bills and price of my dog she died!

Sue Hunter ignored my phone calls and messages left. Two weeks later I called from a different phone and she answered. I told her about my puppy.

She laughed at me and told me that it was not her problem. Then hung up on me!

I want my money back! An "I'm sorry" would have been nice. Instead I'm out $800 and have the parvo virus all over my house and now I can't have another dog for at least six months!

She is still breeding dogs at her house which is covered in the virus. Please don't buy from her. You will only get your heart broken.


sanford, North Carolina


3 Updates & Rebuttals


North Carolina,

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, August 19, 2008

Some of these references are from people that bought from me out of the same litter that this woman is lieing about. Ozzy is great he is the most spoiled puppy I have ever seen. My wife is in love and his best friend is Cash they are such good friends and they sleep together all the time. He is an amazing puppy and I'm so happy you sold us the puppy thanks!! From Elisabeth, Mike, Ozzy, and Cash and soon to be baby we just found out recently thanks!!!! Michael Crowe Thanks for asking. He's doing great, he's getting big though. He is all ready 9 pounds. He just finished up all his shots for the year this weekend. He is doing really good on housetraining. He always uses the newspaper when he's inside and when we take him out he doesn't waste any time doing his "thing." He is very much a "type A" very active and playful. His ears are not standing up, do you think they ever will? He's cute with them the way they are but he doesn't have the Yorkie look, more like an Irish terrior. I've attached some pics, the first is Winstin with his girlfriend (rescue) Jazmin, the second is him trying to get to my Yorkie, (Baxter) and the third is Winstin with a "mohawk" with his mommie, Ashley, who wasn't able to make the trip. Hope you're doing well. Thanks for checking in with us!! Lori Hey sue all is going well. I made a great choice with choosing Dexter. He's crazy hyper but I love him! He's even bigger than the last pic I sent you! I'm still trying to get him potty trained its difficult with the new schedule I work trying to get him on a feeding schedule but it'll work out eventually. The only other thing is I'm trying to control his chewing he's chewed up 3 phone chargers so far so I'm thinking about getting one of those big cages to keep him in while I'm sleeping and incase no1s home until he learns to chew only his millions of toys hi sue, the puppy is doing really well. he has grown a bit and is doing great with the potty training, he only has about 2 or so accidents a week and is already going to the door and sitting down when he has to go. He also knows tricks. In his repertoire he can, sit, shake, and kiss(where you bend over and say kiss and he will jump and kiss your lips, even if he's across the room). he's a fantastic dog and we are very pleased with him, thank you so much for a wonderful addition to our little family. colby p.s. we named him "krone" it means royal crown, he's a little prince so there ya go. take care and best to you and your family Good Morning Sue, He's doing great! He was so sweet on the ride home. He sat in my lap the whole time and slept. I tried to get him to use the potty, but alas, he had an accident on my white skirt. :) He barked for a while because he didn't want to go in his room for sleepy time, but other than that he has been wonderful. He is great with the children and my husband even loves him. (Not that he will admit it.) We have named him Bently. My 1 year old tries to say puppy whenever he sees him. It is really cute how the whole family has taken to him. I am not great with the potty training thing, but my Mom is coming up to help me out for a bit. How are you adjusting to him being gone? Susan Hi Sue, Its good to hear from you!!! So far, Hershey is doing pretty well...However, He is ALOT bigger than I had expected. But, he is healthy and strong. I actually wrote you about a month ago to see if you had pictures of his mother and father for me to get a picture of what color/size he may actually become in the future. He sits a little funny-on his back legs...the vet told me to keep an eye out on him as it could relate to hip problems. Thanks for checking up on him! Joii P.S. I have attached a picture of him when he was about 3 months old! :-) She is doing great! She is doin very well with house training only make an accident here and there. She's got an awesome personality and loves my daughter. Her name is Precious! She even has one ear up now and trys to hold the other up most of the time. Her are a couple of pics of her and 2 of her new friends. She move alot hard to take a pic lol! We have 3 other dogs but my older toy poodle dont get in on all the rough play. oh and by the way she has been groomed already in the pics so she might look a little different! My puppy's name is Brownie. He is wonderful. He is full of lots of energy. I have received lots of compliments about Brownie's beautiful, silky coat. Thank you for the wonderful addition to our family. You can see pics of Brownie attached. There are plenty more e-mails like these.


North Carolina,
False Accusations!!!

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, August 18, 2008

I am the owner of Suzie Q's Puppies, I have been trying to talk to Angela and she will not try and work this out. I have offered to replace this puppy if she would send me the vet info about what happened and she won't do it, I cannot and will not do anything until I get this information. She signed an agreement to send me this information, she had 3 business days to take the puppy to a vet and make sure it was ok, then she had another 10 days to send me a copy of that information which she has not done. She is posting false and defamatory information about me on this site, and I can prove it. I have e-mails were I have tried to deal with this and she just won't do it. Here on rip off report she says that her puppy got sick two days after she bought the puppy from me she says she took the puppy to a vet and that they told her the puppy had parvo. In an e-mail from Angela, she says the puppy got sick for the first time the same night she bought her. Which is it? She also says that she called me and left messages which she did not, and I have a phone bill to prove that. She called me on 7/29/08 to make an appointment to pick up the puppy, she came 8/2/08 and picked her up, then on 8/15/08 she called to tell me the puppy died from parvo two weeks earlier. I have not ignored any phone calls, I have never laughed at her over this and she states that I have. I absolutely hung up because there was no talking to her. I will not be harrassed. Also in my contract there is absolutely no cash refunds involved, but I will replace the puppy in one year if there is a genetic defect and an autopsy has to be performed on the puppy. I have offered to replace her puppy depending on what the vet reports, but she will not send that to me. She will not even tell me were she took the puppy so I can call them myself. In my very first e-mail I did say I was sorry about her puppy dieing and here she is saying different. I do not have parvo in my house, if I did every dog that I have would be sick or dieing and it is not happening, I have a great vet and he has told me the incubation for parvo is 3-7 days, we would like to see her vet exam on this puppy and she will not produce this for us. I am going to post our e-mails below. The first one is right after she called me and I hung up on her. Date: Friday, August 15, 2008 Hey Angela, I'm sorry about your puppy dieing from parvo. I don't know why you waited 2 weeks to contact me about this. You never followed the contract and sent me any kind of information through certified mail. Parvo can be caught from anywhere so that is not something that you can place blame on. I have not had any other puppies or dogs die so it doesn't make any sense that you place the blame on me for that. I don't know were you took the puppy or what you done with the puppy after you left my home. Parvo is very contagous so if your puppy had parvo it didn't come from here. Sent: Friday, August 15, 2008 Sue, I called you while I was at the vet. I left a couple of messages with you and you didn't return my calls. I took her to the vet the following tuesday to get her check up which would have fallen under the contract. She was already sick. She tested positive for parvo. I know that its very contagious but, the incubation period for parvo is ten to fourteen days. Im not looking to place the blame on anyone but, with that incubation period theres only one place it could have come from. I have the vet bills. I didn't send you the certified check up because she died on me. This puppy has cost me $800 total between the cost of the puppy and the vet. This was my birthday present. Im sure you can understand how upset I am. I just want my money back. Angela Date: Saturday, August 16, 2008 ok I really don't know were you got your information on parvo, but parvo has a incubation period of 3-7 days. I also got out my phone bill and I looked up your number, the only times that you have called me were on 7/29 at 2:55 pm and on 8/15 at 10:36 pm. My contract does not cover anything like parvo and when u left here the puppy was playing and acting just fine. She had not been sick here, I am really not obligated to replace the puppy or refund any money to you, as you never followed the agreement. You also waited 2 weeks before you called me. I have not seen any documentation at all whatsoever. I would like to see what you received from your vet on your puppy, you can send it e-mail or you can send it to my address which is on my paperwork that you received when you picked up your puppy. If you could just do this I will consider replacing the puppy depending on what that paperwork says, but there will be no cash refunds involved. Why didn't you send me all this information when the puppy died? Where did you take your puppy for her first exam? Date: Saturday, August 16, 2008 I did call you. I can send you my phone bill. I also left you two separate messages. I looked up parvo once again and the incubation is 3 to ten days. She got sick for the first time the night I brought her home. I have witnesses. The dog was sick and I was too busy nursing her to get all of my paperwork in order. The contract was the last thing on my mind. I did have her checked out within the three days the contract says and the vet said she had parvo. I will send you the vet bills. I'm contacting the attorney general. And the better business bureau. Regardless what your contract says its unethical, unprofessional and fraudulent to sell a sick dog. Angela


North Carolina,
False Accusations!!!

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, August 17, 2008

I am the owner of Suzie Q's Puppies, I have a contract that comes with all my puppies with a year health guarantee with them. I have been breeding puppies for 14 years and have never had a problem like this one before. I am posting emails that I have sent to this lady trying to talk to her about this and am not getting anywhere with her. Here are all the emails. They start from the bottem up. My contract can be seen at ncpups4u.com I did call you. I can send you my phone bill. I also left you two separate messages. I looked up parvo once again and the incubation is 3 to ten days. She got sick for the first time the night I brought her home. I have witnesses. The dog was sick and I was too busy nursing her to get all of my paperwork in order. The contract was the last thing on my mind. I did have her checked out within the three days the contract says and the vet said she had parvo. I will send you the vet bills. I'm contacting the attorney general. And the better business bureau. Regardless what your contract says its unethical, unprofessional and fraudulent to sell a sick dog. Angela --- On Sat, 8/16/08, Sue Hunter wrote: From: Sue Hunter Subject: Re: Puppy To: angiexxxxxxxxxx Date: Saturday, August 16, 2008, 9:21 AM ok I really don't know were you got your information on parvo, but parvo has a incubation period of 3-7 days. I also got out my phone bill and I looked up your number, the only times that you have called me were on 7/29 at 2:55 pm from 931-220-6116 and on 8/15 at 10:36 pm from 931-217-5408. My contract does not cover anything like parvo and when u left here the puppy was playing and acting just fine. She had not been sick here, I am really not obligated to replace the puppy or refund any money to you, as you never followed the agreement. You also waited 2 weeks before you called me. I have not seen any documentation at all whatsoever. I would like to see what you received from your vet on your puppy, you can send it e-mail or you can send it to my address which is on my paperwork that you received when you picked up your puppy. If you could just do this I will consider replacing the puppy depending on what that paperwork says, but there will be no cash refunds involved. Why didn't you send me all this information when the puppy died? Where did you take your puppy for her first exam? Thank You Sue Hunter 336-391-2033 www.ncpups4u.com ----- Original Message ---- From: Angie xxxxxxxx To: Sue Hunter Sent: Friday, August 15, 2008 11:34:21 PM Subject: Re: Puppy Sue, I called you while I was at the vet. I left a couple of messages with you and you didn't return my calls. I took her to the vet the following tuesday to get her check up which would have fallen under the contract. She was already sick. She tested positive for parvo. I know that its very contagious but, the incubation period for parvo is ten to fourteen days. Im not looking to place the blame on anyone but, with that incubation period theres only one place it could have come from. I have the vet bills. I didn't send you the certified check up because she died on me. This puppy has cost me $800 total between the cost of the puppy and the vet. This was my birthday present. Im sure you can understand how upset I am. I just want my money back. Angela --- On Fri, 8/15/08, Sue Hunter wrote: From: Sue Hunter Subject: Puppy To: angiexxxxxxxxxxx Date: Friday, August 15, 2008, 10:53 PM Hey Angela, I'm sorry about your puppy dieing from parvo. I don't know why you waited 2 weeks to contact me about this. You never followed the contract and sent me any kind of information through certified mail. Parvo can be caught from anywhere so that is not something that you can place blame on. I have not had any other puppies or dogs die so it doesn't make any sense that you place the blame on me for that. I don't know were you took the puppy or what you done with the puppy after you left my home. Parvo is very contagous so if your puppy had parvo it didn't come from here. Thank You Sue Hunter 336-391-2033 www.ncpups4u.com

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