  • Report:  #289654

Complaint Review: T-mobile - Florence Kentucky

Reported By:
- walton, Kentucky,

t-mobile.com Florence, Kentucky, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Well I went to an authorized deal for t-mobile. I did call to make sure they were a liable store and it was, therefore I did go there to set up my service. I was put on the flex pay account, unaware that the service was new. Had I of known that I would have never of agreed to set up the service. I did not receive any paperwork nor did I sign any paper work at this location for my t-mobile phones. I parched the phone on September 14, 2007. I got done about time for the store to close so I left right after receiving the phones. My plan consisted of two phones, 300 mins, 400 text messages, and my fads.

I had a few more places to go so I waited until I was done with my running before I tried the new phones. Stupid of me. I called my bf that had my other phone, and I was unable to get service at my home at that and I could not hear from the phones. I called t-mobile to make sure I was able to get my money back that next day since it still has yet to be proceed and I was never really used the phone except for the two mins I called my ex bf. Ignorantly I do not have the names of the employees with me, however, the lady I spoke with told me that I would be able to cancel and receive my money back that Saturday morning. Needless to say I put the phones back in box they came in and I put them in the bag until the next morning.

That Saturday morning I returned the phones to the store, however the rep I talked to LIED!! I was unable to cancel the phones for ten days, which I was never told about and the previous rep I spoke with told me that I could cancel it sat.

I called t-mobile again a week later to make sure the phones was canceled however they was not canceled until the September 25,2007. So right there caused a problem. The rep told me that I would receive my refund of @ 80.00 in 30.00 which I could live with since I was not going to be getting them back any time soon.

Well a month passed and sill no check so I called t-mobile once again. This time the rep informed me that it takes any where form 30-60 days to receive a refund check. Well I waited another 30 days to see if it would come, guess what it sill had not came. So I called on November 8, 2007 and the rep told me that they approved it and it was sent out. Well I called back on November the 10, 2007 to verify that my check was sent out. That rep notified me that it still needed to be sent it was just approved so the previous rep LIED. (3REPS HAS NOW) Well since the check was not sent out yet I asked them to send it to my grandmother home since thats were I was living at the time. I had just moved so my mail is still being forwarded to me. So even if it was being sent to my old address I still should have gotten it. I SPELLED OUT THE ADDRESS...for the rep and he changed it for me. The rep was very respectful toward me and he apologized for the previous reps. He was very help full and he advised me that I should be receiving my check in 3-5 days (November 16th is when I should have received my check)

On November 19th I called t-mobile back and notified them that I still have yet to receive my refund check. They advised me at that time that the address was wrong. REMEBER I DID SPELL MY ADDRESS FOR THE REPRESENITVE. They changed the address to the correct spelling. The rep. told me to be patient and wait and see if the post office has it. I asked to speak to a supervisor and they told me they could not allow me to speak to one. Then I asked if I could be transferred to there voice mail and they told me again they could not due that. I asked why they could not and the rep studied....he could not give me reason as to why they could not do it.

I called the post office and notified them that the wrong address was put on the check from t-mobile. The lady at the post office told me that she would keep an eye out for it and she would forward it to this address.

I waited until November 26, 2007 to make sure that I was not going to receive it. That morning I had canceled the check as soon as I got to work and asked them to send it out. Approximately and hour after I had called my grandmother called me to notify me that my check was there. (I ASSUMED THAT SHE HAD OPENED MY MAIL TO MAKE SURE THATS WHAT IT WAS.) So I called t-mobile to let them know that I have recived my check. I was NOT able to check it until I got home. I live in hour away from were I work so I did not get home until late.

The next morning on November 27, 2007 I called t-mobile back again; to let them know that the situation with the check. They told me to wait a little longer (Monday December 3, 2007) so I did. I asked them if they could track the check and they told me no I could not do that at all.....then I asked to speak to a supervisor and they told me they could not allow me to speak to one. Then I asked if I could be transferred to there voice mail and they told me again they could not due that. I asked why they could not and the rep studied....he could not give me reason as to why they could not do it.

In the mean time I have been calling the post office since November 16, 2007 to make sure they have not caught it.

I called again on December 3, 2007 asked them to reissue me a refund check. Now by this time I should have received it. Especially if they mailed it out on November 12, 2007. The rep apologized to me about the in convince of the situation and he said that she would take care of everything and my check should be here within 3-5 business days.

I called them back on December 5, 2007 to make sure everything was taken care of. Well, come to find out I was LIED TO AGAIN. (This is what? 8 times now???) The rep that I spoke with this time told me that "IT SAYS HERE THAT THE CHECK WAS ALREADY CASHED HE LIED!!! I NEW d**n GOOD AND WELL THAT THE CHECK WAS NEVER CASHED BECAUSE I NEVER REICIEVED IT. So he transferred me to another department, were I spoke to angle. Angie told me that they would have to investigate the location of my check and make sure I did not cash it. Then she told me that the investigating could be up to 5-7 business days. NOW the previous rep told me that I would be receiving the check in 3-5 days. Well the rep here told me just the investigation would take 5-7 day PLUS the extra 3-5 days to send it out.

I asked to speak to a supervisor this time she did get me to a supervisor however the supervisor BEE was very arrogant and would not help me in any way ship or form it was more or less that I was wasting his time. I would not listen to what I had to say and he was being a complete d**k head and a smartass!!!! Now I know that by that time (after 3 months) I was a little pissed however, when youre a supervisor you should listen to the customer and let them speak! Not interrupt them every time they said something. Bee said I quote "Here if you want me to give you a date in timer here lets say Sunday you will get your check. Is that what you wanted to hear?" He would not even try and see if he could get me eat testament time. He just kept saying the same thing over and over again.

I called back on Friday December 07, 2007. The reprehensive told me that there was a note on the account stating that I had received my check and that it is going through investigation. There was nothing that she could do about it and I would have to contact customer relations. However, there was not number were I could directly contact them. All she gave me was a fax number 1-813-353-6545. Then she told me that I would have to go to my back and have them show proof that I did not cash a check. Now you tell me how in the hell a bank is going to have proof that I cashed a check when the only time that it shows on the account is when I deposit money into the account.

So, all I want is my money back. I sick of getting decked around and not having ANYONE!! Tell me the truth as to when I should be reliving my money! I still have no clue as to when I will be getting it.

Oh, and not to mention that every time I have called them was during the day on my cell phone wasting my minuets.


walton, Kentucky


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