  • Report:  #67286

Complaint Review: Tanja M. Dorr - Kinmundy Illinois

Reported By:
- Williston, South Carolina,

Tanja M. Dorr
110 Madison St Kinmundy, Illinois, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
To all of the poor men in the country I can simpathise with you all;

One of these days there is going to be a 2nd,3rd, or 4th wife sentenced to death because of a woman in their husbands past just like TANJA M.DORR.

My husband was young and remarkably nieve when he was stationed in Germany while serving in the army. They met and she was unlike any other woman he had ever met. Smart, savy and very very MANIPULATIVE. She suceeded in getting him to marry her and move her to the US. She tried to convince him she was misrable so he would keep doing more and more to make her happy. It always boiled down to money. Well eventually He was nolonger able to fund her daily trips to walmart so she told him go drive a truck or Im leaving. So as most tried and true men would he did whatever it would take to make his new bride happy. And drive a truck he did. Little did he think that no amount of money would ever be enough.

After two years of marriage she became pregnant. Soon a little girl was born into the nightmare. I feel so bad for my stepdaughter Although as she gets older she shows signs of the same manipulative ways her mother has perfected over the years.

I'll get to the hard part. First was the chapter 7 bankruptcy. while Rich was out on the road trying to buy stock in Walmart, She sat at home and put them into financial ruin @ never less than $150 per day in friviolous purchaces.(Most of wich were sent to her family in Germany.) They ended up loosing everything. Well after the first Bankruptcy was finished they lost everything except for the shell of their home.

Next was the chapter13, What was totally amazing is that a legal document that is never supposed to leave the courthouse was taken to another town and a woman signed Richards name to. Later we found out who, he was 1900miles away from the court house at the time.(Documatation is availabe from the satellight recors @ ELITE Transportation.) He knew nothing about the whole thing untill the court ordered the payments to come out of his pay check... Amazed yet?? It gets better.

The day the bankruptcy was Ruled on she also filed for a divorce, and in the divorce decree she secured 100% custody of their daughter, The house, The car, & He was left with an order to pay $465 per week half to the bankruptcy and half to her. She wasnt done yet, Then the day he came home for some home time she met him at the door with the divorce papers and a bag of clothes. At this time he was informed if he didnot sign the papers he would never see his daughter again, At that moment she showed him her paperwork from I.N.S Granting her resident ailen status. Five Years To The Date!!!

We met & Fell in love. We had a son who was lost to sids at 29days old. 1 day after we buried him she hits us with a lawsuit to raise his child support, My son was dead so he didnt need the money. That was her logic. We faught with her for two more years before we had another child, this time a little girl. During the pregnancy I was under a high risk, & was ordered to bed @ 4months, didshe let up at all?? NO!!!!

After my daughter was born I finally had had enoufgh and tried to talk to her and try and make her understand that it did take some money for my child who had multiple health problems as an infant to live. I was promptly told she was unconcerned with weather my daughter lived or died, as long as she got her money.

My poor child is two now, and my husband has finally regained enough of a credit history to attempt to purchace a house for us so we woulnt have to live with my parents. It was looking like we had hope until today, The loan we had secured was suddenly denied due to a radical change in his credit score.

A Forclosesure suddenly appeared on his credit, knocking his score down by 100 points. Come to find out her house has not been upto date since the divorce and FMHA will not remove his name until the loan is satisfied. That was my last hope. She has had everything I ever wanted and Pissed it away. Also as if that isnt enoufgh, The state of Illinois Child support enforcement has so graciously informed us that since she has been reciving the state benifits of 1500 per month + 456 per month in child support + the ungodly amounts of money she makes under the table in a mail order business run over the internet, (She owns it), she is entitled to 65% of his net income after taxes!

Men out there please for the sake of the honest, loving women out there please refrain from letting some one else get involved in a situation such as mine. Remember in the eyes of the court, your new wife and children dont even exist. This is our story, Thank you for listining.

Misty & Richard

Williston, South Carolina

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