  • Report:  #243183

Complaint Review: Telesolutions International - U.M.A. - United Marketing Association - Winnipeg Manitoba

Reported By:
- nill, Manitoba,

Telesolutions International - U.M.A. - United Marketing Association
1760 Main Street Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I have worked for Telesolutions International for the past few months. I recently quit. Why? More like why not? First off, I should have known better the minute I walked into the doors, but I was desperate for a job at the time. The whole thing is a huge scam.

They tell you that they pay you for your training, then after you've spent 5 brutal hours of things you already knew. they tell you that you wont get paid for training until a month later.

On the pay stubs, no hours worked is listed. I have worked in more than 15 places. Each and EVERY paystub Ive ever recieved has had the hours worked listed. Telesolutions did not. They cheat you of your hours worked. Once you point it out to them they find ways to avoid fixing that problem.

I told them that I found a better position with a different company, non sales related. Paying me $14/hr. The General Manager Mrs. Pam Keith said to me, and i quote, "Well here, you have the potential to make $18/hr and I was actually going to promote you into the closing room" yeah. that's bull. I guess she's making up stories now because maybe i got offered a job that pays more than she'll ever get paid. I have the best job opportunity, full benifits, no sales, thank god i have secondary education.. cant say much for the schmucks working at telesolutions. Most of them barely passed high school

moving on. then she refused giving me my pay cheque. Why? I DONT KNOW! Because I dont work there anymore, apparently it has to be mailed to me.. But i was sitting in her office this morning staring at the stacks of pay cheques. They owe me two pay cheques and my 14%. I've been top sales person more than 3 times, I always showed up to work, I did everything they told me to. The minute I found a better position to better my future. they start treating you like you've done something wrong, then they try to screw you over by with holding your cheque. They have messed with the wrong person.

In point form.

- Lunch room. This place has well over 200 employees. Each employee making on average 10-15 sales per week. Each sale being 60 dollars (approx.) Don't tell me you cant afford to make a bigger lunch room. Its like 8ft by 20 ft.. no joke.

- You are nothing but a number. If you are producing, they want more out of you. Managers freak out on you when you made "only" 10 sales in one week.

- Recycling call lists. 80% of the calls I made were people who have already been called about 20 times within god only knows how long.

- Apparently you have to give them a 2 week notice to quit after less than 30 days of working there. Legal??? hmm, lets check up on that.

- Shift started at 8.30am. my manager forced us to start dialing at 8.19am. did we get paid for it. nope.

- Every employees personal life is told to everyone else. When you call your manager to tell him or her about a personal problem or reason as to why you are going to be late or absent. The minute they hang up the phone, they share your personal dilemma with the whole floor.

- This place is filled with crack heads, drug addicts, trash, managers claiming to me ex lawyers, doctors.. shaddaapppp!


I just would love to give my friendly American friends a heads up. When you hear the following script, tell them to put you on the DO NOT CALL list. Save yourself the trouble. What is the script?? Well, here it is...

Hi _________ my name is ________ Im calling with UMA in Las Vegas, Nevada and this is just a courtesy call to let you know you've been entered into the DREAM COME TRUE SWEEPSTAKES! So CONGRATULATIONS! Now, the sweepstakes are held every year for prefered customers of VISA, MASTERCARD, AMERICAN EXPRESS, and DISCOVER. You do have one of these correct?

GREAT! Well, In that case, as a sweepstakes contestant you are in the running for 25,000 in cash, a BMW sports car, a trip Venice, Italy, a trip to Australia, plus hundreds of other valuble prizes. Now, Obviously someone has to win, so best of luck to you. I do have a few Quick Survey Questions here for you: Are you Married, single, or engaged? Are you inbetween the ages of 18-20, 21-25, 36-69, or over 69? What are your hobbies?

Then they tell you about a free diamond watch (that you'll never get. and its plastic if u actually do get something), 3 magazines for the weekly delivery of one, yadda yadda. Some customers don't even recieve these items. Be cautious. you're paying 3.99/wk for 4 magazines.

Let's break this down.

UMA(United Marketing Association) Telesolutions International

3.99 x 4 weeks (one month)= 15.96

60 month contract (five years) x 15.96 = $957.60 USD

Entertainment weekly 40 weekly issues for $20 USD

$20 x 5 years of service = $100.00 USD (approx, give or take a few dollars)

100.00 x 4 different magazines (same average price)= $400.00

SO, tell me, within 5 years of magazine service, would u rather call and subscribe to the magazine you want for $557.60 LESS by calling the magazine's direct line.. or go with "UMA"??? It's a scam. Unless you really enjoy paying $557.60 for a dollar store watch that you may not even be recieving.

Enough said, Ive wasted too much thought on this lame company.


nill, Manitoba

7 Updates & Rebuttals



#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, October 05, 2009

i must laugh.

you being a current employee of the telesolutions firm and as a "figure" of  telesolutions i must say jarrod you're acting like such a god d**n p***y. i laugh because you call william a liar, cheater, and whatever else you say..but in reality you have no issues with lying and manipulating females to sleep with them.
truth is man, i hope u feel great about yourself going to bed at night knowing that you have a dead end job that your going to be stuck at for your life. maybe you should do yourself a favor, get some real education and find a career...rather then riding on braidens d**k your whole life.
i didnt see william disrespect or not speak truthful of his earlier post, so for you to come on here and release some very personal information on him makes u look like a b***h.
honestly dude, out of that place of employment, you're the lowest of the lowests scum that place offers and all i gotta say is thank god i left that shithole. its a very dirty place that thrives of hiring crack heads because they know they get paid weekly, and will produce for their fix....excellent job guys

i for one would never buy magazines from these losers, dont give out ur credit card information, hang up and put them on the dnc list. i was never fired or let go, i have no reason to speak the truth of the place, i say the truth because well........it is. would you ever willingly give out your credit card to a crack head on the streets of your nearest ghetto..? no! so why do it over the phone...save yourself the hassle and hang up.


I am soo glad i read this

#3General Comment

Wed, September 30, 2009

Today I was that victim. I should have hung up the phone and told them they were full of s**t. And it seems that they talked so fast I had no idea what I was really getting into until I was repeting after the supervisor during the computerized message. It said in 2-3 days I would be charged. I got charged TODAY and I got charged a dollar extra.

So I cancelled that card and got another one. And if they call again I'll give them a piece of my mind and tell them how I feel. And I will not pay another cent!


LOL Will Marinac...you should be the heading on ripoff report

#4REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, June 21, 2009

Alright Will you got me....I wanted to be a pro football player...ya what kid doesn't. As far as wanting to be a professional and the university education comment..well consider this. You were a lawyer...you scammed people out of millions of money and got caught and disbarred...you then found a job as a telemarketer...no shame in that..good money..but considering you were a lawyer..shamefull. I might not have a university, but there are millions of successful people in the world without one, and the fact is simple. I currently make more than you will ever make again in your life..im 27..your in your 50's...well 30's if you go by what you'd tell girl employees of yours when you were managing...so grats on your university education. As far as ignorance is concerned, you can come up with whatever insults you'd like but the only insecurities lie with you and the lies you tell all the people around you. Anyone who knows you Will knows what you are...a liar..a cheat and a scammer...in fact, half the complaints on her regarding telesolutions are no doubt because of you. The years of taking advantage of your staff when you were a "manager"...I put it in quotations because you never truly managed anyone, you lied to them and mislead them..kinda similar how you did to your customers when we demoted you..which ultimately led to you being let go. The funny thing about my response Will is you actually thought "this guy" was me cutting you down, when in fact it was someone else that knows you all too well. I have more class than that to just randomly hop on others band wagons of cutting you down just to get a word in. I know what you are about, and as does everyone else. You should probably consider that before you go and write some useless things about me, when in reality it wasn't me in the first place that was writing about you. I hope you'll be smart enough to not respond to this as I could sling a lot more dirt about you then I just did. Keep in mind, the things I wrote are commonly known things about you, I know much much more. Enjoy whatever it is you are doing these days this is the last I ever wanna hear about you again. J


Nice Try Jarrod

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, February 16, 2009

I know you wanted to be a professional football player- Reality was you never played any higher than club. I know you wanted to be a professional- Reality is that requires a university education. Accept what you are- a tele-marketer. No shame, no gain. As you grow older you will mature and realize that your arrogance is a veil for your insecurities. My advice for now, enjoy your life sentence with Telesolutions- This Guy!

This Guy

Get the facts straight William....

#6UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, December 04, 2008

Let's just clear up a few things here, yes William was a lawyer BUT and it is a big but....he lost his license to practice law. Maybe if William didn't have a huge gambling problem and didn't spend his clients money on fueling that then he could still be a lawyer instead of being a middle aged loser who tries to flirt and hit on 18 year old girls( If you're a girl who works at telesolutions, I am sure he has invited you over for"pasta"). In fact William talks about how he has been with that company for 8 years, again that is true but the facts again are left out. You see even after all the problems he had in Ontario, the guy still continues to gamble and build up huge amounts of debt so much in fact that the owners of Telesolutions had to bail him out numerous times and because of this they own him, he owes them so much money that he needs to work both the night and day shift to make ends meat. William is a con man pure and simple and that my friends are the facts behind this man.


Does Dr. Phil have any appointment time, Sharon?

#7UPDATE Employee

Fri, January 18, 2008

For your information Sharon , I practised law in Ontario for over ten years, not that I need to explain myself to you. Thank you Shaniqua I have fond memories of your very capable phone sale skills and your team player personality. Throwing stones Sharon is a dangerous business especially when almost all of your accusations are false. Your problems with your employment arise from your dishonesty. You repeatedly called in sick when in fact you were job hunting while pretending to work for us. I wonder if your present employer, Shaw would appreciate this type of dishonesty, You were far too insecure to ever be one of our best phone sales reps- let's face it it's easier to always blame everyone else for your problems. Bottom line you couldn't handle the rejection. As far as Telesolutions I have worked there for 8 years and the Pay Cheques are very detailed as to hours, rate, commissions and they even have you pre-approve all of the same before your cheque is issued so mistakes are almost non-existant. If however , like Sharon you don't fulfill your Notice- then your final cheque is mailed to you - even if like she didn't - you don't fulfill your end of the employment contract. Training is paid for after 45 days- standard in the phone sale business perhaps you were too desparate to hear the same at Orientation. Two words- Grow up!!!!


For your information

#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, October 16, 2007

As to your remark on managers supposedly being ex lawyers and doctors. im not too sure about the doctor thing but when you say lawyer I believe you are probably referring to William Marinac. I was an employee at TSI for a year or so and I got to know William quite well and I happen to know for a fact that, YES. at one time he was a lawyer. He obviously is not anymore and I know that the reason for that is due to many personal reasons. It doesnt matter what those reasons are I just wanted to confirm the truth.

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