  • Report:  #576049

Complaint Review: The Colman Institute - Internet

Reported By:
Michelle - Virginia Beach, Virginia, U.S.A.

The Colman Institute
110 N. Robinson Street 23220 Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
The Coleman Institute is advertised as an Opiate drug rehab clinic. They charged me $4675.00 and they do not take insurance. The first day I was there I waited 2 hours only to be given a hand full of prescriptions to be filled and given a portable blood pressure machine. I was told to go back to my motel room and take my meds. You would think for the price they charged they would supply all the medication.

I started taking the meds as soon as I got back to my motel room. Two hours later I was extremly over medicated. My wife could hardly work the blood pressure machine and she was very concerned about my safety. I was later told by another professional that I should have been in a hospital under professional care, not in a hotel room with my wife and a toy blood pressure machine.

The next day I reported back to the clinic only to meet other people waiting outside the door. There was no one there yet. We waited almost an hour. Finally someone showed up and let us in. Once in we were lead to a cot with an IV next to it. The entire office suite was turned into what looked like a MASH unit. Cots and IVs everywhere. I was put on a very old cot and hooked up to an IV of their detox solution. About 2 hours later someone came to check on me. Not only did they never take my blood pressure but when they checked the IV it had a kink in it and it turns out I got very little of the solution. Terrible care!!

After I finally got 3/4 of the IV solution I was taken to an exam room where they surgically implanted a Naltrexone pellet. This pellet is suppose to replace the opiates and take away your cravings. Had I fully understood this I would have chosen Suboxone but I was not looking to replace one drug with another. The pellet did not even work in my opinion. Then I was informed that I could spend more of my money coming back every few months to get additional implants. This is not a cure. It is an assembly line that will just drain your pockets.

I feel that The Coleman Institute just feeds on desperate people looking for a fast cure. The care was unprofessional at best. I finally went to an addiction doctor who put me in the hospital and had me detoxed in 5 -7 days in a comfortable and professional setting. Another great source of info can be gotten from a great fellowship called NA.

A final note. Beware of pellets that cure all drug addictions especially Alcohol. Also, I had this treatment in 2009. I have heard that they have better facilities now from all the money they charge but the useless treatment has not changed.

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Los Angeles,
Had a good experience with coleman insittue

#2Consumer Comment

Sun, January 11, 2015

Hi all,

I'm a 25 year old ex-drug addict.  When I was 21 y/o, I was involved in a motor vehicle accident I was involved at work (I used to be a paramedic in L.A. county).  Initially, chiropractors, epidural injections, x-rays, etc were covered...no questions asked.  Then came my first back surgery (microdiscectomy).  After the surgery, my Workers Comp stopped approving ANYTHING and, as a result, I became more and more depressed.  Eventually I didn't care about my own welfare and began abusing the percocets I was getting.  Move forward 23 months and I get a denial letter from my workers comp that said that since I had "5/5 motor strength in both lower extremities" (in other words, since I had full function of my legs, I wasnt a candidate for surgery).   Needless to say, I continued forward with the surgery but at that time, my addiction was far out of control.  I tried and failed dozens of times to wean off, cold turkey, etc...I went to the Coleman Institue and today is day 5 for me...my stomach feels a little iffy (to be expected) but everything was great at the facility. 


Day 1 : Arrived 10am;  met with Dr. around 10;15 to go over any questoins or concerns.  I was weighed, had my vitals taken and blood drawn.  Then the dr. gave me valium, clonidine, and zyprexa (so as to "sedate" me).  Then, roughly 15 min later, he came back to give me a 0.1 mL nalaxone (NOT naltrexone) monitored me for a while and sent me home.


Day 2:Arrive 10am again; met with dr (already dosed on sedative cocktail they give you) and get another nalaxone injection (0.15mL)  Sent home again


Day 3:  Arrive 9am for day 3 being a full day....I was told to arrive having taken 3 valium so as to be extra sedated since this day they would administer 5mL of naltrexone and completely flushed every remaining ounce of opiate out of my receptors...After about 2 hours they'd administered all the naltrexone and monitored me for an hour afterwards. Unlike the original poster, I opted for the naltrexone injection (lasts 1 month instead of 2) 


All in all, my experience was very good...I didnt have ANY issues the original poster metions...Also, I don't think they did much research into detox centers...detox centers do just that, DETOX...nothing more, nothing less. Sounds like she wanted a REHAB facility...either way that is irrelevant.  (and F.Y.I.....most of those places do NOT take insurance either....even though they claim to...and will each run you $20k....up to $50k a MONTH!!!!!! so $6000 is a bargain by comarrison). 


ONE FINAL WARNING  SUBOXONE IS NO MIRACLE DRUG  suboxone is, itself, a narcotic analgesic (a partial analgesic to be specific)  If you'dve gone to a suboxone clinic, the doctor would have had you on a MININUM of 8months of "treatment"....also which generally isnt covered by most insurance....a fill of the Rx for suboxone can easily cost over $100/month...and thats just for the presciption)  All you're doing is subsituting one opiate for another....and you end up back where you began....

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