  • Report:  #1255631

Complaint Review: The Flying Dutchman Company - San Marcos California

Reported By:
Anonymous - Marianna, Florida, USA

The Flying Dutchman Company
2892 S. Santa Fe Ave #109 San Marcos, 92069 California, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments

 The Flying Dutchamn Company aka Jake Krotje aka Inhumaine Fabrication, referred to as (TFDCO) here and forward, was retained to design a product using 3D modeling methods. TFDCO was paid $750 in advance as a 50% deposit to secure his services, the money was wired transferred to TFDCO to a Wells Fargo Bank account the same day. TFDCO let our organization know it would be "few days" and they'd have something for us. Several days goes by and we don't hear anything, we decided to check in to find that, "...[his] millionaire customer just came into the shop and is mad because his job wasn't done yet." Left little choice we agreed to wait a few more days.

A week had elapsed and our "simple rough sketch" had yet to appear as TFDCO told us they'd work it into their schedule. The weekend came and went bringing Monday around as it usually does, TFDCO Informed us that "... That they were creatively drained and would be back in the shop the following day." The work week now starting on a Tuesday and the finds itself ending short for TFDCO to attend a popular motor cycle show several hours away for the weekend. We follow TFDCO on social media so we were kept abreast of their unexpected travel plans, we decided to touch base with them to see what the new, ever changing deadline was going to be, to our surprise we got this, very enutsiastic reply ,"...this is your weekend man! I'm going to put a ton of time into this project and get it knocked out!!!" and little does TFDCO know at this time we are aware that he's going to the show, as things would unfold we were fed a constant jet stream of BS and lies for the following few days.

Monday rolls around and we contact TFDCO/Jake Krotje directly for us to discuss the project, his "first thing in the morning" turns out the be 3 PM EST, as we are awaiting for his call we decided to just pull the plug on this aspect of the project and decided to use a different technique to achieve our goal. Upon speaking with him (Jake Krotje) we informed him (Jake Krotje) that his (Jake Krotje) services were no longer needed due to a changing project dynamic. As we are wrapping the phone call up he (Jake Krotje) informs us that he (Jake Krotje on behalf of TFDCO) has spent the money, "...as soon as he got it." When we inquired about to as why he would do such a thing his only response was, "I thought you were a serious customer."

He goes on to inform us that we've become "...another bill he's going to have to figure out how to pay now." That was two months ago. As time went by we were accommodating to his financial woes, we knew he needed some time to get the money together and gave him ample time. In the two months we begin to see strange behavior for someone who seems to be struggling finacially. Parts for a personal motorcycle he's building begin to arrive, a week long camping excersion and even a sky diving trip. All the while he's pumping out excuses to why we can't get our deposit back. As the two month mark came and went our investors grew impatient with the lack of forward progress on our stalled project. We put our foot down and we stern in our intentions about the refund, that's when the unprofessional, almost childish attitude came about, he just shrugged it out and laughed at the fact that he stole from us.

He (Jake Krotje) openly mocked and antagonisized us by saying, "... If you have something rude to say you can call me and just say it." Something else that caught us by surprise that came to us was this message, "I don't care if your upset. I really don't." TFDCO went on to tell us that they won't refund our money until after they move to their new Las Vegas location. Since our last communication The Flying Dutchman Co. has blocked our phone numbers, blocked us on Social Media websites and even sent his 19 year old assistant after us to antagonize us. He won't accept any calls and it seems that the TFDCO phone number is no longer working. We are aware that he has no moral issues with stealing or lying, what bothers us is this person will continue to do business in the San Marcos, CA and possibly the Las Vegas, NV area. We've heard he's done this in the past with other customers so it's not a new problem for him. Please be advised!

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