  • Report:  #209729

Complaint Review: The Lionheart Group - Atlanta, Dallas, More Cities Nationwide

Reported By:
- Dallas, Texas,

The Lionheart Group
www.thelionheartgroup.com Atlanta, Dallas, More Cities, Nationwide, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

This is the brainchild of several Independent Associates who are exploiting jobseekers on the major job boards, especially Monster.

Post a resume, and you'll get a very convincing response (or several)from Nick, Jimmy or one of several other people showing interest in your resume and inviting you to fill out a qualification form and "interview".

STOP! THIS IS NOT A JOB OR EMPLOYMENT! It is a chance to sell you on the Pre-paid Legal business opportunity. You pay money then promote legal plans and identity theft protection as an Employee Benefit to companies.

To be honest, IMHO the Pre Paid Legal products are pretty darn good, and the opportunity is excellent, for the right person. but it's NOT a job. The Lionheart communication and website CAREFULLY skirts around this. Just look at the emails and the site and try to NOT come away with the impression that they offer high-paying jobs.

The sad thing is that these perpetrators trick many jobseekers who are simply looking for a job, not looking to pay money to be 1099 self employed. At a minimum, this wastes time, gets people's hopes up,is misleading and perpetuates the bad rep that network marketing companies like PPL are stuck with because of the marketing activities of a few tricksters. The PPL corporation should COME DOWN HARD and put a stop to these bad apples.

Interestingly, the Lionheart Group has apparently managed to entice some top PPL Associates into their web, apparently to share in the spoils of all those recruits. Their names will be on the emails you get. Shame on them all!

If Lionheart scammed you, you can post here.

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.


Dallas, Texas

25 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
Thank God

#2General Comment

Wed, January 20, 2010

Thank God for this website!!! I too just updated my resume on career builder and within 20 minutes of doing so I received a pretty sketchy email from "alan area vp" (I live in St Louis)  I knew it had to be bad because they had set a date for an interview and I had not contacted their company. I went to their website and the second red flag was they had their better business bureau icon displayed proudly on their home page. I believe the only way to stop this company and others like it is to continue to post our complaints on messages boards like this one so unsuspecting honest job-hunters, like myself and many of you, do not get caught up in these traps!


United States of America
Become Informed

#3Consumer Comment

Sat, January 09, 2010

I have been reading the comments posted and I could not sit back and not respond to the many uninformed individuals out there.  First, let me say that I do not work for Lionheart nor am I an agent for PrePaid.  I am however a consumer of the products that PrePaid offers as an individual and as a business owner.  I will tell you that the products ABSOLUTELY do what they say.  I have used prepaid legal too many times to name.  My husband had a child support case that they helped us with.  I also had an individual who was trying to sue my company for using a name and also an individual trying to sue me personally for money.  All these issues were handled by Prepaid legal, the last issue was handled by my provider law firm over and beyond probably what they should have based on my plan but they did it all for no additional money then what I pay per month. This assistance included communicating directly with the other individuals attorney, writing letters on my behalf and reviewing the final settlement documents to close the case...all this took place over the course of a year.  This service is not just merely phone consultations.  It goes far beyond that.  My husband's child support case was very involved and believe me I used to work for attorney's and the pricing we received for the full handling of this case to a successful resolution was so far below the industry standard that it was very surprising and appreciated.  I would NEVER not have this service because like insurance, you never know when you're going to need it, but if you need it and don't have it, God help you.  I remember about a year and a half ago, my husband was outprocessing from his duty station and found out that he had a warrant and was arrested.  I was in another state but was able to contact PrePaid and they sent an attorney to his rescue, he was released from jail and his case ended up being dismissed.  I'm not sure what would have happened if we had not had the service.  I'm not sure what Lionheart is or the company but I am sure that if they are associated with PrePaid it is definitely something to take a look at.  If sales isn't your cup of tea and you prefer to have a position that you can get paid on the 1st and 15th without any effort...then so be it.  If a sales position is what you want then go for it.  But don't talk about products and services that you know nothing about and have not had the opportunity to take advantage of because I can assure you....from an average Joe consumer, not rich by any means...that the products DO work!!!!




Tue, September 15, 2009

I got hit by this company from career builder, as was so many other victoms , right away with the same come on reported here. I thank god for this site because it has saved my butt twice in a couple of weeks. Both times I was suspicious of the emails due to the economic times. Everything in the rebuttal was so to the point and Lion with there heart had typical responses for a ripoff company. Thanks again for saving me. I realize only disgruntled people usually report but I would have wasted so much time. They said in there own words that only 1 out of 1000 make there grade. That is self incrimination to a scam company and a waste of most people time and money. More than just here I found run fast complaints. I always thought the prepaid legal was a crock and my attorney father confirmed this. He was one to the few ethical attorneys out there. He never would advertise in papers or on tv because of this belief. Thanks for the time of the consumers for making this clear so others dont get scammed. I have had attempted scams daily from my resumes out there. It makes it hard to trust but commen sense will always win.




Tue, September 15, 2009

I got hit by this company from career builder, as was so many other victoms , right away with the same come on reported here. I thank god for this site because it has saved my butt twice in a couple of weeks. Both times I was suspicious of the emails due to the economic times. Everything in the rebuttal was so to the point and Lion with there heart had typical responses for a ripoff company. Thanks again for saving me. I realize only disgruntled people usually report but I would have wasted so much time. They said in there own words that only 1 out of 1000 make there grade. That is self incrimination to a scam company and a waste of most people time and money. More than just here I found run fast complaints. I always thought the prepaid legal was a crock and my attorney father confirmed this. He was one to the few ethical attorneys out there. He never would advertise in papers or on tv because of this belief. Thanks for the time of the consumers for making this clear so others dont get scammed. I have had attempted scams daily from my resumes out there. It makes it hard to trust but commen sense will always win.


Same Experience With a Joke Resume, Cheryl Ann Dagata must be on drugs

#6Consumer Comment

Wed, May 27, 2009

The fake profile and resume I submitted contained misspellings, curse words, etc. etc. etc. Yet here is Cheryl Ann Dagata telling me, and I quote "You have been sent this email because we saw something in your resume that would indicate to us a potential fit for professional business to business sales." Well you can't accuse them of lying, I suppose. Sending someone out to sell some BS legal services to what I suspect are crap neighborhoods on their own dime seems like a job that would require zero education and some level of being cursed at. Pretty funny, though


This is too bad

#7Consumer Suggestion

Sat, March 21, 2009

I also received an email the day after posting my resume on Careerbuilder.com. The e-mail was possibly the sketchiest email I have ever received from a company. If this is a good company that does good work then they need to change your hiring tactics because I would never respond to an e-mail like the one I received. Any job or career that you are offered should come from oral response on the phone or in person and you should never have to fill out a questionnaire like that before the interview. I have no sales background am straight out of college and honestly don't understand why I qualify for a job like this one.


Fake job ads up 345% as recession creates opportunities for scam artists

#8Consumer Comment

Fri, March 20, 2009

Identity Thieves Prowling for Job Seekers http://www.consumeraffairs.com/news04/2009/03/job_scams.html The link is to an article on Consumeraffairs.com - IF ROR REMOVES the link just go there and search on the title I FOUND IT - BECAUSE I LOOK FOR IT


Fake job ads up 345% as recession creates opportunities for scam artists

#9Consumer Comment

Fri, March 20, 2009

Identity Thieves Prowling for Job Seekers http://www.consumeraffairs.com/news04/2009/03/job_scams.html The link is to an article on Consumeraffairs.com - IF ROR REMOVES the link just go there and search on the title I FOUND IT - BECAUSE I LOOK FOR IT


Fake job ads up 345% as recession creates opportunities for scam artists

#10Consumer Comment

Fri, March 20, 2009

Identity Thieves Prowling for Job Seekers http://www.consumeraffairs.com/news04/2009/03/job_scams.html The link is to an article on Consumeraffairs.com - IF ROR REMOVES the link just go there and search on the title I FOUND IT - BECAUSE I LOOK FOR IT


Fake job ads up 345% as recession creates opportunities for scam artists

#11Consumer Comment

Fri, March 20, 2009

Identity Thieves Prowling for Job Seekers http://www.consumeraffairs.com/news04/2009/03/job_scams.html The link is to an article on Consumeraffairs.com - IF ROR REMOVES the link just go there and search on the title I FOUND IT - BECAUSE I LOOK FOR IT

Lionheart Group Public Relations

Response from Lionheart Group CEO

#12UPDATE Employee

Fri, March 20, 2009

Our CEO has published a response to these questions or concerns that may be found here: http://lionheartnews.com/comments.html Thank you, Richard Yancey Lionheart Group Public Relations


All Hype And No Info...

#13Consumer Comment

Wed, March 11, 2009

It's amazing to read testimonials. They paint such a bright picture. They are cleverly worded. Those testifying always claim to have riches beyone one's wildest imagination. What's never in the testimonials is proof. In this case, not one word was offered that refuted in any manner, the fact that the product they sell has any value. I absolutely will believe that there are people working for the company that make immense amounts of money, and I could not care less. You will not find these people pounding the streets looking for sales opportunities. The grunts at the lowest levels make peanuts. I'm quite sure if they stick it out, promotions come along, and so will some pay, that is if they are successful in recruiting grunts to work under them. That IS how it works, isn't it? You can coin it B2B if you want, but it still smells like and operates just like a pyramid scheme. The rebutals offered have not addressed so much as one of the many charges I offered, and they never will. The only retort that can be offered is another sales presentation. It's hilarious. An idiot can see through the carefully selected words to understand that the two people dispatched by the Lionheart Group to write in this thread, to offer such glowing reports about the company they work for, are nothing more than slick salespeople. The products, if you want to refer to them as such, are worthless in terms of value, and nothing will change that fact. Yep...the plans do sell. Some even keep them in force for a period of time. They do so believing that they are actually paying for legal assistance that is only a phone call away. The minute that they actually make that phone call, they get the rude awakening that the plan they were sold has no real value, and it is then dumped like a hot potato. Far be it for me to tell people what they should do or not do, but I personally would not waste my time trying to make a living in selling a worthless product, and I sure would never spend my hard earned money on such a worthless product. That makes me an informed consumer. Companies like this depend on the uninformed, the ignorant, and even the totally stupid. I've left the door wide open for anyone with the Lionheart Group to go on record and to refute any of my statements, and all they have done is to dance around the truth. C'mon...Let's talk numbers. Go on the record and post some actual and provable services that are provided, to inform the uninformed of the "pre-paid" amounts in legal services that customers can and will receive without forking over any additional funds, other than for the service of a phone, mail, or e-mail consultation that at best will result in a referral to a local attorney. Specifically, will any customer EVER receive a will preparation at no additional cost? Will an Attorney EVER appear in court to represent a client under ANY circumstance at no additional cost? Pertaining to those hired to sell these plans to businesses, please...go on record and post the average pay that the street level agent can expect to receive per week, per month, or per year if they stay on board that long. Would anyone care to discuss the company's turnover rate percentage for street level agents? Is it 100%, 200%, or closer to 500% per annum? And would anyone DARE offer the truth about residuals that are collected and never forwared to street level agents? I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for clear and concise answers to any of these questions either. If another post is offered, it will be another testimonial or another sales presentation. Mark my word.


Mt Juliet,
Be Careful Who You Listen To!

#14UPDATE Employee

Tue, March 10, 2009

As I know some people will be googling LionHeart and seeing these posts, I felt compelled to respond. I come from a corporate background of advertising sales with the largest broadcast company in the world, and I joined this group 13 years ago. What I was looking for is independence. I wanted to be free of a boss, and be able to chart my own destiny. I realize that like myself, many people are coming from an employee paradigm, and it is very difficult to transcend this way of thinking we were all taught. At LionHeart, all the communications going to prospective agents consistently talk about being independent, and owning your life. That is not for most people. Most people I have found will not be willing to make the sacrifices necessary to succeed here or in any independent venture. There are a few though that are sick and tired of being sick and tired, and have listened to advice there whole lives from well meaning people who had never succeeded entrepreneurially in their lives. I made the decision to quit listening to those folks, however well meaning, and begin to seek the counsel of people who had the lifestyle I wanted. When I began to do this, my life changed drastically. My wife is now a stay at home mom, we own a 4000 square foot home, I get to spend real quality time with my two kids every day, and I am financially free. Am I glad I sat down and listened to these folks and got the whole story100% of the information, you bet! Freedom is not free, it comes at a price, but if someone is willing to invest the effort, I don't know of a better opportunity.


The Lionheart Group is a viable opportunity- I am living proof!

#15UPDATE Employee

Tue, March 10, 2009

There is good news and bad news regarding the Internet. The good news is information is easily accessible. The bad news is anyone can write pretty much anything they want, whether or not it is true and whether or not it hurts someone. The Lionheart Group is a professional business that offers a great opportunity for B2B sales and marketing, capitalizing on a tremendous need in the marketplace for both identity theft protection/restoration and legal access for individuals, families, small businesses and as an employee benefit. After 26 years as a Licensed Physical Therapist, and 31 years as an officer with the Air Force Reserves, I was ready to do something that would give me more time with my daughters (who grew up without meI was working all the time!) AND give me renewal/residual income as offered by the Insurance Industry. I took advantage of the Professional Training and mentoring available over the past several years and now I earn over $100K/year. I never earned that much working as a Physical Therapist and there were NO renewals in health care! I am appalled that people would slam The Lionheart Group based on misinformation. All of the letters that go out specify what we are looking for, and I can assure you we give the candidates the chance to evaluate US as much as we evaluate THEM to ensure it is a good fit. We are looking for individuals who want to partner up with us and build a strong financial future for themselves and their families. My time is my most valuable commodity, and I assure you I do not want to trick someone through deceptive business practices- If we did that, we would be wasting both our time and theirs. Get your facts straight. And realize you can't please all the people all the time, and there are unhappy people in ANY profession! Jan T. The Lionheart Group Tampa, FL


Respose To Chuck Seigel

#16Consumer Comment

Mon, March 02, 2009

Chuck's Statement - "Anthony - You're alleging that Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc. simply compiles a list of attorneys and gives it to its members? You're obviously not informed as to how the service works. Our agency has been marketing their services as employee benefits to companies for the last 12 years." So what? That in no way changes the facts. Your "employee benefit" has no value whatsoever, in terms of providing a service equal or in excess of what is paid for it. Chuck's Statement - "In each state in which Pre-Paid Legal operates, they have established a contractual relationship with one very large law firm called a Main Provider Law Firm. That Main Provider Law firm is paid a very large sum of money every month (roughly one third of the membership premiums collected by all the members in that state each month) and their job is to handle all of the members' issues that can be handled over the phone, through the mail or over the fax machine." I'm quite sure that is a valid and truthful statement. What you are describing is simple. Because you actually pay attorneys a sum of money out of your proceeds, and because these attorneys actually perform services "over the phone, through the mail or over the fax machine," it qualifies in legal terms as providing a service as a direct result of funds paid by the consumer. The problem is that the service is all but useless. What's not being offered in your clever dodge, is the fact that any services provided beyond a simple letter or phone call offering advice (i.e. consultation) are only provided at an additional cost to the consumer. I again state clearly, that there are plenty of attorneys who will actually MEET IN PERSON with a client, at no cost up-front, and thus will provide a more in-depth consultation than can be obtained by phone, fax, or through the mail. Chuck's Statement - "Here in Texas, for example, our Main Provider Firm is paid well in excess of a million dollars per month to service our members. This means that they handle telephone consultations, writing letters and making phone calls on the members' behalf, reviewing contracts and documents for members, preparing wills and many other things. We're not talking about the kind of 'free consultations' that most attorneys provide where they give you just enough information to want to hire them but not enough to actually solve your problem. The majority of the time, the Main Provider Law Firms are able to actually resolve the issues that the members called in about with just a simple phone call to advise them or with a motivational letter or phone call on their behalf - and these things are in fact included in their membership premium. As a matter of fact, the GOAL of the Main Provider Law Firm is to try to handle the issue for the member with NO additional cost beyond the monthly membership premium. That's how they KEEP satisfied members year after year!" There are two problems with the diatribe you just offered up there. 1.) You use the word "goal" to describe any efforts to provide services beyond a consultation at no additional cost. When I shoot the basketball towards the hoop, my "goal" is to make the shot every time. The reality of the situation is that I will not make that shot most of the time. 2.) You market the services to employers under the guise that if an employee has a legal issue, that your plan will reduce absenteeism, thus claiming that the employee's problem will be handled without the employee having to make personal appearances in court. An idiot knows that there are only a handful of cases where the person charged will not have to be right there in front of a judge. You still fall short of actually making any claim, as has been my point all along, that any specific service beyond a consultation is provided without any additional cost. There are fees involved if legal documents are prepared, regardless of the nature of those documents. I challenge you to dispute that with proof. Chuck's Statement - "In addition, the Main Provider Law Firms are responsible for establishing and managing a statewide network of referral attorneys and referral law firms that handle the SMALL percentage of issues that require local representation and familiarity with a local judge and court system. With respect to our coverage here in Texas, I'm talking about issues like traffic ticket representation, for example. So - the main provider law firm in that case would refer the member to a local attorney for representation, and (in the case of a moving traffic violation) the local attorney would be paid by the Main Provider Firm for their covered hours. Worst case scenario, if the Main Provider Firm refers the member to a local attorney for an issue that is NOT covered through the plan then the member will receive a 25% discount. But - the referral attorneys have to document what their normal hourly rates are before they can become part of the referral network, so it's NOT a case where they can simply raise their rates by 50% and then give our members a 25% discount. Their normal hourly rates are no secret." You must take me for an idiot. A published rate, regardless of when it was offered, can always be inflated to then offer a discount. It makes no difference if it was offered six months prior, or on the day of consultation. Chuck's Statement - "Beyond that - our members get centralized customer service and quality control. When you pay a Main Provider Law firm hundreds of thousands (or in some cases, millions) of dollars, you can demand accountability. These Main Provider Firms are REQUIRED by Pre-Paid Legal to answer members' calls by the third ring, to return all calls within 1 business day and to operate with very high customer service standards. Try that with YOUR attorney. All customer service calls go to directly to Pre-Paid Legal's Customer Service Department, not to the provider law firms themselves. This allows PPL to hold these firms accountable and take action to satisfy the member, and that's exactly what they do." Please...you're killing me. I'm able to contact my Attorney by cell phone 24/7/365, but then I pay him for that privilege. The rest of your claims are nothing more than just that...claims. Who could begin to have opportunity to verify a thing you offer? Having a customer service department is nothing unusual, nor are they ever known to be totally responsive in most cases. I'm sure that your folks are just as coached to rebuff customers like all the others, and are thoroughly instructed to what they can and cannot state in a call. You can't exactly be accountable if you do not promise anything, now can you? Chuck's Statement - "Further, I am providing a link to a video (below) that originally appeared on CourtTV featuring a number of high-level dignitaries endorsing the services provided by Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc." And why not? If I were in a position to receive money for doing next to nothing, I'd endorse it to the heavens above. Chuck's Statement - "Anyone who has the time can post all the negative accusations and lies they want about any company on the internet. It doesn't matter how big the company is or how successful they've been. It's just the reality of the world we live in today. Yes, a few people will willingly believe any baseless, uninformed opinion they find in message boards like these and think It must be true because somebody posted it on the internet." " And in the absense of actually addressing the charges that are on the table, Counselor, I think that the preponderance of the evidence shows that you're only dancing around the truth as I have presented it.

Chuck Siegel

Response to Anthony's "What a Crock" post

#17REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, March 01, 2009

Anthony - You're alleging that Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc. simply compiles a list of attorneys and gives it to its members? You're obviously not informed as to how the service works. Our agency has been marketing their services as employee benefits to companies for the last 12 years. In each state in which Pre-Paid Legal operates, they have established a contractual relationship with one very large law firm called a Main Provider Law Firm. That Main Provider Law firm is paid a very large sum of money every month (roughly one third of the membership premiums collected by all the members in that state each month) and their job is to handle all of the members' issues that can be handled over the phone, through the mail or over the fax machine. Here in Texas, for example, our Main Provider Firm is paid well in excess of a million dollars per month to service our members. This means that they handle telephone consultations, writing letters and making phone calls on the members' behalf, reviewing contracts and documents for members, preparing wills and many other things. We're not talking about the kind of "free consultations" that most attorneys provide where they give you just enough information to want to hire them but not enough to actually solve your problem. The majority of the time, the Main Provider Law Firms are able to actually resolve the issues that the members called in about with just a simple phone call to advise them or with a motivational letter or phone call on their behalf - and these things are in fact included in their membership premium. As a matter of fact, the GOAL of the Main Provider Law Firm is to try to handle the issue for the member with NO additional cost beyond the monthly membership premium. That's how they KEEP satisfied members year after year! In addition, the Main Provider Law Firms are responsible for establishing and managing a statewide network of referral attorneys and referral law firms that handle the SMALL percentage of issues that require local representation and familiarity with a local judge and court system. With respect to our coverage here in Texas, I'm talking about issues like traffic ticket representation, for example. So - the main provider law firm in that case would refer the member to a local attorney for representation, and (in the case of a moving traffic violation) the local attorney would be paid by the Main Provider Firm for their covered hours. Worst case scenario, if the Main Provider Firm refers the member to a local attorney for an issue that is NOT covered through the plan then the member will receive a 25% discount. But - the referral attorneys have to document what their normal hourly rates are before they can become part of the referral network, so it's NOT a case where they can simply raise their rates by 50% and then give our members a 25% discount. Their normal hourly rates are no secret. Beyond that - our members get centralized customer service and quality control. When you pay a Main Provider Law firm hundreds of thousands (or in some cases, millions) of dollars, you can demand accountability. These Main Provider Firms are REQUIRED by Pre-Paid Legal to answer members' calls by the third ring, to return all calls within 1 business day and to operate with very high customer service standards. Try that with YOUR attorney. All customer service calls go to directly to Pre-Paid Legal's Customer Service Department, not to the provider law firms themselves. This allows PPL to hold these firms accountable and take action to satisfy the member, and that's exactly what they do. This is why Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc. has been around for over 35 years, is today listed on the New York Stock Exchange and has enjoyed 15 consecutive years of record setting growth. This is why Forbes Magazine recently ranked them as #130 on their list of The 200 Best Small Companies in America (October 2008). Further, I am providing a link to a video (below) that originally appeared on CourtTV featuring a number of high-level dignitaries endorsing the services provided by Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc. Some of the dignitaries featured on this video include: Mr. Mike Turpen Former Attorney General of Oklahoma Mr. Mike Moore Former Attorney General of Mississippi Mr. Bill Paul Former President of the American Bar Association Mr. Grant Woods Former Attorney General of Arizona Mr. Thomas J. Donohue President and CEO, United States Chamber of Commerce Mr. Harry C. Alford President and CEO, National Black Chamber of Commerce Mr. John Addison Co-CEO, Primerica Financial Services Mr. Burns Hargis Vice Chairman, The Bank of Oklahoma Mr. Jeff Thompson President and CEO of EdgeTech Gov. Bill Anoatubby Governor of The Chickasaw Nation Here is the link to the video: mms://st11g1.services.att-idns.net/v1/854/2484/pplmediaroom/jfa2_plus.wmv Anyone who has the time can post all the negative accusations and lies they want about any company on the internet. It doesn't matter how big the company is or how successful they've been. It's just the reality of the world we live in today. Yes, a few people will willingly believe any baseless, uninformed opinion they find in message boards like these and think It must be true because somebody posted it on the internet. My post is for those who are willing to do their homework.

Chuck Siegel

Response to Anthony's "What a Crock" post

#18REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, March 01, 2009

Anthony - You're alleging that Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc. simply compiles a list of attorneys and gives it to its members? You're obviously not informed as to how the service works. Our agency has been marketing their services as employee benefits to companies for the last 12 years. In each state in which Pre-Paid Legal operates, they have established a contractual relationship with one very large law firm called a Main Provider Law Firm. That Main Provider Law firm is paid a very large sum of money every month (roughly one third of the membership premiums collected by all the members in that state each month) and their job is to handle all of the members' issues that can be handled over the phone, through the mail or over the fax machine. Here in Texas, for example, our Main Provider Firm is paid well in excess of a million dollars per month to service our members. This means that they handle telephone consultations, writing letters and making phone calls on the members' behalf, reviewing contracts and documents for members, preparing wills and many other things. We're not talking about the kind of "free consultations" that most attorneys provide where they give you just enough information to want to hire them but not enough to actually solve your problem. The majority of the time, the Main Provider Law Firms are able to actually resolve the issues that the members called in about with just a simple phone call to advise them or with a motivational letter or phone call on their behalf - and these things are in fact included in their membership premium. As a matter of fact, the GOAL of the Main Provider Law Firm is to try to handle the issue for the member with NO additional cost beyond the monthly membership premium. That's how they KEEP satisfied members year after year! In addition, the Main Provider Law Firms are responsible for establishing and managing a statewide network of referral attorneys and referral law firms that handle the SMALL percentage of issues that require local representation and familiarity with a local judge and court system. With respect to our coverage here in Texas, I'm talking about issues like traffic ticket representation, for example. So - the main provider law firm in that case would refer the member to a local attorney for representation, and (in the case of a moving traffic violation) the local attorney would be paid by the Main Provider Firm for their covered hours. Worst case scenario, if the Main Provider Firm refers the member to a local attorney for an issue that is NOT covered through the plan then the member will receive a 25% discount. But - the referral attorneys have to document what their normal hourly rates are before they can become part of the referral network, so it's NOT a case where they can simply raise their rates by 50% and then give our members a 25% discount. Their normal hourly rates are no secret. Beyond that - our members get centralized customer service and quality control. When you pay a Main Provider Law firm hundreds of thousands (or in some cases, millions) of dollars, you can demand accountability. These Main Provider Firms are REQUIRED by Pre-Paid Legal to answer members' calls by the third ring, to return all calls within 1 business day and to operate with very high customer service standards. Try that with YOUR attorney. All customer service calls go to directly to Pre-Paid Legal's Customer Service Department, not to the provider law firms themselves. This allows PPL to hold these firms accountable and take action to satisfy the member, and that's exactly what they do. This is why Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc. has been around for over 35 years, is today listed on the New York Stock Exchange and has enjoyed 15 consecutive years of record setting growth. This is why Forbes Magazine recently ranked them as #130 on their list of The 200 Best Small Companies in America (October 2008). Further, I am providing a link to a video (below) that originally appeared on CourtTV featuring a number of high-level dignitaries endorsing the services provided by Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc. Some of the dignitaries featured on this video include: Mr. Mike Turpen Former Attorney General of Oklahoma Mr. Mike Moore Former Attorney General of Mississippi Mr. Bill Paul Former President of the American Bar Association Mr. Grant Woods Former Attorney General of Arizona Mr. Thomas J. Donohue President and CEO, United States Chamber of Commerce Mr. Harry C. Alford President and CEO, National Black Chamber of Commerce Mr. John Addison Co-CEO, Primerica Financial Services Mr. Burns Hargis Vice Chairman, The Bank of Oklahoma Mr. Jeff Thompson President and CEO of EdgeTech Gov. Bill Anoatubby Governor of The Chickasaw Nation Here is the link to the video: mms://st11g1.services.att-idns.net/v1/854/2484/pplmediaroom/jfa2_plus.wmv Anyone who has the time can post all the negative accusations and lies they want about any company on the internet. It doesn't matter how big the company is or how successful they've been. It's just the reality of the world we live in today. Yes, a few people will willingly believe any baseless, uninformed opinion they find in message boards like these and think It must be true because somebody posted it on the internet. My post is for those who are willing to do their homework.


What A Crock!!!

#19Consumer Comment

Wed, February 25, 2009

Pre-paid legal plans are nothing more than LEGAL rip-offs. Why are they legal? Because the providers of these plans actually provide a service that can be measured. This does not translate into any fact that the service is valuable or that it is worth any price paid for the service. Let's discuss the service provided. Imagine that you are capable of compiling a list of practicing attorneys across this country. Imagine that you contact each of them to discover those who offer free consultations to prospective clients with a legal problem. You take the time to categorize their areas of practice. You may even inquire into their flat rates for quick and easy legal form preparations. You obtain this information freely and easily from these select attorneys by disclosing up-front to them that you are compiling this information in order to be able to kick referrals to them by clients of your own. Attornies are not dumb. They know that these programs are out there. They know full and well that is is a fantastic source of advertising that will absolutely bring business their way. What people who pay monthly for these pre-paid legal plans are never told is that there is no secret to finding an attorney willing to see you free of charge to discuss your particular problem. All it takes is to read their ad in the phone book or by placing a quick call to their office. You'll not be told that if and when you decide to hire the attorney that you may have been referred to, you will pay for those legal services just as you would had you discovered the attorney on your own. Those plan providers that claim that you do indeed obtain discounts are lying through their teeth. An attorney will be more than willing to add $50.00 an hour to his customary fee, and knock it right back off for to make it appear as if there is a discount being offered to clients of the plans. It's the tried and true method used by slick car salesmen across the country. So let me ask anyone who is reading this a simple question; Do you think that it is worth paying a monthly fee in the neighborhood of $19.95 to $39.95 a month to be handed a list of local attornies who will be more than happy to assist you with your problem and at their usual and customary rate? When it boils right down to it, that is the only service you are receiving for your money. These plans are marketed and sold by appealing to people's insecurities. They make you believe that in the event that you encounter a legal issue in the future, it will all be under control in a matter of minutes by placing a phone call to a toll-free number for a referral. The reality is that you will only have been saved fifteen minutes of research to find the names and phone numbers of local attorneys. Lionheart is a class act, on the surface that is. Underneath, they are no different than the others out there offering the same hyped up service offerings - solicited to both consumers who desire to feel secure, and to desperate people seeking to support their families. The end result is that there is more than enough evidence to suggest that giving them the time of day is a complete waste of your money and time, respectively. It's your money. It's your time. If you want to waste either or both, by means...don't let the facts stand in your way. Some people need to learn the hard way.


What A Crock!!!

#20Consumer Comment

Wed, February 25, 2009

Pre-paid legal plans are nothing more than LEGAL rip-offs. Why are they legal? Because the providers of these plans actually provide a service that can be measured. This does not translate into any fact that the service is valuable or that it is worth any price paid for the service. Let's discuss the service provided. Imagine that you are capable of compiling a list of practicing attorneys across this country. Imagine that you contact each of them to discover those who offer free consultations to prospective clients with a legal problem. You take the time to categorize their areas of practice. You may even inquire into their flat rates for quick and easy legal form preparations. You obtain this information freely and easily from these select attorneys by disclosing up-front to them that you are compiling this information in order to be able to kick referrals to them by clients of your own. Attornies are not dumb. They know that these programs are out there. They know full and well that is is a fantastic source of advertising that will absolutely bring business their way. What people who pay monthly for these pre-paid legal plans are never told is that there is no secret to finding an attorney willing to see you free of charge to discuss your particular problem. All it takes is to read their ad in the phone book or by placing a quick call to their office. You'll not be told that if and when you decide to hire the attorney that you may have been referred to, you will pay for those legal services just as you would had you discovered the attorney on your own. Those plan providers that claim that you do indeed obtain discounts are lying through their teeth. An attorney will be more than willing to add $50.00 an hour to his customary fee, and knock it right back off for to make it appear as if there is a discount being offered to clients of the plans. It's the tried and true method used by slick car salesmen across the country. So let me ask anyone who is reading this a simple question; Do you think that it is worth paying a monthly fee in the neighborhood of $19.95 to $39.95 a month to be handed a list of local attornies who will be more than happy to assist you with your problem and at their usual and customary rate? When it boils right down to it, that is the only service you are receiving for your money. These plans are marketed and sold by appealing to people's insecurities. They make you believe that in the event that you encounter a legal issue in the future, it will all be under control in a matter of minutes by placing a phone call to a toll-free number for a referral. The reality is that you will only have been saved fifteen minutes of research to find the names and phone numbers of local attorneys. Lionheart is a class act, on the surface that is. Underneath, they are no different than the others out there offering the same hyped up service offerings - solicited to both consumers who desire to feel secure, and to desperate people seeking to support their families. The end result is that there is more than enough evidence to suggest that giving them the time of day is a complete waste of your money and time, respectively. It's your money. It's your time. If you want to waste either or both, by means...don't let the facts stand in your way. Some people need to learn the hard way.


What A Crock!!!

#21Consumer Comment

Wed, February 25, 2009

Pre-paid legal plans are nothing more than LEGAL rip-offs. Why are they legal? Because the providers of these plans actually provide a service that can be measured. This does not translate into any fact that the service is valuable or that it is worth any price paid for the service. Let's discuss the service provided. Imagine that you are capable of compiling a list of practicing attorneys across this country. Imagine that you contact each of them to discover those who offer free consultations to prospective clients with a legal problem. You take the time to categorize their areas of practice. You may even inquire into their flat rates for quick and easy legal form preparations. You obtain this information freely and easily from these select attorneys by disclosing up-front to them that you are compiling this information in order to be able to kick referrals to them by clients of your own. Attornies are not dumb. They know that these programs are out there. They know full and well that is is a fantastic source of advertising that will absolutely bring business their way. What people who pay monthly for these pre-paid legal plans are never told is that there is no secret to finding an attorney willing to see you free of charge to discuss your particular problem. All it takes is to read their ad in the phone book or by placing a quick call to their office. You'll not be told that if and when you decide to hire the attorney that you may have been referred to, you will pay for those legal services just as you would had you discovered the attorney on your own. Those plan providers that claim that you do indeed obtain discounts are lying through their teeth. An attorney will be more than willing to add $50.00 an hour to his customary fee, and knock it right back off for to make it appear as if there is a discount being offered to clients of the plans. It's the tried and true method used by slick car salesmen across the country. So let me ask anyone who is reading this a simple question; Do you think that it is worth paying a monthly fee in the neighborhood of $19.95 to $39.95 a month to be handed a list of local attornies who will be more than happy to assist you with your problem and at their usual and customary rate? When it boils right down to it, that is the only service you are receiving for your money. These plans are marketed and sold by appealing to people's insecurities. They make you believe that in the event that you encounter a legal issue in the future, it will all be under control in a matter of minutes by placing a phone call to a toll-free number for a referral. The reality is that you will only have been saved fifteen minutes of research to find the names and phone numbers of local attorneys. Lionheart is a class act, on the surface that is. Underneath, they are no different than the others out there offering the same hyped up service offerings - solicited to both consumers who desire to feel secure, and to desperate people seeking to support their families. The end result is that there is more than enough evidence to suggest that giving them the time of day is a complete waste of your money and time, respectively. It's your money. It's your time. If you want to waste either or both, by means...don't let the facts stand in your way. Some people need to learn the hard way.


What A Crock!!!

#22Consumer Comment

Wed, February 25, 2009

Pre-paid legal plans are nothing more than LEGAL rip-offs. Why are they legal? Because the providers of these plans actually provide a service that can be measured. This does not translate into any fact that the service is valuable or that it is worth any price paid for the service. Let's discuss the service provided. Imagine that you are capable of compiling a list of practicing attorneys across this country. Imagine that you contact each of them to discover those who offer free consultations to prospective clients with a legal problem. You take the time to categorize their areas of practice. You may even inquire into their flat rates for quick and easy legal form preparations. You obtain this information freely and easily from these select attorneys by disclosing up-front to them that you are compiling this information in order to be able to kick referrals to them by clients of your own. Attornies are not dumb. They know that these programs are out there. They know full and well that is is a fantastic source of advertising that will absolutely bring business their way. What people who pay monthly for these pre-paid legal plans are never told is that there is no secret to finding an attorney willing to see you free of charge to discuss your particular problem. All it takes is to read their ad in the phone book or by placing a quick call to their office. You'll not be told that if and when you decide to hire the attorney that you may have been referred to, you will pay for those legal services just as you would had you discovered the attorney on your own. Those plan providers that claim that you do indeed obtain discounts are lying through their teeth. An attorney will be more than willing to add $50.00 an hour to his customary fee, and knock it right back off for to make it appear as if there is a discount being offered to clients of the plans. It's the tried and true method used by slick car salesmen across the country. So let me ask anyone who is reading this a simple question; Do you think that it is worth paying a monthly fee in the neighborhood of $19.95 to $39.95 a month to be handed a list of local attornies who will be more than happy to assist you with your problem and at their usual and customary rate? When it boils right down to it, that is the only service you are receiving for your money. These plans are marketed and sold by appealing to people's insecurities. They make you believe that in the event that you encounter a legal issue in the future, it will all be under control in a matter of minutes by placing a phone call to a toll-free number for a referral. The reality is that you will only have been saved fifteen minutes of research to find the names and phone numbers of local attorneys. Lionheart is a class act, on the surface that is. Underneath, they are no different than the others out there offering the same hyped up service offerings - solicited to both consumers who desire to feel secure, and to desperate people seeking to support their families. The end result is that there is more than enough evidence to suggest that giving them the time of day is a complete waste of your money and time, respectively. It's your money. It's your time. If you want to waste either or both, by means...don't let the facts stand in your way. Some people need to learn the hard way.

Chuck Siegel

Lionheart's Recruitment Criteria

#23REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, February 21, 2009

The previous poster made the allegation that we are looking for any "warm body" to become a Lionheart Agent and that we are somehow operating some sort of scam, and nothing could be further from the truth. As a matter of fact, I'm at a loss as to why the Rip Off Report would allow such defamatory and inaccurate statements like these to remain posted when their "Terms of Service" clearly states "You will NOT post on ROR any defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, obscene, profane, offensive, threatening, harassing, racially offensive, or illegal material, or any material that infringes or violates another party's rights (including, but not limited to, intellectual property rights, and rights of privacy and publicity)." These accusations are both defamatory and inaccurate and border on offensive. We have no interest in recruiting those who are looking for a traditional salaried job, and are quite clear in all of our communications that we are looking for professional business to business salespeople for a commission based opportunity. Our industry is regulated by the insurance commissions in every state in which we operate, and comprehensive background checks are ABSOLUTELY conducted by Kroll Background America. Convicted felons don't pass muster under ANY circumstances. For every 1,000 candidates we review, 2 will typically make it through all the phases of our selection process. We'd rather recruit no one than spend countless hours and expense field training the wrong people, and that's why we make the "exit door" highly visible in each and every phase of our selection process.


Scam or Not a Scam

#24Consumer Comment

Tue, January 27, 2009

OK, you may not be ripping people off, but the process rips people off of their valuable time when it takes them on this wild goose chase to get a job. Paying $49 for a background check and at the same time enrolling in a prepaid legal service with a recurring monthly charge is a scam. I GUARANTEE you that no background check is being performed. I know convicted felons who have been hired no problem. As long as you are a warm body with a depleatable bank account, your hired! What I don't understand is how a company like MONSTER continues to allow Lionheart to advertise on their site. It brings down MONSTER in my opinion.


What is a job? What is employment?

#25UPDATE Employee

Tue, December 11, 2007

What is a job? A dictionary will tell you it is "work, task, responsibility, chore, errand, enterprise" plus more. What is employment? A dictionary will tell you it is "work, job, service, occupation, profession, pursuit" and more. Now that the definition of those two terms is established I can find no area where a complaint against The Lionheart Group, Inc. would be accurate. The opportunity to earn a substantial income is offered to those willing to work. So, exactly what is the complaint? The opportunity is not tied to a desk, office, or other confining space? You don't get an immediate salary? This is sales, it doesn't matter whether it is shoes, cars, lawnmowers, art, websites or any of the other many millions of opportunites available in todays technologically advancing world. I work for The Lionheart Group, Inc. and am making money. I am not ripping anyone off, I do not offer any type of scam. Legitimate services and products are available to purchase and the services and products are actually incredibly useful. Unlike others you might see advertised on TV and the internet they have no downside. No small parts which break, no disturbing side effects and no complicated instructions for use. Some of the misunderstanding may be due to the unscrupulous enterprises with similar names to The Lionheart Group, Inc., which you can find on websites devoted to consumer complaints. I have seen entries from individuals claiming there are complaints against the company filed with the USDA, State of this or State of that, and when you take the time to actually contact the places listed, you find none of it is accurate and it becomes clear that often consumer complaint websites bear a real resemblance to a childhood game. Whisper into the ear of the person to your right, they whisper into the ear of the person to their right, and it continues to the last person. The last person says outloud what was whispered in their ear and it becomes crystal clear the statement has drastically changed from the original, true statement. Sales opportunities, jobs, may not be for everyone and that is a good thing, we need teachers, lawyers, doctors, waitstaff and plumbers. If it is not for you, just say no thank you and find that job which fits your personal need and skills. One more note, when you respond and say no thank you, remember there is another person reading what you have written. When you make the choice to use obscenities, profanities, and simply vulgar language, you too make an impression. Make it a good impression.

Chuck Siegel

Response From Chuck Siegel, CEO The Lionheart Group, Inc.

#26REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, December 04, 2007

The person that wrote this review apparently didn't take a number of steps to check their facts before posting. First, they have a fundamental misunderstanding about who we are and what we do. We provide business owners and employee groups of all sizes with employee benefits specifically designed for identity theft restoration and access to the legal system. This is done by a nationwide team of full-time business to business sales professionals. Multi-level marketing is NOT a part of what we do. MLM is a part-time pursuit where one offers products and/or a business opportunity to their friends, family and acquaintances typically using an evening hotel meeting or "business briefing" system. Full-time income replacement is not possible in the short term via MLM as it is a long term building process. In contrast, our independent Agents are full-time business to business sales professionals who call on business owners and senior level executives in companies. Their income is not from building a "network" of family and friends, but rather from their sales of our products and services to companies as employee benefits. Yes, Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc. underwrites the life events legal plan coverage that we provide to employees. They are a 35 year old New York Stock Exchange company that has two divisions: a professional business to business sales division made up of full-time independent sales professionals (for which we serve as an independent Agency) and a network marketing (MLM) division made up of part-timers looking to recruit a large organization of friends, family and acquaintances over time. In our Agent recruitment efforts, we use a multi-phase mutual evaluation process designed specifically to "weed out" those candidates who are looking for a traditional job with a boss, a salary, an office to drive to every morning, a benefits package and a 401K plan because we are NOT offering any of those things. We are looking for independent Agents interesting in building something of their own as a commission based business to business sales professional. It is for this reason that the initial email we send to candidates includes this language... "The Lionheart Group, Inc. is uniquely positioned to attract, develop and retain preeminent field and management talent in an emerging industry characterized by high-growth and minimal competition. We specialize in providing business owners and employee groups of all sizes with cutting edge employee benefits specifically designed for identity theft restoration and access to the legal system. We are looking for independent-minded individuals with solid interpersonal communications skills to join our elite team of highly trained business to business sales professionals. Our Agents can earn substantial incomes marketing our plans both as employee benefits and as valuable tools for business owners. Candidates must be comfortable dealing with senior level executives and business owners. Presentation skills suitable for presenting to groups of 10 to 40 employees at a time are a plus. Candidates must be coachable and willing to follow a proven success system." It doesn't appear that the person who wrote this review paid attention to our compatibility profile. Interested candidates are asked to complete our compatibility profile which uses the words "sales" and "commission" no less than 8 times on purpose. To make it clearer, we include a liberal use of the words "overides", "residuals" and "renewals". In one of our questions we "point blank" ask the candidate if they are looking for a salary and further define for them that by salary we mean "fixed income no matter what I produce". Again, this is done on purpose. Any candidate whose responses indicate that they're looking for a salaried position is immediately terminated from our evaluation process and they don't hear back from us again. In addition, we keep candidate's responses to the profile so that later on (if asked) we can show them why they didn't get invited to an interview. Candidates who don't fill out the compatibility profile in its entirety (and with the right responses) are not allowed to move to the next step (an invitation to an interview). I also don't believe that the person writing this review visited our web site. We designed it to be very clear that this is professional business to business sales - and every email we send to candidates includes a link to our web site for that reason. The text below is copied from the "Career Opportunities" page on our web site... "Are you a success oriented business-to-business sales professional looking for a career change? The Lionheart Group, Inc. is uniquely positioned to attract, develop and retain preeminent field and management talent in an emerging industry characterized by high-growth and minimal competition. We specialize in providing business owners and employee groups of all sizes with the finest and most innovative access plans and employee benefits available. We are looking for independent-minded, high performance sales professionals and professional managers who are willing to work hard in pursuit of their own goals. Our Agents can earn commissions marketing our plans both as employee benefits and as valuable tools for business owners. Candidates must be comfortable dealing with senior level executives and business decision makers. Presentation skills suitable for presenting to groups of 10 to 40 employees at a time are a plus. Candidates must be coachable and willing to follow a proven success system. Training and support resources include: formal classroom training, presentation scripts, audios, videos, training seminars, internet-based training, training manuals, PowerPoint presentations, flipchart presentations and weekly conference calls. Our compensation package features up-front commission advances, plus overrides, bonuses and renewals on commissions and overrides. This uncommon commission structure provides the opportunity to earn both substantial short-term immediate commissions and a solid, ongoing residual income stream. A monthly car bonus incentive is also available. Both Agents and agency builders have the option to be paid daily via direct deposit. Our Agents often receive commission deposits into their bank accounts within 48 to 72 hours of submitting new business. Our Agents have the opportunity to build an agency of their own if they so choose. This makes possible the building of a residual income over time through the recruitment, training and development of professional sales teams." The person that wrote this review seemed to take issue with our initial face to face interview. From their comments, I would guess that they either never attended an interview with us or perhaps showed up and left before it started. Our initial face-to-face interview with candidates makes it patently clear that this is commission based business to business sales. Rarely do we have anyone show up for an interview that doesn't know what they're there for. It would be extremely unproductive and disruptive to say the least if we had a candidate show up who didn't know they were interviewing for a commission based sales position. This initial interview is conducted in a group setting because observing how a candidate interfaces with others in a group is a vital part of our evaluation process. Our Agents make public speaking presentations to groups of employees on a daily basis, so if they don't know how to handle themselves in a group setting we need to find this out early. We also take additional steps to determine the right fit. I won't detail them here, but our mutual evaluation process has a number of components that are specifically designed to separate those looking for a professional business to business sales career from those looking for a traditional salaried job. My personal opinion is that the person who wrote this review is a part-time Pre-Paid Legal MLM associate who recognized the product and assumed we were involved with Pre-Paid's MLM division as they are. Hopefully my explanation will help. If you have been contacted by us and do not wish to be considered in future recruiting candidate searches, please immediately notify us by email using the "support" address near the bottom of the email message you received from us. We will promptly remove your resume from our database and you will not be contacted again. I have purposely not used actual URL links or email addresses in this reply because it is my understanding that doing so would be against the policies of this site. If that turns out not to be the case I hope they will notify me so that I may put them in the appropriate places. Best wishes, Chuck Siegel CEO, The Lionheart Group, Inc.

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