  • Report:  #1079080


Reported By:
Agripina - New York, New York,

York Avenue New York, 10021 New York, USA
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 Starting with 2006, I started to have very bad symptoms and Dr. at Emergency Room at Lenox Hill Hospital  found me with chronic intoxication with Carbon Monoxide.

 August 8, 2007, because my bad symptoms continue  even in fresh air, finally, I arrived at Emergency Room , where I was diagnosed with Dyspnea, Chest pain,  and Carbon Monoxide toxic effects. Dr. Karen R. Stephenson, wrote:


” PT is advised not   to return to her house until the Carbon Monoxide levels are known to  be less. If any worsening of symptoms   return ..”



I arrived in 2008 and before at New York Presbyterian Hospital due to chronic coughing, only in my apartment.

 The doctors who saw me on 2008, at  New York Presbyterian Hospital -Weill Cornell Medical College –Pulmonary Department were very nice , and very understanding. In  June 12, 2009, after I had a CT at my  pulmonary organs,  and saw multiple nodules,  a doctor from the same department wrote :

 “ ….I had pleasure   of seeing [ Me] , in our pulmonary office…….unfortunately, she suffer from a   very bothersome dry cough. Her triggers to this cough seem to be related to   combusted gases that have been documented as present in her apartment. It is   imperative that she avoid these triggers. Therefore, it is in my professional   medical opinion, that it is not safe for her to reside in her apartment. At   this time , we are continuing  work up   as well as treatment for this intractable cough......”


  Because my heath was in continue deterioration I was suspected of leukemia, on June 18, 2010, I arrived at New York Presbyterian, and Dr.  Beltrain the Hematologist prescribe test for Carbon Monoxide, and was found High Level 2.0 ( range are  0.0 to 1.5%).

 On June 29, 2010, Dr. Tapia sent me back to pulmonary doctor , and also  gave  me referral to do a test for Heavy Metals Level. It was staying in hotel, and I was almost dying. I was vomiting, and vomiting uncontrollable.

 Dr. Tapia wrote on June 29, 2010:

 ” Pulmonary consultation. Chronic cough syndrome. Level of Carboxyhemeoglobin (CO) elevated” .

  I went again at  New York Presbyterian Hospital -Weill Cornell Medical College -N.Y. Pulmonary Clinic, but Dr. King  was replaced with another doctor.

I  was sent  to be seen by  Dr. Sanjay Dhar. I explained about my history with Chronic intoxication with Carbon Monoxide . I told him also, I experienced the same symptoms (convulsive coughing, dizziness, vomiting, headache, High Blood Pressure, Anemia, muscular spasm, burning eyes, irritating trachea ), and I requested to repeat the Carbon Monoxide test. HE, AND HIS SUPERVISOR REFUSED.

 Dr. Dhar sent me to do an expensive and unnecessary ECHOCARDIOGRAM, even I had another one done a few months before by my cardiologist. Because the result was OK , he prescribed me Prevacid for stomach and continue my past treatment who did not have effect. Additionally, he requested culture smear: Sputum which was negative at three tests.

 After  Dr. Beltran discovered High Level of CO, I wrote a letter to Dr. Dhar who refused to help me with my convulsive coughing where I said:


“…Please let me know if you have any   decision regarding the new treatment, investigation in this new contest. So   far I am still hypersensitive at any toxic environment, and I still have to   carry mask with me”.


  He called to see him in office. I went and he told me  that I must to start a treatment of  three( 3) pills every day for one year, because the lab on June 18, 2010, in my sputum culture the lab found “ sparse mycobacterium avium complex”.

  I knew is nothing wrong with these bacteria, but to be sure I consulted before 3 more doctors, who told me everyone has these bacteria in small amount, and is nothing wrong. Actually, this Dr. Dhar,  33 day before, did not said is something wrong.

 Now, after 33 days, he declared me with illegally with TUBERCULOSIS ( I recorded the conversation), and tried to determinate me to start a totally inadequate treatment of 1095pills / year( 3pills /day X 365 days= 1065 pills), to intoxicate my body, and to fraud the American Government  ( Medicare), to cover somebody criminal acts with toxic gases and Carbon Monoxide.

  He was very upset because Dr. Beltrain , the hematologist, give me referral for Carbon Monoxide. I was totally shocked. I saw in him and his supervisor enemies, not my doctors. He tried with his tendentiously bad diagnostic to cover the real problem- POISONING WITH CARBON MONOXIDE, as Dr. Tapia sent me after blood tests.

 I asked him again to give me a referral to repeat the Blood test for CO when I will feel poisoned, and he refused. I asked to give me referral to repeat the Chest CT, conform radiologist recommendations and he refused also

  My robust evidence was ignored by these  ” new pulmonary  doctors” who was  rushing to declare me illegally  with TUBERCULOSIS  and with possible mental illness.

  Additionally, he told me that the CO did not affect the pulmonary and respiratory system.  Totally  untrue.

 I complained to Dr. Tapia, who send me for pulmonary investigation to the Mount SinaiMedicalCenter, 17 East 102nd Street, NY10029.

 His assistant did all arrangements to have an appointment. On July 2010, I received from the hospital a letter with my scheduled appointment for August 11, 2010 at 9:45AM.Two days before I called the hospital to inform I will come for my appointment. I was very surprised when they told me you do not have any appointments”. Somebody canceled illegally the appointment. “ good people “ canceled my appointment.

  On June 3, 2010, I saw my neurologist who sent me to do a head MRI. At MRI was discovered:

 “ several small   hyper intensive spots in the white matter of both frontal lobbies, measuring   from 2mm in diameter to 3x6 mm in size”.

  After, many doctors   diagnosed me with “ multiple lacunars   strokes”.. 

 July 12, 2010, I repeated the blood test for CO at  New York Presbyterian Hospital -Weill Cornell Hospital, which was also High Level of CO.

 Dr. Dhar tried to convince me that my convulsive coughing and  the blood test done by Dr, Beltrain  was incorrect , and is not any  CO.  I had 3.4%.

 The literature said:


Carbon monoxide (CO) binds to haemoglobin with a higher affinity (200x   greater) than oxygen, and at the same binding site.  Consequently, carbon monoxide   will bind haemoglobin preferentially over oxygen when both are present in the   lungs - even small amounts of carbon monoxide can dramatically reduce the   ability of haemoglobin to transport oxygen.  Levels as low as 0.02%   carbon monoxide can cause headaches and nausea, while a concentration of 0.1%   can lead to unconsciousness. This accounts for the suffocation caused by   carbon monoxide fumes, such as from the exhaust of a car engine.  People who smoke heavily can block up to   20% of the oxygen binding sites in haemoglobin with carbon monoxide.  When carbon monoxide binds to haemoglobin   it becomes a very bright cherry red (carboxyhaemoglobin), giving the person   the appearance of a ‘healthy glow’.

 By contrast, carbon dioxide (CO2), which is produced as a waste   product after aerobic respiration, binds to haemoglobin at a different site, therefore does not compete with oxygen for   binding to haemoglobin.




 On February 1, 2011, I rented a room in another apartment. For a few months, I had an excellent air. Staring with June 1011, I started again to experience my old problems with the poisoned air, and from my room again disappear importance evidences for court

  On June 11, 2011, in my way to Metropolitan Museum of Art where I was volunteering, I felt ready to fail in the street.  The  bad symptoms with I experienced in my room did not run out in fresh air. Dizzy, and with chest pain, I went at Emergency Room at  defendant New YorkPresbyterianHospital.

  Here the doctors did a test for high risk at hard attack and was high. Also they did the  Carbon Monoxide test ,  which was also high. The doctors told me to stay in hospital, but I refused because  I knew they will falsify the medical report.

Both Kidde Carbon Monoxide Detectors, electric and with batteries did not detected any Carbon Monoxide level.

 On June 15-16, I hired another defendant Lawrence  Wilson. He told me “ “ Agripina”  you had bad lawyers before. You will be lucky  with me”. I said him thank you, and I told him to be careful do not be corrupted or intimidated as my previous lawyers. He told me ”no way”

Also, he promised me to bring all defendants in court, to start discovery immediately, to do an expertise in my ex- apartment, and to take deposition from my landlord Glencord Building Corp., defendant Giustizia Agressivo and  defendant Constance Cincotta  . I signed the contract.

I sent him more evidences as requested, and I told him that a tenant from Glencord’s  building  Edie Ventilora, could be my witness because he experienced the same problems as me, and knew   my problems also. He told me to send pictures, recorded conversation with Edie and I sent him.

  He rented his apartment about 45 years. He complained as me very poisoned air, and he could be witness in my case. I informed my lawyer,  Lawrence Wilson, who was totally indifferent. Again, both Kiddle Carbon Monoxide Detectors ( two), electric and with batteries did not detected any Carbon Monoxide level .


( On July 1-2, 2011 I meet a tenant from Glencord’s  Building,    Mr. “XY”,   informed me that Eddie was found dead . Eddie was a very lonely and honest 69 y. o man.  After, a few days I meet George again, and he told me, he received a copy of death, and at the cause of dead is  blank.

I was informed that the landlord cleaned my apartment where I experienced the problems and Edie’s apartment.  I called my lawyer to ask what about expertise. He refused.

 I informed quickly my lawyer, and I told him I am 99.99% sure he was killed by the the landlord , the  Glencords .

 My lawyer,  Lawrence Wilson  was not in my side, and promised me a “kind” of possible investigation

My attorney was not the same person. He started to push me for mediation without any discovery.  He blamed all my doctors, and gave me from the internet doctors to evaluate me, and pushed me to tell them that I am very sick, because only in that way we can win the case. He became my adversary. In September 2011,  I fired him, and on November 2011, I found that my lawyer  after 3 week when he signed the contract with me,  with forgery filed a lawsuit in my name against Con Edison , the gas company.


  On June 26, 2011, In middle of the night I wake up again  with severe chest pain. I took a taxi and I went again at defendant New YorkPresbyterianHospital -WeillCornellHospital- emergency Room. Here the doctors were very hostile. I was vomiting in Emergency Room. The nurses did some injections to me, and refused to tell me what is. Also, the doctors decided to have a chest and brain CT because Dr. Cocioba asked it (?). At my insistent request they took blood test for Carbon Monoxide. I felt to be poisoned as in Manhattan apartment. I had  the same symptoms.

 They found High Level of CO ( 3.4%) , but refused to repeat the test for possible hard attack. The doctors refused to treat me adequately. refused to give me a copy of my blood test, the hsitory of medicine. After many argument I received a copy of blood test, but not the name of medicine admintrated.

 I was transferred from Emergency Room to the  Cardiology Unit,  where I did not receive any medicines. I was taken my own  medicine. I was discharged in June 27, 2011 , afternoon. When I asked a copy of my blood test and the medical history, I was refused. I complained, and after many arguments regarding my Patient’s Rights,  I received a hand written history treatment done by Ms. Barbara Horman, Patient Care Director which is a huge FALSE. I never received the treatment pretending by her, and later the medical history repost did not confirm her pretending treatments.

 (The defendant New YorkHospital medical reports disappear from my room each time).

 The next day I did a complaint , and until now I do not have an answer why  my Patients’ Rights was not respected , and why I cannot have an explanation of the discordances in medicine’s and medical report’s  history. I asked why was necessary CT for chest and brain since I had one recently, they ignored my bad heath.  They ‘pretended “ that my doctor Cocioba requested it.

  Later in a recorded conversation with Dr. Cocioba he said he never spoke with the hospital, he did not have any right, he is not affiliated to the defendant’s  New York  PresbyterianWeillCornellHospital, and the doctors are responsible for their decisions. He told me that he is affiliate only to the LenoxHills Hospital , and the doctors could  not receive any directions from him because is not legal. EVERYTHING A MISTERY!

  I was totally ignored with severe chest pain. I saw hostility, I saw the doctors against me. I left the hospital next day, without a routine blood pressure, and without knowing what medicine.  I received in Emergency Room. EVERYTHING WAS A BIZARE SECRET! I did complaints. The air in my room was improving.

 On, June 28, 2011 I took again the blood for CO and was in normal limit saying in the same room, in the same environment, but not poisoned.

 On August 1, 2011, I took again the blood   test for CO, living in the same environment.

                    The level was zero (())!


That means my body answer very well at   the poisoned or not poisoned environment. 


 On  October 11, 2011, I went to the New York Presbyterian Hospital and I  gave blood test for Carbon Monoxide level at Dr. Tapia recommendations. I went there to be the same laboratory, for accurate reading. “ Miraculously” again my blood disappeared for the second time in this hospital. Asking an explanation from  Senior Patient Services Administrator- Ms. Lorraine Baker, I received a puerile answer “ lab accident” . Of course I did not believe.

 After, Dr. Beltain who found High Level of CO , refused DR. Tapia referral to repeat the blood for CO and sent me at QUEST DIAGNOSTICS.

 Until today, I did not have a complete report with the medicine administrate to me at New York Presbyterian Hospital.

In December 12, 2011, my primary care doctor, Dr. Cocioba wrote to the hospital :

 “ Please release all medicine record regarding admitted on  6.11 and 6.26.11. I have to continue treatment and I can’t . Release records in my attention”.

 It is 3 years and the hospital still did not release my complete medical records, with to admission at Emergency Room on June 2010.  To diagnose somebody with TUBERCULOSIS only to cover that the coughing came from my many poisoning with CO, to refuse to give me treatment, to make the blood to for CO tests to disappear for two times, and to refuse to do again blood test at doctor’s request it is  a crime.














1 Updates & Rebuttals


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#2Consumer Comment

Tue, August 12, 2014

 Multiple reports about the same thing that happened YEARS ago.  Please seek counseling for your issues.

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