  • Report:  #402842

Complaint Review: The Television Kingdom - Internet

Reported By:
- NORFOLK, Virginia,

The Television Kingdom
thetelevisionkingdom.com Internet, U.S.A.
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This webiste looked pretty good although it did not have a section for customer reviews, I figured it was alright because the T.V.'s were being sold at a decent price.

So I purchased a 15 magnavox lcd flat screen and on their website it was 137.00 but after taxes and shipping it only came up to 169.00 so of course im thinking I got a good deal.

I made the purchase for this T.V. online sunday and then a sales representative calls me on that Wednesday to tell me that they are sold out of my T.V. but he has a T.V. that a 15 w/dvd combo for 253.00. So of course I immediately ask the guy why is the company just now contacting me after two days if they didn't have the item I purchased. When I said that he told me that he had been trying to contact me all week and I replied to him no he hasn't because that was the first time I had even seen that number on my phone and if he had been why didn't he leave a voice mail? This is when it went totally down hill.

When I asked him why wasn't a voice mail left on my phone to notify me of the product that he so called tried to "contact me all week" about he replied to me, why should I leave a voice mail?" And I said to him because if you're dealing with someone elses money and you don't have the item they purchased it would be a courtsey to do what you can to contact them. This guy acted like he was doing me a favor or something, as if he was paying me for the T.V. and not vise versa.

So after we got passed that I told him that I wasn't happy at all about the T.V. not being in stock but its still on their website and not labeled "out of stock" but I told him I would go ahead and take the T.V. anyway. So then the guy calls me up about 15 min. later and says that he has the same T.V. just a older version and he would charge me 243.00 instead of 253.00 so I says okay thats fine.

However when I looked on their cite to check my order it says up their that there charging me 253.00 and I look at the T.V. their sending me and it is no longer a dvd combo, its just a plain ole 15". So I emailed them thru there website asking them to call me about the order ASAP and no one ever called so I ended up having to call them and when I do, the same guy answers the phone.

When I tell him my problem he says to me that he recorded our convo and if I want he can send it to me thru voicemail because he doesn't believe that he didn't tell me that I was no long getting the TV with the dvd player. I informed him that If I knew that the tv w/the dvd was only a $10 difference I would have just kept it, and I asked him does that make any sense. And he starts telling me about recession and thats why he thought I want a cheaper tv. So we're going back and forth so I finally had enough and asked to speak to his manager.

So I hear him talking in the background to someone in which sounds like a playful tone and then this guy gets on the phone and I immediatly here someone giggle in the backgroung. The guy who gets on the phone sounds just liket he guy I got off the phone with and he just starts talking over me and he wasn't even listening to one word I had said. Then when I finally got to explain myself to him, he tells me that the guy I was on the phone with has been working for him for 25 years and he believes whatever he says. This is what made me believe that there whole operation was shady because what real manager would blow you off and accuse you of lying, when you're the one giving him money?

So I told him that thats no way to treat or talk to customers that are giving them money and I told him that I wanted my money back because it wasn't worth it if this is what I had to go threw to fix a problem. The people there were extremely rude and don't value their customers at all. A true waste of time and money.


NORFOLK, Virginia


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