  • Report:  #68886

Complaint Review: Tiger Direct - Miami Florida

Reported By:

Tiger Direct
7795 West Flagler Street,Suite35 Miami, 33144 Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I purchase some DDR400 memory and it was dead when recieved. Contact company and they sent new memory and billed for it until they received the old memory back. Between the time I received the new memory and they received the bad sticks was within threes days of another. It has now been three+ weeks since they had the return in house and no credit had been issued yet. I have just spoken with them and was advised that they would issue credit Monday the 13th and the credit should show up within three days.

If I hadn't called to push the issue, they would have kept my money and no refund ever given. The customer no service rep stated that there must have been a mixup. The only mix up is my calling to follow thru on my refund. WATCH THEM CLOSE IF ORDERING


Deland, Florida

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