  • Report:  #66266

Complaint Review: Toledo Finance Corporation - Granbury Texas

Reported By:
- Fort Worth, Texas,

Toledo Finance Corporation
1362 E. Highway 377 Granbury, 76048 Texas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
My girlfriend has been doing business with this company for several years, taking out loans at times she has needed them the most. She has had good credit with them for the past two years, making every payment on time. Here recently, not long after she delivered her payment through the drop box window, a representative from the "business" calls her work and my cell phone (how on earth did they get these two numbers?!?!) and threatens that if she doesn't cough up this months payment, then they will personally show up at her house and seize her collateral. They have made these threats twice in two days.

For any of you who live in the Granbury area, I would strongly advise you to NOT DO BUSINESS WITH THESE PEOPLE- unless you want them to call you and threaten you over something that is their mistake, not yours and end up paying extra.

Even more, you're probably better off not getting a loan from any place that advertises for cash advances or any place with the word "finance" in its title. Not only are the interest rates high with them, but the people who work for them are heartless and will use scare tactics to bring in the profits.


Anytown, Texas

1 Updates & Rebuttals


before you make judgements

#2Consumer Suggestion

Thu, December 15, 2005

Acutally I work for a finance company and I take serious offense to the fact that you call everyone who works for a finance company heartless and uses scare tactics to bring in the profits. To make such a generalization is very misguided and uncalled for. Now I am not sure what the situation was exactly and if there was any inappropriate actions by the employees of that finance company then we should hope that those things were dealt with appropriately. As for the interest rate, yes it is higher because the customer is paying out over 4-8 months rather then 5-30+ years. Also, banks will not loan under 1000.00 unless you have nearly perfect credit and have been with them for years. So for those people who need money on a short term basis, we help them with that and can also help build credit. I have done whatever I could to help out my customers and help them when they have a difficult time, as well as try to resolve issues that may arise. I do not use cheap scare tactics to get money because they don't work. I have learned that patience and understanding actually works better then intimidation.

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