  • Report:  #926932

Complaint Review: TONI TAYLOR - Clinton Missouri

Reported By:
JUSTICE - USA, Texas, United States of America

74 SW 1001st Road Clinton, 64735 Missouri, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Ms. Taylor (or any of her online aliases) has engaged in an acts of fraud, defamation, unjust enrichment, slander, unlawful use of entertainment content, violations of The Lanham Act and misuse of internet forums.

FRAUD: Advertisers in Overland Park, Kansas paid Ms. Taylor to mail 10,000 coupon publications. Ms Taylor has mailed half of the promised amounts. In an email she wrote to her supplier that she planned to do this.

DEFAMATION: Ms. Taylor has created multiple false names on internet forums claiming to be another person(s). She then uses these forums to violent rage about her (supposed) rip-off from an individual and his Company. The person she attacks is a well-known media executive of 23 years who has factually direct mailed over 21 Billion coupons and savings magazine publications.

Ms Taylor lives at home with her parents and spends a good deal of time weaving this story. She even had the audacity to claim that the well known media person was guilty of a fraud charge and dredged up a family conflict over a small check.  Additionally, she mislead and confused by sending emails with details of ANOTHER person and not the actual target of her attacks.

Ms Taylor has also attempted to bully people into believing that the 23 years history of the person being attacked was filled with fraud, when in fact there was a CIVIL law suit between TWO Corporations where the defendant was asked to make good on old debt. The two Corporations had been doing business together for nearly 20 years and exchanged a few hundred million dollars in print and mail money successfully before the collapse of the economy. The person attacked was charged in CIVIL court and the case was settled three years ago.

Ms. Taylor fails to report that the person attacked had NEVER been arrested or even had a parking ticket in his lifetime. Ms. Taylor points to the problems with print and mail for past Publishers doing business, but NOT ONCE reports HOW those problems occurred. In fact, when queried as to her OWN experiences she simply avoids answering.

UNJUST ENRICHMENT. It has been reported that Ms. Taylor is trying to convince Publisher who were recruited and trained by the subject of her attack to JOIN her in her new print and mail venture. Therefore hoping to build a business from the hard work of others. Countless dollars have been spent and thousands of hours invested in building the team that the person under attack has assembled. To the  attempt to steal his business, is a clear violation of "UNJUST ENRICHMENT." Ms. Taylor also attempts to tell the people that she is trying to convince to join her in her venture that their Legal Agreements in place are meaningless. 

WE also believe that Ms. Taylor is stealing content directly from the internet to place into her Publications. The content is entertainment related. With no permission to do so and no approved access to publicity sites (that are password protected) she may be continuing to pirate this content.

LANHAM ACT VIOLATIONS. By printing and mailing a "Confusingly Similar" publication to the one that the attacked person has printed and mailed for years, Ms. Taylor is in Direct Violation of a Federal Law called The Lanham Act. This rises to a criminal act and is punishable by jail time.

The misuse if forums such as INDEED, Rip Off Report and other must surely rise to a criminal act as well.


6 Updates & Rebuttals


Kansas City,

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, September 17, 2012

I'm not seeing a picture...but now I'm curious!  Please resubmit.


New York,
United States of America
Toni A Picture For You

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, September 17, 2012

Toni A Picture For You


Kansas City,

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, September 14, 2012


You sound like someone that's either worked with Shaun before or who has been a publisher before??  Did you know him from CCM or RAM?

Unfortunately, some of us found out about Shaun's criminal ways long after we had already started publishing magazines.  Some former publishers actually paid large sums of money for their magazines to be printed and mailed, from $5290 to $7990, and they either: 1) Only had a part of their magazines mailed, 2) Had their magazines mailed anywhere from 2-6 weeks late (the magazines have dated coupons for 8 weeks), or 3) They never received their magazines at all.  

Many of us publishers went out on our own to publish our own magazines to avoid being screwed over by Shaun and his Ponzi Scheme.  I'd worked long and hard to build up my magazines and wasn't about to let this schmuck Shaun ruin my business.  The problem is, since I started posting his scam here on Ripoff Report to reveal him and his lies, he's retaliated and posted stuff about me that isn't true.  I'm hoping people realize that HE is the criminal and I'm simply trying to expose him for what he is.  

You also state that Shaun's been arrested before - Do you know when, where, and for what?  The more information we can post online, the more likely we can prevent others from falling prey to his scam.  

It's obvious "Justice" from Texas is Shaun.  I know it and clearly you know it.  He has this familiar "speak" that gives him away - it's like his "tell".  I've posted and made it clear who I am - he can't even be honest about his identity when posting which is even more evidence to his inability to be honest.  Sad really.

Then Shaun posted another complaint pretending to be one of my advertisers.  He first gave himself away when he used a middle initial when listing my name because NONE of my advertisers would know what my middle name or initial was.  There were other obvious "tells" but it's pathetic to see him continue to lie.  All he does is dig a deeper hole for himself.

I have seen a couple of screen shots of Shaun logged into some movie press sites - but I don't know how he gained access as a lot of them require an agency contact to even be considered.  But, his login was under Shaun Reilly - NOT Shaun Boylan.  The man has so many aliases it's hard to keep up.  

Oh, and the civil suit Shaun speaks of in his above post - well, it's not done or settled as he claims!  QuadGraphics recently filed a Writ of Garnishment and that was added to the court documentation regarding their $20 million dollar lawsuit.  Why does Shaun continue to lie when ALL the PROOF clearly proves the exact opposite of what he claims?  Is he crazy?  I mean really crazy?  Does he think we are stupid and will disregard legal court documents?  Does he really think his words outweigh the paperwork that proves he's a liar?   

I think the law is finally catching up to Shaun/Mike/Michael and I'm hoping the IRS and QuadGraphics gets theirs too!  He needs to rot in jail!!  


New York,
United States of America
Never Arrested ?

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, September 14, 2012

Shaun,You know that's not True !
Posting from Texas
Only Qu**r's and Steer's are There.
I forgot You are a Qu**r so You are
in the right place !
But Your Bond does not allow You to leave the
State of Florida.

Report Attachments


New York,
United States of America
Shaun Boylan/Criminal

#6UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, September 13, 2012

Shaun,is a criminal and any movie content he has does not have anything to do with Him.
He has 23 Year's as being a Criminal only.  If it was not for Mark H. and John K. CCM would have went under long ago/

Don't waste Your time with anything other than locating Him.

The Company Address is John Lare's Parents house.

Shaun You can't sue anyone..Your a Punk

Report Attachments


False Posting in Attempts to Retaliate

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, September 10, 2012


This posting cannot be true since I have no dissatisfied advertisers.  Additionally, I have never taken money from any advertiser under false pretenses. 

Im not surprised by your attempts to try and disparage my good name.  I know its backlash for me and several other publishers bringing your scam to light.  Its unfortunate that you feel the only way out of the mess you created for yourself, is to post lies about me on this forum because you feel Im the one responsible for your troubles.  

First, you live in Florida and I live in Missouri.  You are attempting to remain anonymous because you are NOT an advertiser, but are in fact, Shaun Boylan, owner of RAM Theater Services.   You are not privy to my day-to-day business activities, therefore, cannot know that I have only satisfied advertisers, most of whom have been repeat advertisers for more than a year. 

When I realized that Shaun Boylan was scamming publishers, including myself, I decided to move forward with publishing on my own.  It was necessary for me to do so in order to protect both my business and that of my many advertisers.  Separating from Shaun Boylan and RAM Theater Services has been beneficial for myself and all of my advertisers.  The only person that is upset with my success is Shaun Boylan.

I have no advertisers that have been ripped off.  Therefore, I know this posting is completely false and is Shaun's attempts at revenge on me for the following: 







As anyone can see, I am not the only former publisher who was scammed by Shaun Boylan and his company RAM Theater Services.  I felt it necessary to start posting online about Shaun Boylan and his scam of taking money from publishers and not fulfilling his contractual obligations as my attempt to prevent other, unsuspecting people, from being taken advantage of and this has resulted in retaliation from Shaun in attempts to ruin my business and good reputation.  

If you're interested in learning more about the legal and financial troubles of the person who's been scamming hardworking publishers out of their money,  check out the links below and tell me what person should feel secure in giving Michael J. Boylan, aka Shaun Boylan, and/or RAM Theater Services any money?  Especially money like $5,290 to $7,990??


(We publishers sent our cashiers checks, payable to RAM Theater Services, to John Lare/LeRe at 11120 Laughton Circle and now we see that Shaun and John were served eviction papers as recent as July 25, 2010.)






(Click the "View Thumbnails" button and look at page 2 - Michael Boylan, aka Shaun Boylan, was sued for more than $20 million dollars in a fraud suit.  He has yet to pay.)

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