  • Report:  #393847

Complaint Review: Toronto Auto Station Get A Car Loan Sterling Auto Finance And Leasing Ray Behroozian - Toronto Ontario

Reported By:
- Toronto, Ontario,

Toronto Auto Station Get A Car Loan Sterling Auto Finance And Leasing Ray Behroozian
2345 Keele St. Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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I am surprised to see these criminals are still able to rip people off considering my ordeal was in May 2007 and I reported to all the proper authorities.

Here's My story:

I purchased a High mileage automobile from this outfit. It had 120,000 KM on it and the price we agreed on was 5900.00. After we finished the initial paper work my wife and I were brought into the back of the building to do the financing.

Here we were introduced to a "Sam" ( I later learned that it was really owner and criminal Ray Behroozian, I 'll get to that later) to do the paper work on the financing which he said goes through Sterling Auto Finance which he claims is a separate entity ( which is really VFC Inc.) and we agree to an interest rate of 12.99% over 5 years. After we are done he offers us a "drink" which we decline and ask for a copy of the documents.

He tells us for 'legal reasons' he can not give us a copy it would have to be mailed to us via Registered mail in a few days. He said it was for our protection. We bought into it. BIG MISTAKE!!! Do not ever, ever leave any place without a copy of your contract you will see why. This is for and business not only this scam place.

A few days later, it was approx. 4 , we receive all documents in the mail however instead of the contract we signed we received one that was totally doctored up with an interest rate of 24.99%!!!! My signiture wasn't even in pen. It was copied in carbon aper type black.

I was furious and phoned Toronto Auto Station numerous times. After a heated discussion with the 'sales manager' (whom I suspect was also Ray Beroozian) it was clear these guys run a criminal scam operation.

The next day I went to my local police dept. I explained the situation and he said it's a 'complicated' case. I didnt agree. Nothing complicated about fraud and forging documents. If I did that to bank documents I would be in jail. The front officer was kind enough to phone Toronto Auto Station on our behalf and arranged a sit down. I thank the officer for that because it's really not his job but he helped us at least get an appointment.

The appointment was for next day 11am. Both my wife and I had to take the day off. Once we arrived at Toronto Auto Station we were met by the front desk clerk 'Maria' where she would shuffle us from space to room to back room to space. After about 1.5 hrs. we were shuffled into the 'grand' office (my wife calls it the wolf's liar because it was Ray Behroozian's office in the back complete with security system like you are in a maximum security facility).

Here walks in the same person who introduced himself as "Sam". It was Ray Behroozian so be careful he introduces himself under multiple names and persona. He is either a well crafted fraud artist or completely insane. I don't know which yet . As we were discussing our case he exhibited bizarre behaviors such as talking about subjects we didn't care for and speaking to his employees through a window. Nothing really jarring but it was difficult getting into the meat of the matter with this guy all over the place.

One very bizarre thing we noticed was that his front desk clerk 'Maria' would walk into the office and each time they would hug and whisper stuff into each other's ear while laughing about it like two little school children. This happened three times until I finally put a stop to it. I told him "Enough, you wasted enough of our times with your games". I told him I knew they changed the documents and doctored new ones at a crazy rate I would NEVER pay ( I could get cheaper putting the car on my MasterCard).

He said we made the mistake and I should read my contract. I then demanded the original document where I signed in PEN. He claimed he didn't have to show me anything. When I threatened to go back to the cops he absolutely exploded. He even threatened us. He said "Do you know who I am ? I could have you taken care of in minutes. You don't know me". I told him to stop with the threats because they mean nothing to me. I said I was going back to the cops where he simply laughed and said good luck with that. He said the cops would do nothing and he had them in his back pocket because he was wealthy, powerful etc. etc.

Well he was absolutely correct. The cops will not do NOTHING except tell you take it to civil court. OmVic was equally as useless because the case worker we had said it's a difficult case to go through (huh? That's what they are there for??) and VFC is in on the scam. Or at least the guy who handles Sterling Auto Finance (his name was Omid and he was also Persian and claimed to be a friend of Ray so you see where that goes).

So there you have it. You can huff and puff but no one will act. Ray Behroozian is a professional criminal and con artist. He knows the system and has it down to an art. He can basically do as he pleases including threatening your life and nothing will come out of it except a cop telling you "Until he acts on his threat we can't do anything". Well duh- if he acts on it I would be already dead right? And what happened to this charge- uttering threats? Fraud? etc? If they wanted to they could have charged him easily aer a simple investigation.

On a side note about Ray Behroozian. He likes to introduce himself as multiple people so I will give a brief description:

- He is Middle Eastern but has a very pale , sickly complexion

- When he is calm he speaks in a faked British accent but when the profanities start he speaks in a thick or noticeable Persian accent

- He is a liar and a con artists so record everything you say around him with a TAPE. This is very important because he will lie to the police. He lies like crazy and some of the stories he makes up makes me wonder if the man is truly delusional

- he is most likely, as reported, on some drugs or has mental issues because his behavior is BIZARRE

- he is 5'7" with receding hairline and bulging eyes and very , very skinny. You will know him from his sickly look. He looks like a cancer patient.

If you see this person it is HIM. I will try to get a picture as I had one somewhere on my cell phone. His employees over there are all in on it and I suspect 'Maria' is his wife or girlfriend or something. He will try to introduce you to car insurance guys which also are probably a scam.

On a side note to add insult to injury- My car was a complete lemon and was a car written off in California. When we investigated who he bought the car from - SURPRISE SURPRISE- It was from a Sterling Auto Sales in California owned and run by who?


Ain't that a kicker?

The end result was I left the car on his lot with keys in his mail box and dealt with the hit on my credit report. He resold the car as it was on his lot 2 days later so he got my down payment. That's how this scammer makes his money. He counts on people not being able to fight him off and he knows the cops won't do jack. He intimidates and threatens and acts like some Persian Mafia idiot BUT he's a nobody. DOn't allow him to intimidate you. He may even crank call you at night (he did to us or least we think it was him . The phone was traced to a pay phone in the Yonge and Elgin Mills Area) and threaten to kill your family but I wouldn't worry about this guy. He is nothing but a loud mouth delusional fool. One day teh cops will get him. Have faith in that. Justice will be served.

Ray Behroozian also owns or is part owner of the following companies (don't learn teh hard way)

AT and T Canada Inc.

Sterling Auto Finance

(((link redacted)))


Weston Motors

Joseph ****

Toronto, Ontario


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1 Updates & Rebuttals

Joseph cabell

Sorry wrong Company

#2Author of original report

Sat, November 22, 2008

Reza "ray" Behroozian does not run A T and T Canada. It is actually At and A Canada which is the scam agency he runs. Also sorry about posting the full URL. The missing URL is of badcreditapproval "dot" ca also owned and operated by the rip off company Ray Behroozian owns and operates- Sterling Auto Finance.

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