  • Report:  #3720

Complaint Review: TracFone - Nationwide

Reported By:
- Commerce, TX,

Can't find - www.tracfone.com Nationwide, U.S.A.
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MartI am NE of Dallas, TX and purchased from Wal Mart a $39.95 Nokia Prepaid Phone which is connected by TracPhone. Sounds like a great deal right? Wrong. Even though Nokia is a great liitle cell phone the Prepaid service - TracFone is a rip off.

This particular phone has a chip in it that makes it only connectable through TracFone. From Oct.16 thru Oct 27 I tried to get my service connected and never did get connected. Every day I called TracFone and every day I was on hold anywhere from 15 mins to an hour. Only then to be told to give them 24 more hours. 24 hours later I would still not have any service. Finally after getting 2 extension numbers to call people back in Miami, FL and Dallas, TX - I am told they do not transfer to extensions. I took the phone back to Wal Mart and they refunded my money.

Went to another location and purchased another Nokia phone and it is great. But TracFone is HORRIBLE!!!!! They report to be America's #1 Prepaid Cellular Service. For the life of me, I don't know how. They don't even give an address. A websit is all I can find - www.tracfone.com Pam in Texas

1 Updates & Rebuttals

I've been a loyal customer of wal-mart. Now I wonder.


Mon, January 07, 2002

They filed the following rebuttal to the above Rip-Off Report: Their email: [email protected] Their name: jerry kolasa Their relationship to the company: Owner Rebuttal: I purchased this cell phone at wal-mart christmas-eve,. I'am a last minute shopper. I've been a loyal customer of wal-mart. Now I wonder. They advertise, alway's lowest price's. How ever we bought this P.C. there. K-mart had it for one hundred dollars less, a week later. They Wal-mart would not compete with K-mart and I had to take back to Wal-mart and then go to K-mart to get a new one. As for this cell phone,. I'm sure Sam,would be pretty up set if he knew what he be selling in his store's now, sorry I feel real ripped off from Wal-mart now. Don't they have a like purching personal, there. Don't they screen some-what so the customer come's first. That be all .........was a loyal customer to Wal-mart.

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