  • Report:  #360651

Complaint Review: Tri State Animal Hospital - Huntington West Virginia

Reported By:
- Proctorville, Ohio,

Tri State Animal Hospital
6474 Merrick Creek Rd Huntington, 25702 West Virginia, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
The week I got my puppy, I made a first appointment. Even though we had an appointment, we waited in the waiting room for 15 minutes. When we were in the exam room, we waited again 10-20 minutes twice. My children were going nuts. Still I remained with them.

This past Wednesday night, my puppy broke her leg. I called Tri-State Thursday morning to set up an appointment. They couldn't see her for six days! That appointment was only a consult and would cost me $190 just for the exam and xrays. I asked what I could do for the suffering puppy until then. They replied, "I don't know what to tell you." They were actually getting agitated with me that I expected them to do something for my puppy with her broken leg. I asked them to call her something in to relieve her suffering until the appointment. They said they would call back; they never did. I asked them if there were other vets I could take her to. They gave me a few names, none of whom performed orthopedic surgery.

I searched for vets using the yellow pages. Hurricane Animal Hospital got her in the same day. They even stayed open past normal business hours to perform the orthopedic repair. They stated there was no way I could've waited six days with such a badly broken limb. Although I was only there to get the leg fixed, Hurricane performed a complete and thorough physical. The dandruff my dog has been presenting with, that Tri-State claimed was a reaction to the fleas she had from the breeder, was actually diagnosed as a nutrition problem. I was instructed to simply change her dog food. They put a splint on the puppy's leg. I was shown xrays of before and after, and they thoroughly explained the recovery process. My puppy needed strict rest, and my crate would be too small for such a long confinement. So they allowed me to put a small $25 deposit on a larger crate of theirs to be returned with full refund after her recovery. I was also given pain medication to give my puppy daily to keep her comfortable while she heals. These people were quick, thorough, kind, and true heroes. My puppy is now well on her way to a speedy and happy recovery. By the way, the entire bill for exam, physical, a fecal test per my request, x rays, splinting, etc was only $220.

If I had not taken action to find another vet, Tri-State's negligence and lack of concern would've resulted in my puppy's leg being amputated. Imagine if you broke two bones in your leg, went to the ER, and the ER told you come back in six days for a "consult!" Then when you went back in six days, your leg had to be amputated but could've simply been casted six days prior. Can you say mal-practice?

They claim to be an Emergency Veterinary Hospital. If "emergency" is classified as nearly a week prior to even a consult, then we all need to worry. Save yourself the heartache, and quite possibly save your pet's limbs. Take your pet to a place that actually cares about animals. Stay far away from Tri-State.


Proctorville, Ohio


2 Updates & Rebuttals

Blah Blah Blah

United States of America
Not even a possibility that the original report is true

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, June 18, 2012

I am a longtime customer of Tri-State Animal Clinic, having used them for many years, and I ran across this report when googling to find their website.  I immediately knew there is not even a remote possibility that this report is true.  In addition to what was stated by an employee of the clinic, I would like to add the following based upon my personal experiences.

They have walk-ins after 4pm, which they always tell you if you call and they have no available appointments.  There is an extra fee for that service, but if you do not feel like you should wait, you can bring your pet in at that time without an appointment.  I know this for an absolute fact because I have done so many times, and did it again not long ago.

I do not for even one minute believe that they would not give a timely appointment when a dog has a broken leg.  I have called them before when my animals were injured far less seriously than a broken leg, and they did not even hesitate to tell me to bring them in immediately.  I never had a long wait once I got there, either.

As for whether they were treated rudely and callously by staff when they called about a medical emergency, that is nothing short of ludicrous.  I have never once been treated with anything less than professionalism and concern when calling their clinic, nor have I ever heard of anyone else having an experience of that nature.

I therefore do not understand why anyone would ever make up such a horrible story, since it is the sick and suffering animals who will ultimately suffer most for untruths of this nature.  However, based upon my longtime personal experience with Tri-State Animal Clinic, there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that the original report is nothing but a malicious lie, and it should therefore be removed from Ripoff Reports.


United States of America
Concrete Information

#3UPDATE Employee

Tue, April 06, 2010

I am here to address Autiemommy2008's concerns with the Tri-State Veterinary Animal Clinic. Her concerns are either very exaggerated or she did not have a real experience at the clinic based on the following reasons: 

1) Waiting period. What she may not realize is that there are 3 doctors who have several issues going on at once. Appointments alone may take up to 45 minutes if there is bloodwork to be run, radiographs performed, etc. and they only have 2 followers doing these procedures. If clients are even 15 minutes late to their appointment, they throw off the schedule and put others behind. There are also emergencies such as hit-by-car or seizing dogs that must been seen immediately. Walk-ins always come in for drop offs for spay/neuters, nail trims, anal gland expressions, therapeutic laser treatments.... Let's assume Autiemommy2008 came to her appointment on time. The bottom line is that she did not know why she had to wait, but it was one of the previously stated reasons. If she was disgruntled, we offer our apologies, but no one socializes in the back when clients are waiting. If she had to wait, it is because someone was before her or an emergency came in, both of which she could admit are well enough reasons to wait. Besides, doesn't everyone wait at the doctor's office? 

2) Not seeing a possible broken leg. Absolutely untrue. A broken leg is considered an emergency. If she wanted to be seen as an appointment, she would have gone in our "overflow" section of our appointment book. This client also could have come in as a walk-in. Either way, we would not have rejected her. 

3) Cost. 190.00 for Office exam + Radiographs is wrong. If she had come in as an appointment, it would have cost her 87.00 + tax. 

4) Leaving dog in pain. We've never had a problem giving Tramadol or Rimadyl to dogs for pain management when the owner is unable to come in for an appointment right away. Although, as previously stated in #2, there would've been no problem in seeing her puppy asap.  

5) As for referring her to random veterinarians, that is most untrue. Our first choice is Dr. McNeel in Cross Lanes. You can visit his website here: http://crosslanesvet.com/site/view/110981_OurDoctors.pml;jsessionid=1o3j8u4wvm5ka
 and our second option is Ohio State. It is unclear why this client would say her experience was different. 

6) Experience at Hurricane. We have a client personally who we've lent a crate to as temporary confinement for her dog who had spinal injury. Also, any client of ours will tell you that if their dog has x-rays performed, we bring them into the back and thoroughly explain their pet's condition, diagnosis and plan. I cannot speak for Hurricane's prices, but ours would have been $204.00
It includes: 
*Office Call (Physical Exam)
*Fecal Exam for Intestinal Parasites
*Initial Radiographs
*Rimadyl Pain Medication (I don't understand why it was ok with this client for her puppy to go home without it)
*Propoflo (Sedation required to x-ray foot without the puppy feeling it. Again, don't understand why it was ok with the owner for Hurricane to assess her animal awake)
*IV Cath (to administer Propoflo IV)
*Biohazard fee 
*1 week follow up appointment
*1 week rewrap
*2 week radiographs to reassess the leg

7) No where in our title will you find the word "emergency." We do not do ERs unless they're between 8am-6pm, and after then we refer you to ER in Ceredo. 

Overall, there would not have been an issue seeing this client the day she desired to come in and doing the following procedures at the correct prices. It saddens me that this client went out of her way to over-exaggerate and insult without concrete facts to support her argument. There is no reason for her to be this disgruntled. 

Due to her misleading information, I suspect this issue never occurred. 

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