  • Report:  #47885

Complaint Review: Tristar Products - Wallingford Connecticut

Reported By:
- Palo Alto, California,

Tristar Products
As Given: 26 Barnes, Industry Road N, Wallingford, 06495 Connecticut, U.S.A.
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I placed a web order on 12/8/02 for 2 sets of Pasta Pot Express and 'free accessory sets' were supposed to be shipped too as per national TV and web ads. I recd only 2 large pots about 2 weeks ago and after checking with Customer Service, I am told that my shipment is complete! I sent a fax to the no. I saw in your website 973 683 1001 and also noted that the Wallingford address is a myth from your website.

Here is the excerpt from their website ad on the accessory kit for readers' info.

With your order today you will also have the opportunity to get the Pasta Pot Accessory kit for FREE, you just pay the shipping cost. The Pasta Pot Accessory Kit includes the personal size Pasta Pot Express with the locking straining lid, plus the Perfect Pasta Spoon, and the Perfect Cheese Grater that lets you grate both soft and hard cheese and absolutely anything you please. As an added bonus, youll also receive the Amazing Hand Chopper that cuts prep time in half. This entire gift pack is yours FREE. You pay only shipping and handling. Order online now and get the Pasta Pot Express with the Deluxe Recipe Guide for only $14.95 plus shipping and handling.


Palo Alto, California

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