  • Report:  #45794

Complaint Review: Tupper Lake Residents- Nancy Silva(Staves) Walt Christy AFFAIR - Tupper Lake New York

Reported By:
- tupper lake, New York,

Tupper Lake Residents- Nancy Silva(Staves) Walt Christy AFFAIR
26 Park St. Tupper Lake, 12940 New York, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Walt Christy, the owner of Luke's gas station and Nancy Silva (Staves) were caught having secs at nancy's house by her stepson who heard them. Poor kid having to hear those two scum bags. From what i have heard this affair has beem going on for a couple of months now.

THE BOTH OF THEM ARE MARRIED. Walt's wife Cathy found out Walt was at Nancy's house, and went over there on Valentines day. From what i have heard Walt's wife got into an arguement with her, and SMACKED HER IN THE FACE.

Not only that, but i also heard that Nancy told the police that her stepson was "not listening to her" and got him kicked out of the house. WHAT A BEEATCH.

This has been going through Tupper pretty fast. Just about everyone knows what these two low lifes have been doing. Nancy is just a dumb blond beeatch gold degro, while Walt is an incest crimson-necked loser in life.

If you see these two around town just laugh at them, and put them in their place.


tupper lake, New York

19 Updates & Rebuttals


And YOU Thought Chivalry Was Dead

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, July 01, 2004

I am here to tell you, I have heard some racy stories before, but this Tupper Lake, NY sounds like Jerry Springerville. Get a life and a clue. Quit hounding these people and get on to somethiong a little more constructive.


And YOU Thought Chivalry Was Dead

#3Consumer Comment

Thu, July 01, 2004

I am here to tell you, I have heard some racy stories before, but this Tupper Lake, NY sounds like Jerry Springerville. Get a life and a clue. Quit hounding these people and get on to somethiong a little more constructive.


And YOU Thought Chivalry Was Dead

#4Consumer Comment

Thu, July 01, 2004

I am here to tell you, I have heard some racy stories before, but this Tupper Lake, NY sounds like Jerry Springerville. Get a life and a clue. Quit hounding these people and get on to somethiong a little more constructive.


And YOU Thought Chivalry Was Dead

#5Consumer Comment

Thu, July 01, 2004

I am here to tell you, I have heard some racy stories before, but this Tupper Lake, NY sounds like Jerry Springerville. Get a life and a clue. Quit hounding these people and get on to somethiong a little more constructive.


New Mexico,
Tupper Lake, NY drama and the Jerry Springer Show.

#6Consumer Comment

Mon, February 09, 2004

I am fascinated at the similarities between this world wide publication of a Tupper Lake, NY drama and the Jerry Springer Show. I suppose that this venue for airing out dirty laundry is as suitable as any, but wouldn't you folks rather keep your personal business local than posting it here for the entire internet-able world to see? And judge? I sympathize with the parties involved and certainly empathize with the emotions; I just don't "get" the motivation to let the WHOLE WORLD know about it. What possible good can come of it? Does this reflect well on Tupper Lake - or on any of you, for that matter? Is there a tangible benefit in influencing the opinions of strangers who will likely never even cross your path? Keep in mind that the flaming commentaries you post about others may not enhance your own image, either. Please folks, have some dignity. If amends are made among the parties involved at a later date, will you post that as well? How would you undo this if you needed to? Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue keepeth his soul from troubles. -- Proverbs 21:23 Death and Life are in the power of the tongue, and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. -- Proverbs 18:21 (Note to EDitor: If the Bible verses are the only factor keeping you from posting this, cut them out and post the rest. --Thanks)

NORMAL Person In Tupper

Tupper Lake,
New York,
this town isnt THAT bad there is a lot of really good ppl here

#7Consumer Comment

Tue, January 20, 2004

FYI ppl just kno that this town isnt THAT bad there is a lot of really good ppl here but with the other third that r dead beats just bring a lot of drama yes it is a town that is small with nothing to do and a lot of ppl r stuck here but it is an ok place and does not have half the bad things go on as it seems its not like a city where ppl r killed every day like the worse thing that ever happens here is cheating and its so bad and blown up sooo much cuz the town is small and no one has nething better to do but gossip


take custody of the children, and move. far away.

#8Consumer Comment

Mon, December 29, 2003

Ok first, id like to ask, how do you know everything charlene? If your listening to ONLY your daughter, your only getting the lies she feeds you. She makes everything dramatic so she looks like the good person in the end. Even though she slept with another man while the children were up the stairs. "her father and the police dept. had to take you away in the rescue squad. and how you ripped the phone off the wall trying to prevent my daughter from reaching out for help." The husband isnt the one with the problem, Its your daughter who has the problems. If she was reaching out for help and he tried stabbing her with a knife...then why did she take him back? i kno d**n well it wasnt for the children, she has hurt them enough already. I know both of these two. Ron was a good husband, and Nancy did nothing but lay on the couch all day, b***h, and sleep. "nancy was so good to your 2 children not to mention us the meme& the pepe. and lisa if you think ron ever had a good word to say about you and your family think again." if nancy was so good to his children, then why did she kick one of them out on the streets, and why did the other want to leave so bad? and if the meme&pepe were so nice to them. how do you think they feel when your talking about there father like this? you scumbags. "it sounds to me like ron silva has a pattern going here." um, ron didnt do a d**n thing. Your slutty daughter is the one who made everyones life miserable. The one thing i dont understand is why ron accepted the fact that his wife kicked out his son, and why hes still with her. You care about this nasty w***e more than your own children? The children will have to live with this forever. and id like to say to megan and malia, i am so sorry you have to put up with this. its not fair that these two beautfil girls have to deal with a f*cked up mother, Their father loved them very much. He is not a bad man, and maybe he did want to kill himself, but that h*e was alot of the reasons why he did. He work crazy hours, sometimes he worked so much he would be on the road 10 days at a time. but she didnt care, she spent it on worthless s**t. i am disgusted in nancey, walt and charlene. They are so two-faced, its unbelievable. Ron, in my opinion, you should leave nancy, take custody of the children, and move. far away. Think about it.


Tupper Lake,
New York,
Tupper lake Judgement

#9Consumer Comment

Sun, February 23, 2003

In response to the Editors comments and the public that follows the Tupper Lake posts. I can see the need for someone to start a website like BadBusinessBureau/RipOffReport, it gives the public a better chance to voice opinions. Though commenting on businesses/politicians is much a part of the website there is also a lot of personal bashing. Like the editor said "you don't like it, don't view it". Tupper Lake is not unique. No small town USA is. Drunks, DWI, deadbeat parents, abuse, bad politicians, adultery are human factors. We all know these happen in all small and large towns. Just different places and faces and some more then others. As we can read, many Tupper Lake residents have used BadBusinessBureau for personal opinion. Which I guess is OK. Please remember what you read might be factual and might not. In my opinion it has gotten out of hand somewhat, but its taken hold, and more people are coming on and posting. So now it turns into personal agendas and public entertainment. By the number of responses to the Tupper Lake posts, one can see many people all over are taken to reading the Tupper Lake posts. People are getting mad, posts are sent, rebuttals are sent, entertainment vaule is high. Reminds me when someone is watching TV and they really get mad at the villian because of their very good ACTING. We all know we react to bad things much more then the good things. The number of good people in Tupper Lake highly outnumbers the posts on the bad ones. To bash Tupper Lake or its citizens in not if fair judgement based on posts written for RipOffReport. You are reading about the negative people but you don't hear about the many, many good people in Tupper Lake because "good" is not news or entertainment.


Bullhead City,
Adam and Eve ????

#10Consumer Comment

Sat, February 22, 2003

Its hard for us out of towners to keep all this straight but i think J has cleard it up a little. Now we all know there are no branches on the residents of Tupper Lakes family trees so it would apear that Henry and Charlene are virtually the Adam and Eve of Tupper Lake. They had so many kids they ran out of names so they just took the letters of the alphabet to name kids with. Right "j"? Now I see we have some more sluts to add to the list with Chanell and Christy. Let me quess this bunch lives in a trailer house also and is "j" (must be Jim the sneak) pimpin them also? Thanks for another chapter in the Tupper Lake Psycho Drama. Still Laughing Ours Asses Off at Tupper Lake


Tupper Lake,
New York,

#11Consumer Comment

Sat, February 22, 2003

Kimberlys repsonse is RIGHT on THE MONEY!! Knowing this family for many years, I expect something like that from Char! But a complete stranger!! YOUR RIGHT ON!!! you couldnt be more right.....this family covers for the children at every turn...no matter what they do......thats why there children have turned out the way they have!!!! And why another child lives FAR away from them!!!!! Charlene loves her girls to be EASY this is because she never had the chance to get out from old Henrys thumb!!!! She mentions her grand children....thats another funny subject because im very good friends with the mother of one of her grand children that she hasnt seen in 8 years........Charlene and henry pick and chose what kids and grandchildren they love......They are a real piece of WORK.......And listen Charlene!! you hate this town so d**n MUCH MOVE!!! Whats your reason for staying FRIENDS.....NAH DONT THINK SO!!! LAUGHING MY a*s OFF IN TUPPER!!!


New York,
Nancy The Psycho Bitch From Hell

#12UPDATE Employee

Sat, February 22, 2003

First off I would like to thank Jess for telling me that about this crap.:). And thankyou whoever wrote this crap. (And no it wasn't my dad u idiot, everyone knows about what happened.) Charlene nice job kissing a*s. Too bad you weren't their for anything that happened. It's all hear-say what u have heard. Not to mention your psycho b***h daughter lies a lot. And did Henry even allow you to write on this site. He is a tad bit controling! First off, too bad the psychiatrist and the doctor's didnt find anything wrong with my dad. Nancy is the one that needs to a mental doctor. She used the "drinking promblem" as an excuse for her affair with that pot-smoking freak. Oops! did i say pot-smoking, i wasnt supposed to tell that secret. They should of took that fat a*s b***h nancy to sunmount that night. She is the one thats BI-POLAR, and takes the many medications. You and your very nosey "master" weren't even at the house when the "attempted suicide" happened. You can't say he did this or did that. So Nancy why do you want to be with walt when he is "not that experienced". I'm not as stupid as you think, u dipshit blond. I know what happened that night, and you can't do nothing about it. Next time check to see if everyone is sleeping before you start your whoreing around. Well what good reasons were there to kick me out. "Not listening" is not a really good one. But thank god! Living with nancy is like being a slave and going to hell for 8 years. I never liked that lazy b***h. She was just a waste of time in my life. Nancy is the definition of GOLD DIGGER. Too bad Walt doesnt have as much money as you think. How can their be two sides when they both are married with kids, and are having an affair. Are you trying to say that is acceptable. Not only is that illegal in this country, but also in the Church's eyes. So nancy and walt have fun burning in hell. The people of Tupper Lake know what nancy and walt are doing, I have heard personally from quite a few people about it for a couple of months. They all said how they saw those two dirtbags together. Your "your heart is heavy", but your proud of your 2 daughters. They are examples of possible guests on Jerry Springer. Walt- a nice young man?!?!, who cheats on his wife multiple times, and smokes pot. Your have some pretty low standards for people. "None of my business, to what happened in the marriage". You and your husband gossip none stop 24/7. If Henry didn't get stick his nose into the divorce like he did it wouldnt of been as bad as it has. It's not just a marriage breakup. Its a wife having an affair. Not to mention she is a very good canidate for....SUNMOUNT. The divorce is 100% her fault. She used the drinking problem as an excuse for her slutiness. Psycho nancy,her dozen credit cards, and her dumbass will defintly not be missed. psycho nancy was TERRIBLE to us. Chantal wanted out because psycho nancy was mean to her. Psycho nancy is just a pathetic human. Instead of her having to wake me up in the morning, I! had to get her up. Not to mention i was the one in the house who sweep, do dishes,shovel, vaccuum, take care of her animals, watch her kids, answer the phones, do the trash, and pick up the lazy f****s. My mom knows what has been going on. She knows what has been said and done. She just thinks nancy is a dumb blond s***k. HELLO! "you must have tried to be the pen", your calling your own daughter a s**t. Too bad psycho nancy doesnt mention all those times she bitched to me about how you treated marla and greg better than her. Nancy would always complain and moan that if she did something wrong it was the end of the world to u and henry. Then she would continue to b***h that if marla or greg did something wrong it was ok. Hurtfullness? Nancy having that pot-smoking redneck nerd walt around is hurting the 2 kids. 5 Wonderfull Children?!?! i can think of two. Poor Marc and Matt have to say how the other three are their sisters and brother. Both have nice stable lifes with really nice wifes and kids. Meanwhile their is greg who is in jail every other year, Marla dating guys half her age, not to mention her daughter is living with you, and psycho nancy who needs to take money management classes and a needs to take a nice vacation to sunmount. You interfered with Marc & Cathy's marriage and see what happens, they dont want to have much to do with you two. Oops nancy i promised you i wouldnt say anything about how you told me. sorry,NOT. Matt doesnt even want to live in the same state with you and henry. HMM wonder why! Once again, nice attempt in kissing a*s. Your nose must be all brown now. The town knows already what happened with the "stabbing" situation, and especially that s**t on the couch with that piece of s**t. I wouldn't want be walt or psycho nancy walking around town. You can't say what has happened and hasnt happened since you were not there. I was there both nights unlike you. P.S. Who do u think told Walt's wife where he was that night. Here's a little hint- its someone in your family! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


New York,
Happy Valentines day from daddy walt

#13Consumer Comment

Fri, February 21, 2003

Yes there are other children involved. Walt has two beautiful girls that love him to death. To bad he does not feel the same about them. walts girls including knew nothing about this until Valentines day. After walt got caught at nancy's house the coward did not face his wife or children. He instead took the s**t and her children on a sweet vacation to Albany. Leaving his wife and girls to wonder what in the hell just happened. Upon his return walt being the good caring father he is brought them straight to the girlfriends house were he now resides. Giving them no time to adjust to what was going on. Charleen you should be really proud of your daughter. She has so much love and respect for both her children and walts. You really taught her alot about respect for others especially the little hearts involved. The adults will all recover but the children will never see Valentines day in the same light. Instead of love they got their lives turned upside down.


New York,
"Nancy Silva Staves & Walt Chirsty

#14Consumer Comment

Fri, February 21, 2003

Funny how a story sounds suspicious to an outsider who can look at things differently. While driving back here to Albany from my parents home in Coventry Rhode Island, I was anxious to get back to see if there was a rebuttal to my rebuttal that i posted this afternoon on my laptop. After arriving back here I put on my pc and nothing but my own post. So i guess you have gone into hiding. See the reason this began to think so much about this is because of your rebuttal charleen. Most adults would leave it be and let it go away by itself. But you were obviously insistant on putting your Grandchild down. Also your son in law. Also your ex- daughter in law. It took me some reading to get everyone straight. Anyway I just wanted to let you know my reasons for beliving your Son in law and not you or nancy. As i said, I still see coniving. I came from a family of conivers. So glad I was able to escape them and not have to be in situations like this. My self adopted family has been good in that respect. But just to let you know, I can smell a lie and coniving a mile away. By the way I looked on my NY street map for Lukes gas station and they don't list the stations by name. So I guess I will have to ask directions when I get to tupper lake in three days. Just have to see what this real nice guy looks like that was with your faughter that you chose over your son in law and especially your grandson. Charleen, why didn't you take your Grandson in with you? I just hear so much anger coming out from you toward them when it apparently they did nothing wrong. I don't care how you cut it. She was in bed/on couch with another man in her own home that she and her husband and children live in.


Rhode Island,
Nancy Silva Staves & Walt Chirsty affair

#15Consumer Comment

Fri, February 21, 2003

I said I was going to follow this story. WEll here I am again. I'll call me the outsider because I know none of you people involved. Although I must say, the family is beginning to grow. Now there is another daughter. 5 Grandchildren???? How many belong to this Nancy dude?

I'll tell you something Charlene . WE just had a very contravresial case and the Dr. got off with twenty years after supposedly running over her husband with her Mercedes. They got a lesser sentence for her because of"heat of passion." Now let me tell you. If my husband walked in on me on the couch with some business man in the town, or ANY man in the town, he would be doing more than holding a burcher knife.

You seem to condone your daughters behavior and lack of respect for her children and her husband.

Not all people are stable. But put in circumstances as has been described, people react. In my judgement as an outsider, I would say the husban acted properly by leaving the home with the son. Now my question is, Why didn't he take the other children with him? Or could it be that they are two young to be uprooted from a hasty situation like this.

My next question is to whoever mentioned this Luke character using the context of incest AGAIN. This is the second time someone has mentioned incest.

Charleen, you also mention how proud you are of your daughter. It has been mentioned that your whole town knows about this affair and you insist on defending her for what she and this other character, Luke have done. l can't imagine my mother feeling proud of something like that. There is divorce and by the way there is trust and loyalty toward your mate. Not deciet.

But I think the one thing that really bothers me is you condoning her behavior and then ready to place blame on someone else (husband) as if he made her do it.

Sometimes when mother and daughter believe the wrongs that each other do can end up as evil to others.

To condone her behavior makes you no better than she is.

I now am wondering if you were in the home when her husband was supposed to have almost stabbed her? Almost stabbed does not mean that it actually happened.

I hardly think that there is a reason to ask your own son to leave the home. One person says they left and now your saying Nancy asked the son to leave. Someone is not truthful and I suppose you will say it is the husband.

But let me tell you Charleen, How would you expect people to look at your faughter with respect after something like this. NOT ONLY THAT charleen, you too are airing the dirty laundy in public. I'm just a passer by through the net and through your town occasionaly and I can sit here and look objectively. But that is hard because of what happened.

Should I ask why nancy found it nessassary to have an affair?
Could I ask why Nancy threw her son out of the home? It is winter you know. Not that any time is a good time to throw a kid out of the house. That is of course if that is what actually happened.

Ok..Now i'm reading your rebuttal over. This kid is RON's son not Nancy's???
So with that, I will believe the son and the father.

You say "to the people of tupper lake judge ye not unless you all want to be judged also." have you ever judged anyone in your life?

Have you been the perfect person in your life?

I see coniving going on here. Mother and daughters coniving together making this man look bad. Thank God you haven't started in on the other wife. She is going through enough trying to deal with her husband.

Why would your heart be so heavy right now? You seem to be talking out of two sides of your mouth.

To love your two daughters is one thing. To be proud of them after a scandal is quite another. I tell you why I say this. In your post you praise this jerk who was _)(*_)(*ing your daughter when her step son walked in and caught them.

You are a sick puppy. So isn't Nancy. HOW many children does she have?
I've lost track and don't feel like going through all the posts. But now I even say..how long have they been married?
How old are the children.....to date and are you sure that all the children are her husband Rons?

I go down further in your post and you begin to talk about this Lisa. Now I am going to take an educated guess and assume that Lisa is Rons ex wife????

You then say she won't be missed. Make no mention if the son will miss her, but you will answer for everyone. It just seems like you have nothing good to say about anyone except your daughters and Grandchildren, EXCLUDING one.

I am finding this story quite interesting. My good guess is that you knew what was going on. Otherwise how would you know about this Luke guy. How would you know that he is supposed to be some kind of a good guy. Lady...he was caught with your daughter. What's your problem? Get out of denial.


Up A River Without A Paddle,
New York,
Think of the young children that are involved

#16Consumer Suggestion

Thu, February 20, 2003

I cannot get over this! People are getting their Jolly's over the hurt others are feeling. Unfortunately, I came to this site to read about someone who is close to myself and my family. It is hard for someone to hear such awful things about those they love. I only hope that the children involved do not visit this site and read all the awful things written about their parents. The children didn't ask for this but they will have to live with the consequences of their parents actions regardless. The parents made extremely poor choices. They are the only ones that can straighten things out for their children's sake. Our opinions mean very little. This affair will affect the innocent children the most, because no longer will their dad come home every night, no longer will they take family vacations together, no longer will they have Xmas together, no longer will they sit with their mom and dad to have dinner!!!! They must get to know a new life (not necessarily a better one). They young girls will need to build trust once agian - and this is not easily done. So please, know, when you make negative and nasty comments it is extremely detrimental to everyone involved with the families - especially those who didn't ask to be put in the middle of this affair!


EDitor's Reasons why this Rip-off Report and others like it should stay, ... Review About Tupper Lake

#17Author of original report

Thu, February 20, 2003

To those of you who think this particular Rip-off Report does not belong here, you're not alone, but you are out numbered.

Rip-off Report has received over 3,000 e-mails regarding the stories filed about Tupper Lake, and an overwhelming majority enjoy the Jerry Springer type Reports. In fact, some have called the Tupper Lake reports our comic section, and have asked us to leave them as is. Others have even referred to these reports as the official Tupper Lake news, and thanked us for publishing them.

Unfortunately however, the Tupper Lake reports have their critics. Many of those who seem to dislike such reports said we are ruining the Rip-off Report, and that we should be ashamed of ourselves. We appreciate their opinion as well.

Regardless though, our opinion on this controversial issue is simple. We feel that any consumers who do not want to read these reports, should just ignore them, and go on to visit other Rip-off Reports.

Before coming to this conclusion, we engaged in many staff meetings. After these meetings, it was determined by a unanimous decision that the Tupper Lake reports should remain. One of the main reasons for this was the over-whelming majority of e-mails we received supporting the Tupper lake Reports. At worst, consumers felt that these Tupper stories were just something to laugh about. After reading so many disheartening Reports, this result can't be all that bad for most consumers. In any event, we have faith in our readers, and we truly believe that they can separate fact from fiction; especially with regards to Tupper Lake reports.

As the creator of the Rip-off Report, I purposely created many unusual categories to file Rip-off Reports under. These categories include areas such as Court Judges, Dead Beat Moms and Dads, Drunks, Rotten Neighbors, Probation Officers, Government Officials, attorneys, Drug Dealers, and so on. It is no coincidence that many of the reports files under these unusual categories originate in Tupper Lake.

Tupper Lake has a fluctuating population ranging from about 4,000 to maybe 9,000 people in the summer months. Tupper Lake is surrounded by some of the most beautiful scenery imaginable with lakes and streams everywhere. Tupper Lake is also a fisherman's heaven, and a hikers dream come true; a definite place to visit. Unfortunately, you don't want bed there for the night because you'd have to go to neighboring Saranac Lake, or better yet, Lake Placid for quality lodging.

Tupper Lake has a variety of people. Most of which are extremely honest down to earth people. In fact, some of them are the nicest people you would ever what to find. But, -- yes but -- you must know, Tupper Lake is a logging town, a small town. It is typical small town USA where for a good many, drinking is # 1 when compared to one's family and job.

Tupper Lake did not invent corruption, sluts, drunks and back stabbers. Tupper Lake is sadly just not run by people with vision. The Town and Village politicians are mostly responsible for the situation. This is due to their small minds, greed, corruption, and a good ole boy mentality.
Hello Jack Delehanty. ;-)

Those who have come to Tupper Lake with the money and motivation needed to buy property, make improvements, or implement new ideas, have all been run out of town. This happens primarily because of jealousy and greed, as well as corruption between police, business leaders, and politicians. Of course you cannot say all about anything. Certainly not all police personnel, business leaders, and politicians are bad. Likewise, it is doubtful that the the ones who are bad started out that way.

In the mid 1980's Tupper Lake had many outsiders come to their village. These individuals invested their time and a lot of their money; all in an effort to make improvements. Regrettably, all of these outsiders, including myself, fell victim to the wrath of the politicians, police officials, and business leaders working against them.

Now look what Tupper Lake looks like. The town is filled with pizza parlors, insurance agencies, and realtors, as well as with beer and alcohol retailers. Most towns have all of the aforementioned, but Tupper Lake has many more than necessary. For a good example of the difference between today verses the late 80's, when outside investors flourished, just take a look at the Northland Hotel; which is now under local ownership/vision.

Moreover, one needs to think really hard about Big Tupper. Remember what the locals did to good old Roger Jacobouski? More local vision! .. Hmmmm?? Today, Tupper Lake downtown is mostly vacant. So vacant in fact, that if a bomb was dropped there, it would leave very few casualties in its wake; if any at all.

Tupper Lake is a town that truly deserves everything it's getting, and then some. Blame your leaders. Get rid of those who are corrupt and lack vision.

Tupper Lake, one of the biggest driving forces and inspirations leading to my creation of the Rip-off Reprot and badbusinessbureau.com

ED Magedson
[email protected]

We are not lawyers.
We are not a collection agency.

We are Consumer Advocates.
...the victims' advocate

WE are Civil and Human Rights Activists

We are a Nationwide Consumer Reporting News Agency
...by consumers, for consumers


Bullhead City,
Ruthless Scumbags in Tupper Lake

#18Consumer Comment

Thu, February 20, 2003

Man I've seen some cold blooded SOBs in my life but this tales the cake. d**n "M" are you so much of a coward you cant even come forward with your name. That act alone has me taking the side of Charlenes. A fathers/Grandfathers plea totally disrepected and by a what. A spineless flea by the name of "M". Reveal yourself coward or is it because your statements are false. Sounds like your just another Tupper Lake druggie deadbeat. d**n what a loser town you live in.


New York,
Nancy and Walt 2 ex-classmates of mine

#19Consumer Comment

Thu, February 20, 2003

I went to school with both Walt, and Nancy. Walt was the biggest loser in school, and Nancy was the ugliest thing. She hung around with us because the girls couldnt stand the s**t. She was so ugly then. She looked like a scarecrow.

I knew they would get together they were meant for each other. Two no-lifes. I havent seen Nancy in a couple of years, but when i did she must of spent hours doing here make-up covering up her ugly mug.

Walt i saw this past summer, he is lucky he can get any female.



Tupper Lake,
New York,
the rest of the story

#20REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, February 19, 2003

hey ron silva why not tell the whole story how you grabbed the buthcher knife and tried to make nancy silva stab you or maybe you even have stabbed her.

her father and the police dept. had to take you away in the rescue squad. and how you ripped the phone off the wall trying to prevent my daughter from reaching out for help.

a special thank you to our law enforcement.fine job.
as for rons son being asked to leave the house nancy had good reason to ask him to leave . so please people before you go and pass judgement on my daughter and walt christy. there are 2 sides to every coin.

to the people of tupper lake judge ye not unless you all want to be judged also.

my heart is so heavy right now i can barely think straight.

but i want to say iam proud of my 2 daughters and i love them dearly,as for walt heis a nice young man.
what went on in their marriage and why it ended is there business not mine.

we bother no one in this god forsaken town.and suddenly we tabloid news because of a marriage breaking up. my god.. what has happened to understanding someones plight.
ron silva you will not be missed and for the ex we call lisa.

nancy was so good to your 2 children not to mention us the meme& the pepe. and lisa if you think ron ever had a good word to say about you and your family think again.
it sounds to me like ron silva has a pattern going here.
time to move on ron.iam sure you know all the techniques for that thru the good ol internet.

and for the guy named stevie from saranac lake grow up steve stop living in the past. my goodness she cannot even place you.

if she she was the oinker you MUST have tried to be the PEN right? steve please lets not being using the internet for such petty things ok..

to my beautiful grandchildren i must apoplgize for their fathers hurtfulness. and to all my 5 wonderful children i thank you all for being there when we needed you the most.
nancy and marla i love you with all my heart and soul.and being there for me during our special moments like NOW.dad and love you.that is all that matters. tupper lake we love you to!

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