  • Report:  #68990

Complaint Review: TV Market - Brookfield Internet

Reported By:
- Marshall, Virginia,

TV Market
18960 W. Greenfield Ave Brookfield, 53045 Internet, U.S.A.
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Invoice Numeber Shipping Status Tracking Total Of Invoice

4605 FEDEX 265805910010911 $22.99

Invoice Details

Product Qty Cost Sh Total

Weed Thrasher 1 $16.95 $6.04 $22.99

Date bought 9/9/2003 7:04:28 AM

DateShipped 9/24/2003 4:15:23 PM


Above is a copy of my invoice. I placed my order with this company on 9/9/03 and my credit card was charged right away. Two weeks later, I called Fedex looking for my shipment. They said that the shipper never sent it.

Fedex said that a label was made but they (fedex) never had posession of the package. I have called and emailed TV Market many times trying to resolve this matter with no response. I have repeatedly asked for a refund. I dont understand how this compnay can just charge my credit card, give me bad information in regards to the shipment of my package and then ignore my many inquiries.

I would really like my money refunded.


Marshall, Virginia

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