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Typing 4 Pay ripoff Philadelphia Pennsylvania
I took the liberty to check out Typing 4 Pay and paid the $55.95 fee to join.
You know what happened?
And I'm still trying to get my $55.95 back because I DID NOT get what I paid for and I have since issued a complaint to the BBB.
And, to my horror, I've learned through several sources that the people running Typing 4 Pay are not as legitimate as they claim to be and that they are copy cats of another ad typist company that they've all been kicked out of due to misconduct on their part.
They're not only copying from them, but going out of their way to destroy them with nothing more than childish, unethical behavior that makes me more determined than ever to get my money back and to see to it that everybody learns for themselves that Typing 4 Pay are 100% SCAM ARTISTS!!!