  • Report:  #67550

Complaint Review: Verizon Dsl - Nationwide

Reported By:
- dover, New Hampshire,

Verizon Dsl
www.verizon.com Nationwide, U.S.A.
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I have verizon online DSL service! STAY AWAY!

Supposedly it's really fast, but so far my exprience with it has made me think that a Hamster hooked up to my computer, running on a wheel , would be faster!! I wish I had stayed with dial -up. It's cheaper and faster.

half the time, the pages don't even load with this service!!

Forget about getting concert tickets etc.. You can almost hear the whriling of the DSL trying to hook on.

When I try to load a page I basicly have to keep hitting refresh until it loads which can be between 5 to 10 minutes. I can click to hook on a page and go cook dinner before it loads!!

It's 1910 equipment for the 2000's.

Also I have call waiting and eventhough Verizon gives you phone filters, if I'm on the phone and someone else calls there's this horrible loud buzzing sound.

When we called customer service, which is based in Canada, because we couldn't hook on once, after 2 hours of trouble shooting they told us it was our computer and our problem. Well guess what.. after calling back the next day and speaking to someone else for 20 minutes we found out it was actually their problem!

I was told I can't cancel because they never promise to give you a certain speed. so we're stuck with them for 7 more months.


dover, New Hampshire

5 Updates & Rebuttals


I would recommend reinstalling the TCP/IP protocol on your pc

#2Consumer Suggestion

Fri, October 10, 2003

I used to work for an Internet provider, and many of our subscribers were encountering speed issues. In some cases, the modem, or the network in the area was the cause, in most cases it was a corrupt TCP/IP stack. I would recommend reinstalling the TCP/IP protocol on your pc. If you are unsure on how to do this, please contact Verizon Customer Care, I am sure one of their reps can do the job. PS, before you reinstall your TCP/IP stack, please make sure you have your windows cd.


DSL running slow may be b/c of cookie setting or ...

#3Consumer Suggestion

Fri, September 26, 2003

Hi my name is Jessica and I have had verizon dsl for about three months now. I am currently very happy with their service on my computer. I just thought that unless this problem is only in your area, I believe your computer could still be the problem. I suggest that you just try to free up some memory on your computer and see if it makes it any faster. Also see if you have your internet settings down alright such as accepting "cookies" and security settings. This may be why you don't have too great of luck with the pages loading. Like I said, this may be a problem with the service in your area as oppose to my area. The phone line problem, however I can somewhat agree with. I don't have buzzing, but since I have gotten the DSL service it has become increasingly difficult to hear people on the other line. Now, the buzzing may happen to your phone if you put a dsl filter on to your DSL line and your phoneline. It should only be conected to your computer. Please don't find my reply to be offensive b/c I am not trying to be in any way I just thought that if you should have to deal with this problem for longer, you may at least want some ways to improve your service. --Jessica--


DSL running slow may be b/c of cookie setting or ...

#4Consumer Suggestion

Fri, September 26, 2003

Hi my name is Jessica and I have had verizon dsl for about three months now. I am currently very happy with their service on my computer. I just thought that unless this problem is only in your area, I believe your computer could still be the problem. I suggest that you just try to free up some memory on your computer and see if it makes it any faster. Also see if you have your internet settings down alright such as accepting "cookies" and security settings. This may be why you don't have too great of luck with the pages loading. Like I said, this may be a problem with the service in your area as oppose to my area. The phone line problem, however I can somewhat agree with. I don't have buzzing, but since I have gotten the DSL service it has become increasingly difficult to hear people on the other line. Now, the buzzing may happen to your phone if you put a dsl filter on to your DSL line and your phoneline. It should only be conected to your computer. Please don't find my reply to be offensive b/c I am not trying to be in any way I just thought that if you should have to deal with this problem for longer, you may at least want some ways to improve your service. --Jessica--


DSL running slow may be b/c of cookie setting or ...

#5Consumer Suggestion

Fri, September 26, 2003

Hi my name is Jessica and I have had verizon dsl for about three months now. I am currently very happy with their service on my computer. I just thought that unless this problem is only in your area, I believe your computer could still be the problem. I suggest that you just try to free up some memory on your computer and see if it makes it any faster. Also see if you have your internet settings down alright such as accepting "cookies" and security settings. This may be why you don't have too great of luck with the pages loading. Like I said, this may be a problem with the service in your area as oppose to my area. The phone line problem, however I can somewhat agree with. I don't have buzzing, but since I have gotten the DSL service it has become increasingly difficult to hear people on the other line. Now, the buzzing may happen to your phone if you put a dsl filter on to your DSL line and your phoneline. It should only be conected to your computer. Please don't find my reply to be offensive b/c I am not trying to be in any way I just thought that if you should have to deal with this problem for longer, you may at least want some ways to improve your service. --Jessica--


DSL running slow may be b/c of cookie setting or ...

#6Consumer Suggestion

Fri, September 26, 2003

Hi my name is Jessica and I have had verizon dsl for about three months now. I am currently very happy with their service on my computer. I just thought that unless this problem is only in your area, I believe your computer could still be the problem. I suggest that you just try to free up some memory on your computer and see if it makes it any faster. Also see if you have your internet settings down alright such as accepting "cookies" and security settings. This may be why you don't have too great of luck with the pages loading. Like I said, this may be a problem with the service in your area as oppose to my area. The phone line problem, however I can somewhat agree with. I don't have buzzing, but since I have gotten the DSL service it has become increasingly difficult to hear people on the other line. Now, the buzzing may happen to your phone if you put a dsl filter on to your DSL line and your phoneline. It should only be conected to your computer. Please don't find my reply to be offensive b/c I am not trying to be in any way I just thought that if you should have to deal with this problem for longer, you may at least want some ways to improve your service. --Jessica--

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