  • Report:  #1034179

Complaint Review: Verizon Wireless - Nationwide

Reported By:
- Murray, Kentucky,

Verizon Wireless
www.verizonwireless.com Nationwide, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I have been a customer with Verizon for almost two years (since April 2001) with no problems at all. I have 2 cell numbers and my bill averages $100/month. My problems began in November of 2002 when my father called me and informed me he tried to call my husband's phone but got some other guy. He tried again, thinking he had misdialed, but once again got the same person. Well, I couldn't believe it so I hung up with him and dialed the number myself. (His phone was sitting right next to me so when I dialed it I was expecting it to ring right away.) When a woman answered I explained to her the number I was calling was actually my husband's cell number, blah, blah, blah. She informed me her and her husband had just gotten the cell phone two days earlier (and they kept getting calls for my husband).

I immediately called customer service (evil) and explained to them what had happened...that basically my husband's phone number had been given to someone else. Naturally, the woman was confused...she said that was impossible and could never happen. I assured her it had happened. I told her that I had the phone right next to me and if she dialed it that it would not ring. I could tell she was still confused.

As the customer service rep tried to figure this out I kept getting put on hold and kept hearing the recording "Your problem is our problem the first time you call..." So, I'm thinking ok this is gonna be fixed in no time, right? Yeah, Right!! Finally, this csr transferred me to her supervisor. She explained to me that Mr.xyz had been put on my account and had this and this plan on the phone number. I was dumbfounded!!!!!!!!! WHAT??? She asked if I knew this man and I said NO!!! She said are you sure? I said YES!!!!! Now, SHE was confused.

Fastforward one day, I get a call from a rep who is actually nice and willing to finally figure this out. She tells me that mistakenly someone had added this other man to my account and had given my husband's number to him and changed the plan on that number. I said that sure is a BIG FREAKIN' MISTAKE!!! She repeatedly appologized, blah, blah, blah. I said ok, whatever.

Finally, after almost one week of going through this mistake we got his phone back in working order...same number, almost same plan. So, I'm thinking ok things are fixed. Well, that wasn't exactly true. The nice csr who got the problem fixed gave me a credit for the charges from this other man, a credit of one month's usage for my husband's phone, and after pulling some teeth another $50 credit.

So, as you're reading this you're thinking, "What's the problem?" Well, that's NOT where it ended... My bills from December and January have been wrong. VERY WRONG!!! (The December bill was over $300!) The credits I was supposed to receive were not on my bills, even though when I called the people I spoke with assured me they would go on my bill. And when I call back to try and fix the problem I get treated like I don't know what I'm talking about because 'there's no way that we could give your number to someone else.'

The final straw came the last time I called customer service and spoke with one of the reps (that's why I'm writing this now). The man I spoke with was EXTREMELY RUDE and obnoxious. At the end of the phone call I had had enough and asked him "Sir, do you have a problem with me? Because you sure are acting like it." He proceded to tell me he did not have a problem with me. I asked him how HE could assure me my account would get the credit it deserved and he said that his supervisor had never denied one of his credits (which is what happend to the other credits).

Guess what? As of two days ago the credit was still not posted. URG!!

The biggest problem with this whole situation is that neither me or my husband had anything to do with this. It was entirely Verizon's fault. Yet when I call I don't get any sort of sympathy. I have to take hours out of my life to fix a problem I had NOTHING to do with. It was the incompetence of someone at Verizon who is making my life dealing with these people HELL! The $50 credit I have already received is NOT enough...


Murray, Kentucky

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