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Warner Health Care, Inc., makers of "Avlimil"--use schemes to steal peoples money when they offer "free" product! ripoff Cincinnati Ohio
Saw a commercial on T.V. for this women's "viagra" product called "Avlimil" that offered a free sample and gave a website address. It sounded like a "reputable" company and I looked and read closely when I went online for any "small print". I paid the shipping fee and received the product.
A month later I received another "sample" of the product and became concerned. Sure enough, I checked my bank account and they had deducted $35 from it! They kept the credit card number I used to pay shipping and used it to RIP ME OFF!
I then opened the initial sample package I had received and found, in so many vague words, that I had unwittingly joined a "Managed Care Program"! Which was the one thing I was double checking for when I went online...I wanted to be sure I was not joining anything.
I then called the 1-800 number and they have it set up REAL GOOD. If you call to order you get immediate attention. If you call to talk to someone in customer care, you will wait on hold for a VERY long time! I finally did talk to someone and they said to return my product and they would refund my money. I did that. Now they only refunded me $25 of the $35 they stole!
It's not the money, it's the method and the type of business practices that these big companies are using to fill there pockets! I'm PI$$ED and want everyone to know what they are doing and how they are making money...AND...I want my measly $10 back!