  • Report:  #147154

Complaint Review: Wawadigital.net - Brooklyn New York

Reported By:
- Muscatine, Iowa,

295 Avenue O Brooklyn, 11230 New York, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Starlight Cameras (wawadigital.net)

295 Avenue O

Brooklyn, NY 11230

View Location Map

Additional Phone Numbers:

(888) 722-7209

(718) 621-3111

Type of Business: Photographic Equipment & Supplies-Retail

The information in this report has either been provided by the company, or has been compiled by the Bureau from other sources.

Customer Experience

Based on BBB files, this business has an unsatisfactory record with the Bureau because it failed to respond to one or more complaints.

The company's size, volume of business, and number of transactions may have a bearing on the number of complaints received by the BBB. The number of complaints filed against a company may not be as important as the type of complaints, and how the company handled them. The BBB generally does not pass judgment on the validity of complaints filed.

Complaint Outcome Statistics:

Complaint Outcome (Last 12 Months) (Last 12..36mths) Total

Resolved 3 3 6

Resolved part of request 0 2 2

Administratively Judged

Resolved The Company has

responded to the complaint(s)

addressing the disputed

issues, however,the consumer

remains dissatisfied 3 6 9

No Response

The Company has failed to

respond to complaints 15 0 15

TOTAL 21 11 32

Complaint Issues:

Please understand that complaints may concern more than one issue

Complaint Issue Last 12 Months Last 12..36 Months Total

Advertising Issues 2 1 3

Billing or Credit 0 2 2

Credit or Billing Disputes 0 2 2

Delivery Issues 4 1 5

Refund Practices 1 0 1

Selling Practices 14 5 19

TOTAL 21 11 32

Additional Information

Consumers report that cameras purchased from this firm are represented as U.S. models under warranty, but are in fact foreign models not covered by manufacturer warranties. Consumers also report experiencing difficulty contacting customer service, as well as hostile attitudes from representatives after requesting refunds or declining to purchase additional items.

Additional Business Names

This firm also does business under the following names. This is not necessarily a complete list.

Wawa Digital

Report as of: 6/22/2005

I would like to see the people on this sight get together and go after wawadigital for clearly they have no business ethics.



Muscatine, Iowa

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