  • Report:  #1025586

Complaint Review: WebAssign.net - Internet

Reported By:
HeatherIrene - Whitman, Massachusetts, United States of America

1730 Varsity Dr Ste 200., Raleigh, NC 27606 Internet, United States of America
(919) 829-1516
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Worst ebook and homework wesbite I have ever had to use and to spend money on. They are a total rip-off. If you have a class that is requiring that you purchase their services and website to complete and/or grade your homework, I recommend switching to class that uses a different service or that doesn't require you to use a website.

I've had to call them 4 times since this past Sunday, and their response every time for their website not working correctly has been in essence 'Too bad; we already have your money and there's nothing you can do about it or that we will do to recompense your time and trouble.'

Their site is dependent on Flash which is unstable. Even with its constant updating, Flash is totally outdated. Its inherent instability is the very reason most web apps have switched over to HTML5.

I've found simple javascript errors in their source code that makes their "tutorials" not display at all. The window for the tutorials has simple JS errors that's not making the window load. C'mon!

Their server crashed for 3 hours on Sunday before I had a test that week. I had no access even to be able to read my textbook and study -- during prime study time for people who work and go to school. I use some other similar websites and ebooks for other classes, and ALL of them have some way you can at least access your textbook offline. When asked if WebAssign has anything similar, they had nothing to offer and were completly unapologetic about it, repeatedly falling back on the lame excuse of not wanting texts to be copied for copywright infringement.

That's the lamest excuse I have ever heard. How do they think the other sites get around it?!? There's no excuse. They could easily code their site to disable printing, PDF creation, and copy/paste functions. That's what the other sites do.

NOW... tonight their site just isn't working. Parts of homework problems are not displaying. There's no indication or visual cue that the problem is missing. It's just not there - like when you code a JS to be display none. It's either a problem with their Flash programming or something even simpler - another mistake in their JS code.

I HAD to buy a subscription to their website for my Calc 1 class. I didn't have a choice. Our teacher told us it was only supposed to be $19.99 to join and it turned out to be $47.00. This was on top of either getting the ebook from them for another huge fee or a hardcover book for $150.00 from the bookstore or $200.00 from Aamazon. They gave a discount if you bought a multi-term "lifetime of the edition" subscription which they tout as the "best deal," so I bought that. Making their service $110! More expensive than ANY of the simliar services I use for other classes w/o a single complaint. (BTW: Nook Study ebooks and service works very well - not a single complaint - and I use it on my PC. You don't even have to have a Nook. If you have that as a choice, buy that. Don't join WebAssign!)

$110.00 for a website that doesn't even work and worse yet is taking points off my grade from their coding mistakes.

What was their response when asked if they would give a refund, a prorated refund, a credit, a discount for a future purchase... anything to make up for their lousy, terrible, over-priced, rip-off of a product? "No, sorry, there's nothing we will do. Please, go read our policy on our website" -- that doesn't work correctly.

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