  • Report:  #66761

Complaint Review: Wilhelmina Transcontinental Talent Tct Wsn - Orlando Florida

Reported By:
- orlando, Florida,

Wilhelmina Transcontinental Talent Tct Wsn
1701 Park Center Drive Orlando, 32835 Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
as if this scumbag company wasn't in enough trouble already- read todays' orlando sentinel- the hometown of Wilhelmina and TCt


basically your credit card information was available to anybody- I know because I work there and I can access your credit card info and I work in customer service. I should never have access to that- but we all do. fortunately, other than 1 or 2 times when someone previously abused this, there hasn't been any major fraud, but it could happen- there are literally thousands of credit card numbers we all have access to.

fortunately, most of us here know what a load this place is and we're getting out soon and would never do anything to your credit card info- but you should call the AG in FLorida anyway to protect yourself.

who knows- DT knows all!


orlando, Florida

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