  • Report:  #1060269

Complaint Review: William A. Sloan - Canyon Country California

Reported By:
Anthony - Las Vegas, Nevada,

William A. Sloan
15257 Saddleback Rd Canyon Country, 91387 California, USA
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Back in 2004 when I decided to move to Las Vegas from New York, I went in to contract to purchase a home for my family. William A. Sloan who at the time was the SVP of US BANK, took the Liberty to purchase my home I had on contract from right under me at Escrow at First American Title without my permission or knowledge on 2/4/04. Then William A. Sloan had the nerve to tell my Broker that he wanted to Lease me back the Home I wanted to purchase under his own terms and conditions. When my Mortgage broker told me about William A. Sloan’s Offer, I immediately cancelled the sales contract and asked for my $5,000 Ernest deposit back.

Then a week later I received a call from my mortgage broker saying that the person who purchased my house from under me at Escrow agreed to sell it to me, which I then agreed to go forward with the purchase. Then when I spent about $25,000 in moving trucks to move to Vegas on about 3/25/04, I was supposed to go to a closing on my families new home with my wife. But instead of going to the closing at First American Title, My Realtor drops off a bunch of counterfeited / fake / forged with my signature /forged with my brother in laws Notary who was the Commack NY branch manager from JPMorgan, home closing documents that showed like I purchased the house from the ORIGINAL OWNERS of the house (With Forged seller escrow instructions) With William A. Sloan completely missing from the chain of title (Wild Deed).

So now my family was Trick-rolled in to Vegas to live in a IRS1031 Rental property of the "Purer Family Trust" that was owned and operated by William A. Sloan SVP of US BANK, and now who was our Concealed Landlord who Stole our $99,750.69 down payment from First American Title Escrow table which $39,000 of it was from my JPMorgan Business account line of credit, and the rest of the balance of $60,750.69 was what my grandmother gave me before she passed away as a wedding gift for me and wife when we got married.

Then a month later after we moved in to the "Purer  Family Trust IRS 1031 Rental property,  William A. Sloan's Identity theft team C21 Realtors, Christopher and Anne Johnson took out 2 mortgages under their names and parcel numbers (shown under the Clark County recorder) Concealing the fact that these two mortgages where really taken out using my Stolen Identity and social security number affecting my Credit Report.

One of these fraudulent mortgages was for $130,000 ( to pay the original sellers IRS1031 "BOOT" of the difference of the sellers exchange property for a lesser amount. And another Fraudulent Mortgage in my name was taken out for $272,688.

Now comes for the most shocking part of where the $272,688 mortgage money went to. The $272,688 Mortgage money went to pay off my Friends house in East Northport who committed suicide back in 6/2003, because his wife wanted a divorce, that she only cared about money and did not care for him, and he never wanted to see the day he got served with those divorce papers by his wife's attorney.

 Albert Philipson told me at the San Francisco High End Audio show on 6/6/2003 that when we got back to NY, he was going to commit suicide by taking a huge crack hit, and holding it in till his heart stops and dies, because his wife only cared about money and did not care for him and wanted a divorce.

Then after we arrived back in New York, Albert Committed suicide exactly to the Tee like he said he was going to do. And the pain I still carry today about Alberts Suicide is that he used my money that I have him to commit suicide with by purchasing the drugs from Joe Sadowski in East Northport. It was either the money I gave him for helping me at the Show, or money I gave him to pay his rent / mortgage with... whatever the case I know it was money that I gave him the day before his suicide, and it was only till at Albert Funeral when I spoke to Joe Sadowski, asking Joe what exactly happened to Albert and how he died, when Joe told me, I broke down in tears at the funeral home, that the fact Albert used my money to commit suicide with.

But At Albert's Funeral his wife and neighbor James Salanitro blamed me for Albert's Suicide, like it was my fault for paying Albert for helping me at the audio show or giving Albert money for his bills I was really hurt about this because I could not understand their mentality behind there motive blaming me for his suicide for over 9 years, until recently I discovered this scheme to defraud my family by the mastermind of William A. Sloan SVP OF US BANK.

The only thing I can think of that would makes sense is, Albert had a life insurance policy that would pay off his mortgage and leave money to his wife and children. I do know for a FACT that the Philipsons did use US Bank as their banker. And US BANK does have a life insurance policy that pays off your mortgage if you die. But the problem with these policies, they do not cover suicides. So Albert's Wife made it look like I did a Dr. Kevorkian and administered Crack to Albert like in an assisted suicide when we came back from the audio show, in order to collect the insurance money.

So this is why Albert Philipson chose to use a massive Crack Hit to commit suicide with, to make his death seem “accidental” so his US Bank Life insurance policy would pay off his mortgage on his house. And certainly Diane Philipson knew about Albert’s threat of committing suicide because Albert was arguing about his plans to Diana over the phone while we were at San Francisco in front of me. Just at the time I could not comprehend why anybody would chose a huge hit of Crack to commit suicide with. Because from my experience, people who smoke Crack want to live for their next hit of Crack, not die or commit suicide with. Unless there is an life insurance policy that would cover accidental death ONLY, for a money hungry wife like Diane Philipson to satisfy her craving with.

So when Al committed suicide, Diane and her clever divorce attorneys made it look like an accidental overdose death, and cashed in on the US BANK mortgage insurance policy and of course they need someone to blame with money and assets to for US-Bank to cash in on. And since Joe Sadowski, who supplied the drugs to Albert Philipson did not even have a pot to piss in, I was the lucky chosen “Cash Cow” left out to bleed out in the pasture (Las Vegas) by US BANK SVP WILLIAM A. SLOAN and the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.. and along with the State of Nevada Courts.

But what is most disgusting about all of this was, they ALL took the liberty in 2003 (time of Albert’s Suicide) to automatically “Convict” ME and my WIFE and my two young CHILDREN who was only 3 and 4 years old at the time.

My entire family was convicted without even a trial or asking anything about Albert’s Suicide to me or my wife. And held captive in Vegas for almost 9 years now, BROKE and ON WELFARE because the sick crimes William A Sloan, SVP of US BANK and what the state of Nevada / New York and the FEDS did to us.

In total we lost over $.6 mil, we 10 years of the best years of our lives, and our credit rating in now destroyed. We been victimized by several government Informants, Our property stolen by the employees of the treasury, Our health has been severely deteriorated. Along with me having uncontrolled diabetes because I cannot afford the medications and to purchase blood glucose strips. And the lost my profitable Audio modification business due to my Identity jacking by the individuals.

On the other hand, according to Diane Philipson Facebook page her house that I paid off is now a Rental property for $2999 a month and now moved in to a NEW house with Diane making comments on her Facebook page such as “I CANNOT TELL YOU HOW SPOILED ROTTEN I AM” , “LIFE IS SO GOOD AND PRECIOUS”, “I AM SOOO BLESSED”, “ALBERT IS LOOKING DOWN ON ME SO PROUD ON WHAT A GREAT MOTHER I AM”.  (PUKE)

These people need to pay for all their filthy disgusting crimes. But the problem here is it hard to find justice when the Feds are behind it.

 (Except for the DEA, they ROCK! Special thanks to S.A Arther Scalzo, Head of the DEA Long Island NY  (retired). For all the Inspiration you gave me when I met you. I never forget what you told me about your fellow agent and dear friend...  what happened to him in the line of duty. And for risking your life as with the rest of the DEA, in order to make the US a better place to be.)

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