  • Report:  #376384

Complaint Review: Wolfgang Research - Erwin Tennessee

Reported By:
- fort wayne, Indiana,

Wolfgang Research
http://wolfgangresearch.com/default.aspx Erwin, Tennessee, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I worked for Wolfgang Research for over 2 years as a Independent Contractor. At first I did Mortgage collection then after a year I started doing Recruiting. I hired Courthouse Researchers to collect Mortgage data at local courthouses. I was paid a set pay every week for Recruiting and also I was paid for online mortgage collection. Every thing was going fine. They sent me gifts..to make up for the very low pay. I stuck with it because I needed the money.

About a month ago I recieve an E-mail about a decrease in pay due to " the slow real estate market". I had, had it at that point and quit. There were nasty e-mails exchanged between me and Wolfgang. Well 2 weeks later I never recieved my check. I e-mailed Jennifer and Wolfgang asking where my check was. I received a response from Wolfgang saying " Since I never gave a 2 week notice, they were deducting $200 from my check, and they did not process my last 2 invoices that I sent to them, he said he never recieved my invoice for 8/30 and my invoice for 8/22 was not processed because he never sent a confirmation to me saying he recieved it. To make a long story short..they are telling me I owe them money. Since I never sent in my Assignment Journal to them like I was suppose they have no proof that I worked and they are sueing me for all the pay I received from April 2008 to August 2008.

OK...I thought of the whole 2 week notice thing about deducting $200 for terminating early. I was told..just recently that I could not associate my name with their Company..eventhough I was their main Recruiter, and I signed every email with my Name and Wolfgang Research. They never said anything to me untill August 2008..when I quit. I hired over 30 Courthouse Researchers from April 2008 to August 2008. So they are telling me they have no proof that I worked and they want the money back that they already paid me. I am being Sued by these People for over $2000...totally outragous.

Be aware of this Company, they will try everything in the book to get out of paying you, when you quit. They try to control you, when you are legally a Independent Contractor and not an Employee of theirs.


fort wayne, Indiana


9 Updates & Rebuttals


Independent contractor vs employee

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, May 24, 2009

Charity, If you used any program that they gave you to use; you are considered an employee. By law if they changed the terms of contract on you for any reason you can refuse. It is the law. As they are the ones breaking the contract. I am getting council pertaining to these issues. As I have many grievances with this company. I wish I could inclued you and make this a class action suit. But I do not know how to contact you. As for the other rebuttals stating that the company is great to work for. Good for you but ask yourself this question. Do you have a mailing address of said company? Because when this does happen to you; what will be your recourse.

Mark N.

Misinformation Abounds

#3Consumer Comment

Sun, May 03, 2009

In response to the earlier comment that most independent contractors would prefer to be treated as an employee: This is quite false. Aside from the mere fact that this is illegal, there are multiple reasons why an independent contractor does not wish to be treated like an employee. Different expectations and different requirements exist for each type of worker. Being treated like an employee without the benefits of being an employee is simply not beneficial-to the contractor. For example, an employee is required to pay in the ballpark of 7 percent his/her income to Social Security/Med while his/her employer pays an equal amount; an independent contractor is required to pay roughly 15 percent of his/her income to Social Security/Med, having no employer to offset the cost. The notion that "being treated like a member of a team" is, in it of itself, a benefit is not only misinformation, it is also rather silly. Silliness abounds, however, when one person attempts to belittle another on the grounds of grammar and cannot manage to spell the word correctly. But far more than silly is calling an adult woman "a gal" and reverting to various personal assaults, vengefully attacking a woman's mothering skills when a company's suspicious standards are called into question. The woman's parenting skills are, frankly, not subject to Ripoff Report review. Whether these accusations are of any merit or not has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not this company will treat an independent contractor like an employee. It certainly sounds like the company could potentially treat other independent contractors like employees, and turn threatening if a contractor ceases to contract with the company. Though this particular lawsuit sounds to be a scare tactic at most, it makes the company look extremely suspicious and is reason enough to be highly cautious if and when interacting with this company. While the company could choose to lower a pay rate at any time for an independent contractor, so long as it did not conflict with an existing contract (which should have had specific dates for contract work and a clause for how and when the contract can change, if relevant), the independent contractor could also choose to discontinue contracting services, based on such new information. An independent contractor is not bound to continue work, if the contract changes. Two weeks of notice is absolutely not required for an independent contractor unless that is specifically stipulated in the contract. It would be a sad day, indeed, if an independent contractor would be forced to be bound to an ever-changing, changing-any-time contract. It is not unprofessional to discontinue contracting services if any terms change and said terms are not to the agreement of the contractor. So here, the pay and terms are cut yet the contract must be continued? Absolutely not. The comment that in the real world you give two weeks of notice, blah, blah, end of story, period, is really rather inane. Such notice is not for independent contractors. It is for employees who are bound to such commitment while simultaneously reaping various other securities that independent contractors do not share. If working as an independent contractor, know your rights, know what to expect, and do not let companies take advantage of you. If you are being treated as an employee and you are an independent contractor, or if you have been previously treated as an employee while an independent contractor, that company may owe you money - for the taxes you paid - and will certainly owe the IRS money, a substantial amount of money if this mislabeling is a rampant business practice. If uncertain as to your status, look at what the IRS has to say about it: http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/p1779.pdf



#4Consumer Suggestion

Sun, October 12, 2008

I just had to check this operation out. First, the website looks like something a high school kid put together in a weekend. Secondly, they make this cheesy offer when you apply for a job: In appreciation for your interest and time in applying with us, we'll send you a complimentary discounted Vacation Getaway for 3-days/2-nights; eligibility restrictions do apply. Give me a break. Did they run out of steak knife sets? You can bet they get a commission from each vacation sale made. I suspect if this matter reaches the courts the publicity will send Wolfgang back to the bedroom in which they started. The last thing clients want to see is smallness in management. Unless there's a provision in the written contract for a $200 penalty for resigning without notice just drop the issue and move on. It's not worth losing your business over.


Wolfgang is a decent company - this girl isn't living in the real world

#5Consumer Comment

Sun, October 12, 2008

This gal's credibility is questionable at best. I have a friend who very happily worked for years for this company and was always well-treated. It is not the best paying job in the world - but is ok for what it is. This gal complains they treated her like an employee when she was an independent contractor. Hello? Most independent contractors would love to be treated as employees since it suggests being treated like part of the team. So, her pay went down - understandable in this insane economy - she didn't give two weeks notice and is complaining about it? Thinks she was ripped off? In the real world you give two weeks notice. Period. End of story. Most places have a condition about this. If this gal was as bright and important as she claims to be she 1) would understand grammer and spelling 2) would know better than to lie on a public website thereby setting herself up for a lawsuit and 3) get herself some education and try her hand in the real, rather than virtual, world and see how much she can get away with. Again - I know Wolfgang Associates to be reliable, dependable, and good to their workers - choosing to cut pay rather than lay off people. Good for them and shame on this lying gal.


WOLFGANG RESEARCH is GREAT ! - Two Sides to Every Story!

#6Consumer Comment

Sat, October 11, 2008

Three years ago I was contractor to Wolfgang Research conducting courthouse research. I was given specific instructions on how I should conduct the research which I found to be extremely helpful since I had no previous experience. The Recruiting Manager, Recruiting Assistant, and Owner were all very helpful. About 11 months after I started, I was called away for personal reasons and had to resign from my assignments. During those 11 months I was always paid exactly what I expected and on time. I knew exactly what was expected of me and what the outcome would be should I not be able to meet those expectations, although they were very lenient in not enforcing penalties that I rightfully should have been assessed (e.g., late or no invoice submission, failure to meet research quota, etc.). In late June of 2008 when I was ready to rejoin the job market, I immediately contacted Wolfgang Research. Why? Because of my previous experience with them. However, something had definitely changed which made me question about joining their team again. I submitted my application and to my surprise, the prompt replies that I had grown accustomed to in the past were not longer occurring. I waited two weeks but never received even a thank you for applying response! So I called, left a voicemail and still no response. Finally, by the 3rd week I looked up the email address I had used for the Recruiting Manager and quickly sent an email to it (it was different than the email address that their website instructed me to send the application to). Guess what? I had a response in less than 24 hours stating that my application was being transferred over to the Recruiting Assistant, Cherity Ross. I sat eagerly waiting. Three days past, so I emailed the Recruiting Manager again. She was very apologetic and sent an email to the Recruiting Assistant with a cc-copy to me on the email. Well I got a phone call that very day. I spoke to the Recruiting Assistant for about 30 minutes as I tried to explain my previous association with Wolfgang Research and asked about opportunities in my area. Because of that phone call, I almost didn't rejoin the Team of Wolfgang Research. The lady sounded young and had kids screaming in the background. I had to keep asking her my questions over and over as she kept interrupting to literally scream back at her kids. This was so unprofessional and didn't reflect the Wolfgang Research I knew from over 2 years ago. The fact was, I needed to work and decided to proceed with caution. I emailed the Recruiting Assistant several times in response to her questions and to ask my own. It would often take 3 to 5 days before I would get a response. Finally, I called and left a voicemail for the Recruiting Manager. I received a return call that night at which time I expressed how disappointed I was in the application process. Apparently, it was an eye-opening to the Recruiting Manager as she was unaware. She personally processed my paperwork in two days and I was finally able to start work. I never did receive a call or reply from the Recruiting Assistant. I was just dropped. Thankfully, the Recruiting Manager got me onboard promptly and was apologetic. Note that the Recruiting Assistant was only an assistant and did not have any power or authorization to hire a contractor she merely posted ads, reviewed applications and then recommended candidates to the Recruiting Manager and she told me that herself. I found out recently that she is the same one who has posted this RipOff report. No the company didn't tell me that, I figured it out on my own when they notified us that xxxxxxxx, our former contracted Recruiting Assistant is no longer associated with Wolfgang Research. If any of your friends have recently applied, please ask them to do so again as xxxxxxx intentionally deleted all applicant emails and some associated company files upon her departure. For anyone who is considering to work with this company, let me state a few things that apparently Chevy in Fort Wayne, Indiana left out. Although she was contracted to provide recruiting services for Wolfgang Research, I can tell you first hand she was not very professional. Secondly, I'm sure that Wolfgang Research would not sue someone over just a posted report on the web. If I was Wolfgang Research, I'd be pissed off as hell that someone deleted my emails and company files and I'm sure it temporarily impacted the progress of their business. And like I said, Wolfgang Research didn't impose fees on me when they realistically should have and it appears they had decided to let the actions of a disgruntled former Recruiting Assistant go without penalty for her actions that is until she posted this apparently incomplete ripoff report. I'm sure by then, they and their attorney had enough. I know I would have! They have more patience than I would have. I am always for the true victims, but I don't think Chevy presented all the facts here and was basically just trying to cause trouble. I also have heard that she voluntarily resigned and was not asked to leave EVEN though the company had recently learned of her unprofessional behavior and found proof of such I know because I reported her. Chevy commented in her report that she had her name with Wolfgang Research on her emails. She did. I saw them. I also saw that she listed HER home address and HER personal phone number in the ads she posted for courthouse contractors instead of the company's information. I asked her was the office in Fort Wayne, Indiana and she said no, that was where she lived. Again, very unprofessional. I couldn't believe Wolfgang Research was allowing her to present that they had an office in Fort Wayne, IN. When I informed the Recruiting Manager about this, it was not well received information (she was definitely not aware of such being done). That Recruiting Assistant was gone a few days later. I personally think she saw the writing on the wall and baled. Maybe someone should post a beware about her? If you hire this Chevy person, be sure she doesn't have access to your files nor communicates verbally with your potential clientele, contractors or employees UNLESS you're running a Day Care Center and don't mind her screaming at her kids while on the phone conducting YOUR business ! (Note: I was previously a Contractor with Wolfgang Research and have recently rejoined. The recruiting assistants onboad now reflect the professional atmosphere that I had loved about the company three years ago and I encourage anyone to apply that would like to learn Courthouse Research. If you applied in the past two years and felt you were ignored, please take time to reapply. You'll be glad you did.)


East Coast,
South Carolina,
Wolfgang Research - nothing but professional people

#7UPDATE Employee

Sat, October 11, 2008

I am an independent contractor with Wolfgang. I contracted with them about 6 months ago. I enjoy my job and take pride in it. I had called after I read about the job on the internet. I talked to the person filing this report. Most of the conversation was interrupted by her screaming at her children and her children screaming in the background. I felt that it was very unprofessional. It was distracting for me asking questions about the job. I lost my concentration several times as to what I wanted to ask about the job. I almost didn't accept the job, cause I was thinking it seemed like a scam, due to the unprofessionalism of the children and her screaming while she was on the phone. I am so thankful that I didn't listen to my instincts at the time. The team at Wolfgang are professional people and have worked with me in times of need. If you are considering contracting with them, I highly recommend them to everyone!

Maryland Bay Man

Wolfgang Research is a very well respected company

#8UPDATE Employee

Wed, October 08, 2008

As a present team member for Wolfgang Research, I have a more positive view of the company operates. I have done contractual work for Wolfgang Research for over two years. In this time I have gone through every type of circumstance and have always known both the owner and the staff to be respectful, honorable, and understanding. Wolfgang Research has a highly reputable operation that has high marks among former employees and competing court research firms. One can read positive postings on many sites such as contractual work forums. When I first started to work with Wolfgang Research, I was a little hesitant and unsure about the company. I had never heard of it before applying for a contractual position. I remember actually waiting five months until I received a response. The response came late as almost all of their job openings were usually taken immediately upon being posted on a job board or website. People would wait months to work for this company. After reading many positive reports about the company, I jumped on board at first chance. Working for the company has brought me many benefits including a very flexible work schedule, highly ethical management, and a workload that is very manageable. The work is challenging in the sense that one has to have a high degree of self reliance, work ethic, and self motivation. In relation to the case presented by the original reporter, I believe that there are people that may feel that contractual work is not for them. The pay may not be right or maybe the work is too light or too much. Some may find it too difficult to work without supervision or an overhead structure. For some this may mean they seek employment elsewhere. Others may react with anger and confusion. They may seek remedy by terminating their work without notice or fail to complete their work on time. Instead of communicating in a professional manner to seek resolution to problems, they vent their anger with online postings and with angry statements. Conflict resolution is always better served with clear, unemotional communications and professional deliberations. In working with the owner and the management of this company, I have always felt that they were ethical, fair human beings that are always willing to work through any problems or challenges. I wish I could say the same for other companies that I have work for.


Wolfgang Research~~more than fair!

#9UPDATE Employee

Tue, October 07, 2008

I am a Team Member of Wolfgang Research Company, and have been so nearly a year. I have had nothing but fair treatment from all of the Wolfgang associates! Jennifer and Wolfgang have both been MORE than willing to work through any discrepencies, problems, or issues that ever came up in the past year. If I ever have questions, they are there with the answers! I can tell you first hand that ALL team members are sent out emails of ALL policies, changes, and updates. Everyone knows what is expected of them. And ALL team members are required to send conformation of recieving those emails. Also, I can tell you, that Wolfgang and Jennifer understand that people have lives to live, and that things come up. If you have a personal issue that set you behind, or foresee a problem, all you have to do is contact them and let them know. By no means are they unfair! They do expect the the team members to produce the material that they have said they will, and they do expect the team members to show effort in the collections and be proficient. That is what makes a business work. Slacking off and sloppy work would get the company no where! Now, for my next point. Again, We are ALL made aware of the policies. (especially if we are the one who had the idea of the policy to begin with) We ALL know that if our work is not submitted PROPERLY to show our work, then we are not compensated accordingly. We ALL know that if we do not recieve conformation of our invoices and journals, that we need to contact Wolfgang directly to make sure that they were recieved, or if they need to be resubmitted. If we feel there are any discrepencies in our pay, and we bring it to the attention of Jennifer and Wolfgang, the matter is looked into and resolved. (Yes, I know this first hand). To make a long story short. When you contract with Wolfgang, you are made aware of what is expected of you, and what you can expect as well. (its all part of the whole "contract" thing) Therefore, you know AHEAD of time...if you do not properly submit your work, or break your contract with them (aka quit) unexpectantly, or just don't do your work at all, there will be consequences. And in knowing this ahead of time, the consequences are more than fair. As for the contractors being treated like employees (did you notice this whole thing is under the catergory ""employers"")...When you make a deal with a company or individual that you will produce "x" amount of work by a specific date for a certain amount of pay, you are expected to uphold your end of that contract. I make my own schedule WITHIN REASONABLE STANDARDS. I work the hours of the day that I can. I am not treated as an ""employee"". And since there is such a big deal about being treated as an employee instead of an independent contractor, I would also like to offer my opinion that in declairing yourself as an Idependent Contractor YOU have the responsability to follow up on your work, insure that your materials were recieved correctly, and that you are following the policies of the company you are contracted with. I would recommend Wolfgang Research to anyone that inquires about Courthouse Research!


fort wayne,
Update: On Wolfgang Research

#10Author of original report

Tue, October 07, 2008

I received this email from Teresa, Wolfgang's Wife, today. Ms. Cherity We had decided not to proceed with Legal Proceedings and just let the situation end. However, your recent posting has forced our hand. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/376/RipOff0376384.htm Ms. Standford, we are ready to initiate. Teresa Hood Business Planner Wolfgang-Research Now they are sueing me because I posted this report about them. I guess the truth hurts.

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