  • Report:  #66715

Complaint Review: Work At Home Data Processors - Internet

Reported By:
- St. Louis, Missouri,

Work At Home Data Processors
http://www.workathomedataprocessors.com Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
This company comes across as an honest, legitimate business on their website. Anybody working for them or considering signing up should consider my experience first.

I feel scammed. I paid for an opportunity to work, which was my first mistake. Next, I wasted hours trying to get people to mail me a self-addressed envelope so I could earn $1. This was a total waste of time. So, I decided to request a refund.

The company website clearly states that you may request a refund within 30 days. I tried the program for three weeks and received no envelopes, so I typed up a refund request and sent it to the company along with proof that I had been working hard.

Over a week later, I get an email telling me that they cannot issue a refund because over 30 days had passed.

The postage date verifies that I sent the request before 30 days was up, but they refused to issue a refund. I call this dishonest.

I was scammed and learned my lesson the hard. Hopefully anyone reading this can learn from my experience.


St. Louis, Missouri

1 Updates & Rebuttals

M. Dougan

Kansas City,
Maybe I can shed some light on the topic

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, December 03, 2007

I was an former associate of workathomedataprocessors.com. I had actually spent years looking for a good WAH opportunity. I figured one night I would surf the web and give a program that seemed ok a good try. I just started by running one small ad in a local paper. when I got my first responses I sent out the data as advised to see if they would cut me a real check or not. My first check came to my suprise and I felt great. Even though it was just $5. I just wanted to see if it worked before the refund period was up. Well then I start a full ad campaign and made several hundred dollars. I believe my first month I made about. 700 bucks and it was easy work and I did it when I wanted and my ex girl even helped me out. The only reason I quit was because I moved out of town because we where planning on living. In Texas to see if we liked it there. I never started a offline business up again. But all I can say if this is the type of work your looking to do it is a nice place to start off working from home. My only advice would be for you to keep your job until you get going. Its always better to have more than one source of income. I also advise to try and keep you advertising cost low and affective. But keep in mind that when you advertise for FREE! Your going to get a not so hot ROI.

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