  • Report:  #67361

Complaint Review: World Class Nutrition - Amelia Ohio

Reported By:
- Chandler, Arizona,

World Class Nutrition
17 W. Main St. Amelia, 45102 Ohio, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I returned my unused, unopened package to World Class Nutrition. I have received NO REFUND. I have written e-mail after e-mail. All of their phone numbers lead to machines or tell you to call a number that is a machine. They are an awful business. When I finally got a response e-mail, all it said was they had no record of my return.

I filed a complaint with the Better Business Bureau. In the mail today I recieved a letter from them, along with a statment from World Class Nutrition saying my package was partially opened. So first they say they can't find the package, and now they LIE and say it was opened.

I returned my package according to ALL the standards written on their website. I returned it just the way it came- COMPLETELY SEALED and UNOPENED! They STOLE FROM ME AND LIED to me and the Better Business Bureau. World Class Nutrition should be shut down.


Chandler, Arizona

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