  • Report:  #853549

Complaint Review: www.efloortrade.com - Orlando California

Reported By:
cleanedout - daly city, California, United States of America

255 South Orange Avenue, Suite 1505 Orlando, 94014 California, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I started auto trading with eFloorTrade, LLC 255 South Orange Avenue, Suite 1505 Orlando, FL 32801 P: (407)378-4775 with John Moore and Chris Moore at there commodity brokerage about 3/1/2011. When i hired them to auto trade using a third party system called www.tradethink.com. I traded with two accounts, my wife's IRA and a joint taxable savings. At that time i was with MF Global. I informed Chris Moore and John Moore at www.efloortrade.com that i'd just been screwed by MF Global and i was a little gun shy. I needed Chris Moore and John Moore at www.efloortrade.com to guide and look out for my best interest by always calling me with news,margin calls or account updates that would be important to me. They were told to follow the letter of direction which was spelled out in black and white. Trade think run by proprieters Jason Morse and Chris Morse sends www.efloortrade the signals that www.efloortrade uses to do the auto buy/sell trading of my commodity portfolio. My instructions to John Moore and Chris Moore at www.efloortrade.com were to immediately STOP trading and notify me if my account ever became over leveraged or exposed to more risk then was appropriate. Overexposure can cause a margin call. A margin call would indicate that Chris Moore and John Moore at (www.Efloortrade.com) had me mismanaged, over leveraged and over exposed. John Moore, Chris Moore at www.efloortrade.com never called to inform me i had a margin call at all, or that i was overexposed. Chris Moore at www.efloortrade.com never bothered to tell me i had been on margin since January 2012, either by phone, fax or email. Chris Moore at www.efloortrade.com lied and never said my account was on margin when he called me for the first time in six months. On that occasion my broker Chris Moore at www.efloortrade.com called in the afternoon of march 22nd or 23rd 2012 to just say hello "long time no talk to" he said, as if he was calling just to shoot the breeze. Then he said "I'm worried about your positions right now and think the system is doing poorly". Then Chris Moore at www.efloortrade.com adds,"http://www.Tradethink.com your third party system is not setting their stops correctly". "I (Chris Moore) think we at www.efloortrade.com) should stop trading and close all your positions, and then start to take new signals from scratch or new". Wondering what went wrong I hung up with Chris Moore at www.efloortrade.com looked at my last two weeks of statements and noticed in the last two weeks (from February 23 2012 back to the first of February 2012) www.Efloortrade.com had charged me $6,740.00 in commissions for ten trading days.  I called my broker Chris Moore back at www.efloortrade.com within seconds of his first call to me, and wanted to know what John Moore and Chris Moore of www.efloortrade.com were doing to me? The first scared words out of Chris Moore's mouth were, "I tried to call you". I said, " You did not! First, I don't believe you and i know you are lying! And second, i want to know what the F$&@ are all these trades with no correlation at all to tradethink signals or the letter of direction? Since he didn't have the time to think or come up with another word for margin call and just got caught bending the truth and obfuscating the facts he turned in to a blithering idiot. That is when he finally said "You have been on margin since January 2012, I tried to call you". It's now the second half of March and Chris Moore at www.efloortrade.com is just now getting around to calling me but did not mention margin call at all just a few minutes earlier. Now when i notice all this churning of my account he tells me i have been on margin since January 2012? I went nuts!! That little piece of s**t can get in touch with me on the telephone email or fax 24hrs a day!! He had hundreds of chances to tell me that i was on margin! Chris Moore of www.efloortrade.com could of told me i was on margin just minutes earlier in his first call to me in six months to shoot the breeze. That incompetent little shithead (Chris Moore) at www.efloortrade.com had hundreds of opportunities  to call me since January 2012. Why did he wait till March 2012 to tell me and then only after I got mad and I saw the bogus trades, churning and disregard for the letter of direction??  Transparent lies and bullshit is all I've ever received from Chris Moore and www.Efloortrade.com and I think they all at www.efloortrade.com need their trading licenses revoked, and a father (John) son (Chris) trip to the woodshed for the little shithead Chris Moore is in order.

The normal daily efloortrade commission cost for trading my www.tradethink.com portfolio should be no more than $90/$120 dollars or about $900/$1200 for those ten trading days. Efloortrade charged me $6740.00. Please do not misunderstand the message i am trying to convey in this warning to others. I have absolutely no problem absorbing and taking a loss when i have a legitimate www.tradethink.com system generated draw down. What Chris Moore and John Moore of www.efloortrade.com did to me was criminal and not even close to legitimate system directed trading. They completely disregarded the letter of direction made unauthorized trades and in so doing ended up trading my account value from 150,000 in October 2011 to about $70,000 by the time i found out what they were doing in Feb2012. I started with $200,000. I immediately stopped trading, and withdrew all the funds left over from www.Efloortrade.com's churning as fast as i could dial the phone.

I also complained to the www.efloortrade.com compliance department and received a phone call from a person who identified herself as a compliance officer at www.efloortrade.com Ann White. Another lie from www.efloortrade.com their is no compliance officer named Ann White at www.efloortrade.com, the persons real name is Ann Moore. She is the wife of Efloortrade head broker and proprietor John Moore and mother of the idiot mongoloid broker and psychopath at efloortrade Chris Moore. www.efloortrade.com is run by unethical, dishonest people who parade as honest commodity brokers. John Moore and his son Chris Moore should be avoided at the risk of great financial loss. I prey to GOD nobody dots any I's or crosses any T's with those piss ant criminals at www.efloortrade.com

I also immediatley called my buy/sell signal generator Jason Morse at www.Tradethink.com and asked if he would look over those two weeks of statements from www.efloortrade.com, to help me make some sense of what www.efloortrade.com was doing to me. Within a few minutes he called me back to confirm it was as bad  or worse then i thought. He said my broker, (www.efloortrade.com) is churning for commissions and disregarding the letter of direction" and he said "the churning and unauthorized trades reflected incalculable lost principle in just those two weeks of trading". He said "besides the extra commissions generated for www.efloortrade.com from the churning, the extra principle loss was like rubbing salt in a wound or kicking a guy when he's already down" A month earlier i had just paid Jason Morse at www.tradethink.com $14,000.00 for the license to trade www.tradethink.com signals for one more year or until January 2013. When all this happened I told Jason Morse at www tradethink.com i was not trading anymore, and may never trade until this is all straightened out. I said, "I want the unused license fee for the two accounts $14,000.00 refunded back to me". "I've hardly used it and I have not made any profit in the 4 weeks I've had the license or the whole time (13 months) i've auto traded with www.tradethink.com, and in fact I've only compounded the lost money with the license cost." That's when Jason at www.thinktrade.com said "Larry, I know you are right, you are getting the shaft from www.efloortrade.com." "I can try to help you in almost anyway i can, but i will not refund your unused license money". Jason is willing to tell me when someone else is screwing me or pouring salt in my wounds and kicking me when I'm already down. But Jason at www.thinktrade.com fails to recognize when he's doing the same to me as my brokers at www.efloortrade.com. Jason at www.tradethink.com is responding just like the rest of the wall street psychos, but admits i'm being screwed by my broker for a lot of money. I'm a very lucky guy,(NOT). He (Jason) at www.thinktrade.com only ripped and took me for $14,000.00 for a license i may never use, that's all. Jason Morse at www.tradethink.com is the guy who introduced me to the crooked brokers John Moore, Chris Moore at www.efloortrade.com after i had my issues with MF Global. Of course he Jason at www.tradethink.com feels he did nothing wrong in any way at all. Jason Morse of www.thinktrade.com said he feels terrible about what www.efloortrade.com is doing to me, but doesn't feel bad enough to rectify his part of my much bigger problem. Not much different then the treatment I received from the psychopath commodity brokers John Moore and his son Chris Moore at www.efloortrade.com. They all show the same anti social traits with no regard for the consequences of their actions and a total lack of empathy. Jason Morse at www.tradethink.com is very friendly and displays a wonderfully glib sense of humor. He can spin the truth like a roulette wheel when it's in his best interest. He's been telling me he'll help me get the money back from the people who screwed and owe it to me, but he fails to see he owes something to me also, and should do the right thing for himself and www.tradethink.com by refunding and unwinding the deal for the unused license. It's also his job as part of keeping the www.tradethink.com reputation intact to unwind his business mistakes when appropriate and do the right thing. If you run an honest business, that is what you do. Not refunding and unwinding my www.tradethink.com license fee is wrong and not in Jason Morse or www.tradethink.com best interest. Current and future potential clients don't want to hear that you Jason Morse and www.tradethink.com compounded and made even worse what was already a clear ripoff of my money. You did help to make me aware of all the unethical treatment from www.efloortrade.com., Then you, Jason at www.thinktrade.com helped to make it even worse! You yourself admitted i was robbed by my broker at www.efloortrade.com. But you have no trouble doing the same thing to me.  My story will and should cause many current and potential future commodity auto traders who may be investigating and doing their due diligence to think long and hard about auto trading with www.efloortrade.com or www.thinktrade.com and in my opinion they should have second thoughts about having anything to do with Jason Morse, commodity trading or www.tradethink.com after hearing about my experience with Jason Morse, Chris Morse at www.tradethink.com and John Moore and Chris Moore at www.efloortrade.com 

2 Updates & Rebuttals


daly city,
United States of America
John Efloortrade Moore aka Central Florida Wealth Management

#2Author of original report

Sun, January 27, 2013

John efloortrade Moore aka John Central Florida Wealth Moore is trying to fool the poor investor one more time. Another scam and ponzi management service for the vulnerable rich all over the state of Florida and the USA which has a surplus of vulnerable rich. The financial regulations the state of Florida has are some of the worst consumer protection regulations of all fifty states. This is how a scoundrel and known Ponzi manager named John Central Florida Financial Management Moore aka John efloortrade Moore can manipulate and usurp the florida court system and carry out his aganda for a blackout of public knowledge about his business activities


daly city,
United States of America
John efloortrade Moore Under Investigation for Churning

#3Author of original report

Mon, May 14, 2012

For the time being and because of the ongoing litigation between myself and John efloortrade Moore i will only say that i'm still fighting for the right to tell the truth in the Florida courts. The case number is 2012-CA-005204-O- http://www.chillingeffects.org/courtorder/notice.cgi?action=image_594338  . As you can see by doing efloortrade google searches John Moore is sweating bullets in an effort to remove information that he does not want you to view. I've done nothing but make the mistake of doing business with John and then telling about it. John efloortrade Moore is currently being investigated for churning/defrauding my account. I will post the updated results of the investigations and any future civil litigation concerning the court case in Florida soon. I will post all the latest court decisions. The Truth The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth

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