  • Report:  #1529957

Complaint Review: Michael. J. Vellucci - Fort Myers Florida

Reported By:
M. Aranda - Fort myers, Florida , United States

Michael. J. Vellucci
208 3rd street Fort Myers, 33907 Florida, United States
678) 877-0430
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

So #1 is that he uses over 10 different business names and numbers. Probably bc people have reported that he's a mean, angry, fraud, He gets very upset over competition. And even writes bogus reviews on other companies. My company was personally stalked by him himself. And then got others involved. We were simply repairing and replacing a new roof.  He's been known to harass women, and uses racial slurs. He likes to stalk around ... bc he has nothing better to do. He was happy when hurricane Ian hit , bc that's the only time when people were desperate to fix their homes. Now, a year later , he's still bitter. Hires companies to follow and stalk you.  Apparently he rents out a few apartments. His own tenants have even complained of how horrible their living conditions are. And driving by, you can see that it's terrible just on the outside! Roof looks sub standard. And he's got these old rusty window air conditioners hanging out of the window. Roaches , pest infestation and more. BEWARE THIS PERSON IS A CROOK! 

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