  • Report:  #1531127

Complaint Review: Blanca Angelica Aguilar - Winnetka California

Reported By:
Martin - Winnetka, California , United States

Blanca Angelica Aguilar
7432 Penfield Ave Winnetka, 91306 California, United States
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Beware of a postmenopausal woman on the loose.

The mentally deranged, unstable,  postmenopausal female is Blanca Angelica Aguilar. 

Blanca Angelica Aguilar is currently a resident at: (((REDACTED))) In Winnetka,  CA. Blanca Angelica Aguilar aka Blanca Aguilar is an extremely volatile female who supports her grifter "boyfriend" Armando Escobedo. Blanca Angelica Aguilar aka Blanca Aguilar at times presents herself as a supposedly "sweet old woman", however she is far from sweet or harmless.  My first and then several encounters with her were terrifying.  Initially she purported to be just an old, haggard woman living with her children Samantha M. Aguilar and Christopher A. Aguilar. She frequently uses her Autistic son to hide behind and excuse her completely criminal acts of theft, msluce, and viciousness against others. She uses her son's Autism as a reason for all of the blatant lies & other tall tales to abet herself and her grifter boyfriend in committing fraud, scams, schemes,  theft, financial crimes against unsuspecting people.  But her most disturbing crimes are the child trafficking she & her boyfriend & even her daughter Samantha M. Aguilar commit to make money.

Ripoffreport Report Image

Blanca Angelica Aguilar aka Blanca Aguilar posseses no skills to obtain or keep even the most simple job. Her entire means of support is to steal from and victimize innocent people, and even involving her daughter Samantha M. Aguilar and her all-too willing criminal (And unemployable) boyfriend Armando Escobedo (Who is with her only for the free room, board, food, illicit drugs that she, Blanca Aguilar provides him with ). Blanca Angelica Aguilar is at most times drunk, high, under the influence of various narcotics (In addition to her prescribed psychotropic and hot glashes medications ) and therefore belligerent, loud, out of control.  And these are her leisurely moments when she's not busy trafficking and preying upon helpless little children (Of the families who she commits financial fraud against ). It is rather unfortunate that people like her, her boyfriend,  and even her criminal-in-training young daughter are as malice-minded and cruel as they are and Managing to get away with their terrible actions. But one must understand the inner workings of the minds of people like them. They are the aggressors & perpetrators, but then Falsely portray themselves as "victims." These are the ways and workings of toxic individuals, criminals. They lack the very conscience that normalizes the rest of society.  So, unlike the rest of society, they act only in accordance to their base thoughts, the most base and darkest recesses of their soulless selves. Individuals such as Blanca Angelica Aguilar aka Blana Aguilar, her boyfriend,  her daughter have absolutely no interest in the pain and suffering and permanent harm and trauma they cause to helpless little girl and boys and their poor families. They only act in accordance to their own rules and wants and wishes. As for law enforcement,  we'll as long as corruption exists within licsl police departments and said police snd other officials are given a piece of the proverbial pue, then these criminal individuals face no repercussions until and unless an official comes along who will no longer tolerate their abysmal, reprehensible acts against families,  helpless children,  and the many other real victims. 


It is also beloved that Blanca Angelica Aguilar aka Blanca Aguilar, her daughter,  snd her boyfriend are aided and abetted by Irv. Irv is another criminal that should be exposed for the malicious acts committed to aid and abet these three individuals. Perhaps we will submit Additional Reports on that in the close future. 

For now, we bring your undivided attention to these individuals as a public service to attempt to protect prospective victims. 


2 Updates & Rebuttals


los angeles,
United States
Yes! Blanca Angelica Aguilar Really Is A Psychopath & Child Predator

#2Consumer Comment

Sat, June 08, 2024

My name is Christian.

I am back to state that I was completely wrong. And Blanca Angelica Aguilar is certainly a criminal in every sense of the word.

I was wrong in my comment dated: May 17, 2024. In that comment, I posted entirely inappropriate, unfitting, wrongful allegations--All lies. I was out of libne for my comments dated May 17, 2024. I was not thinking properly and I rushed to conclusions, which are the only reasons I defended that reprehensible old woman named Blanca Angelica Aguilar. I falsely claimed that if she were all of those things, then authorities would be on her rear. However, she is actually all of those things that were accurately posted in the original post by the original author. I was wrong for claiming otherwise. This is because, after my incorrect comment dated May 17, 2024 (Posted just above this entirely true and factual comment of today), was and is born of my convoluted thinking. I was so wrong to defend this criminal and her criminal daughter Samantha M. Aguilar. In fact, after May 17, 2024, I have discovered and uncovered some extremlky disturbing facts about this mother, Blanca Aguilar who also goes by the name Blanca Vela and her daughter Samantha M. Aguilar.

Currently, they both reside in a rented house in Winnetka, CA. They are renting from a slumlord and drug dealer named Yosi Gabay. Yosi Gabay is also a criminal. And, together, these three individuals (With their crime buddoes, Emily Gabay Ne Emily Morrad and Armando James Escobedo) willingly run a child trafficking ring, sell illicit, illegal drugs, prey upon helpless, mentally challenged members of the community, and engage in other terrible crimes.

I have personal knowledge of the crimes of Blanca Angelica Aguilar Blance Vela and her scheming, manipulative daughter, Samantha M. Aguilar, because I, too, was and am a victim of their illegal acts and other crimes of moral turpitude. After May 17, 2024, I met a young woman who approached me in a local store in Winnetka. She started a conversation and got me talking and revealing many personal details about myself. Samatha M. Aguilar then invited me for what seemed an innocent drink of soda at a seedy resturaunt. The resturaunt was dark and outdated. But I did not think anything of it at the time. We ordered sodas. I quickly got up to use the mens's room. When I returned and took thirsty sips of my soda, I started feeling very woozy and sleepy. I told her I had to leave. But Samantha M. Aguilar invited me to her house and said her mother could drive us. When her mother, Blanca Angelica Aguilar, arrived I saw a puffy, hard-faced middle-aged woman. But I figured sinse this was her mother, I'd be okay. Bt I was so mistaken. Hours later, i found myself naked at their house. My clothes were off and my pants were around my ankles. I was sore all over. I was shaking and trembling. My wallet and phone were gone. I put it all together and was even more sick to figure out that earlier, Samantha M. Aguilar had acted as the decoy for her mother, Blanca Aguilar Blanca Vela to take advantage of my drugged, sleepy state to sleep with me and steal all of my cash, credit cards, identity, phone, contacts, and other personal information. I mean, iI understand that the old woman could not get a decent, income-earning man to sleep with her (And, as I understand, her often absent "fiancee", Armando James Escobedo is also a criminal with a huge criminal history, no job, no money, no car, no life and he is just using her). However, it just is not right to take advantage of any man or anyone at all and sleep with him under false circumstances. I would have never slept with this old woman had I known it was her and had I been conscious. Anyways, when I asked for my wallet and hpone, she refused to return them to me. It was an awful experience to put my clothes on, rush and run from that place and that sickening experince and spend hours to get back home. And, about a week later, I had an exam and tests and discovered that Blanca Angelica Aguilar Blanca Vela had given my herpes II, Chlymidia, and some other form of genital warts, as well. Worse yet, I had massive amounts of idnetity theft and fraud against my accounts. I also have discovered that Blanca Angelica Aguilar Blanca Vela has been sued at least and not less than 3 seperate times for her illegal acts by 3 seperate litigants, has had 3 seperate judgements against her, she has filed for bankrupsy 3 different times to run from and avoid paying the judgements against her. She is a deadbeat in addition to a predator, theif, manipulator, liar, crook, danger to the safety and security of the public.

To this day, I say and will always give my testimony that Blanca Angelica Aguilar Blanca Vela and her criminal co-horts, Yosi Gabay, Emily Gabay Also going by the name Emily Morrad, and their illegal business fronts are an entire criminal enterprise.


United States
Sounds like a lie

#3Consumer Comment

Fri, May 17, 2024

 If this woman was everything you claim then the Federal Gov. Would be on her rear. You also claim she has a history of this BUT NO history or criminal records exist. Losers who lie to just cause attention such as yourself should be institutionalized for mental deficiency. The internet isn't a toy and you are NOT protected simply because you hide like a coward behind a keyboard Also the address you listed comes back to a blonde woman AND NOT the one you posted. You should be smarter next time

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