  • Report:  #1523232

Complaint Review: Kristen Rae Myers Kristenraemyers_ Kristenraemyers - Internet

Reported By:
DJ - Los Angeles, California , United States

Kristen Rae Myers Kristenraemyers_ Kristenraemyers
Internet, United States
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I met this woman back in 2016 through a club promoter. She was reffered to us as an escort who will provide any service we were willing to pay for. She came over and did exactly that for a group of us. After that I lost contact with her and later bumped into her during a normal encounter and we became friends. During that time she told me she no longer works as an escort, but that was all a lie. This woman is a pathological liar who tells the world she is a model and career woman, but there is no career. She is involved in group chats on whatsapp and telegram that are only for escorts. They trade jobs and group sex parties for money. This woman has major trauma and has sex with lots of married men regualry then extorts them financially in order to hide the affairs from the wives. She is very good at making it seem like she grew up in a nice family, but this woman is a stone cold escort who will have sex with anyone who is willing to pay. Once she has sex with men she extorts them anyway she can and that his her game. She has been working as an escort in the Los Angeles area since she was 24 and now she is 34 and still going. Be careful and stay safe becasue this woman targets married men and men she can extrort through her sex work. I have attached screen shots and proof of her sex work, but of course she will deny all these allegations. I never want to see another man fall victim to this souless money hungry thing. 

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1 Updates & Rebuttals


United States
jealous ex

#2General Comment

Wed, January 25, 2023

this persons clearly a jealous ex. i had the chance to meet her and she was one of the sweetest people ive ever met. better hope this person or this report had nothing to do with what happened. timing is interesting.

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