  • Report:  #1521114

Complaint Review: Mott Tax Advisory Service - North Brunswick New Jersey

Reported By:
Hannah - Jamesburg, New Jersey, United States

Mott Tax Advisory Service
2864 Highway 27 Suite F North Brunswick, 08902 New Jersey, United States
(732) 297-3355, (800) 259
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Mott calculated my tax return incorrectly by declaring I owed far more than I did. He then sent the return to the IRS without my knowledge or permission, which IRS itself considers Misconduct.

It forced me to have to file an Amended (Revised) Return with another firm at additional preparation cost (which found Mott had over-estimated my tax due by almost $700), and involved the tremendous aggravation of correspondence back and forth with the IRS for almost two years.

Mott then lied and said I hadn't paid him by a valid check when he received all payment in full for his services. He hid the check I sent him and took me to court for "non-payment" as a vindictive act. 

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