  • Report:  #1532321

Complaint Review: Roy Murad - Toronto Ontario

Reported By:
Ontario Business Owner - Ontario, Canada

Roy Murad
100-200 Matheson Blvd W Toronto, L5R 3L7 Ontario, Canada
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The list of operating proxies for the Murad Family is vast.  The brothers Noah Murad, Jacob Murad and Aaron Murad were born and bred as fraudsters by their father, convicted felon and con man, Roy Murad.  Roy Murad follows in his late father’s, Abood (Abe) Murad, footsteps as a convicted con man for bankruptcy fraud in Vermont https://casetext.com/case/us-v-murad-4 and Contractual Fraud in Los Angeles https://trellis.law/case/sc114058/blue-rider-finance-inc-vs-roy-murad-et-al before turning his losing streak around by moving to Canada where white color crime pays better.

You must be extremely diligent before entering any business dealings with this family.  I won’t be posting specifics to my business dealings in this review as I prefer to stay anonymous, but I encourage you to be very thorough in your investigations, in ways I wish I knew how before I fell victim.

Go to the Toronto courthouse Public View Terminals and request a Superior Court Litigation Search Report. At any given time, there will be a staggering number of active cases against members of the Murad family and their proxy corporations.  Do a historical search next and pay attention to the longevity of old cases which are simply abandoned or unresolved, this is due to bullying and intimidation. Their formula is that after or just before being sued, Jacob Murad will sue or countersue you for a fabricated or at best frivolous scheme, forcing you to fight on both fronts.  Jacob is president of his own law firm: KPA Lawyers, whereas you are likely not, which will challenge you with the excessive burden of legal fees to the point of abandonment.

You can surf the publicly posted web pages from insolvency and bankruptcy trustee’s such as Farber with keywords for past acquisitions and proxy investment companies run by Noah Murad, Jacob Murad, Aaron Murad and especially Roy Murad.  Known business operating names are Mill Street & Co, Bridge Capital Resource Partners, Bluestar Equity, Link RP Solutions, Link Resource Partners, JAM Consulting Business Solutions, KPA Lawyers.  You will find a plethora of motions for sharp practice, fraud and even forgery here:  https://brileyfarber.com/engagements/mill-street-co-inc/ 

You can go to Pitchbook.com and search for any of their past acquisitions and see how many are still in business today (spoiler alert, none) https://pitchbook.com/profiles/investor/171096-85 Just consider how much value to Canadians has been removed from the small business market by the Murad Family.

You can use the Internet Archive WaybackMachine or Archive.Today website archives to see what some of the companies’ web sites looked like before they were removed.  You can also look at their own web sites such as Mill Street & Co at different points in time here https://web.archive.org/web/20200805075916/https://millstreetco.com/news/ where you will notice acquisitions that failed to manage bad PR will be removed from their news, divisions and blog pages over the time period 2015-2019.  The Murad’s have learned now that less news serves them better and so they don’t disclose as much on their new Bluestar Equity blog as they used to on Mill Street & Co, but using these resources you can wind back time to see the bodies left in their wake.   

Their knowledge of how to game the Canadian court system continues to permit this to go on unpunished.  After Mill Street & Co. Crown Capital Partners (TSX: CRWN) $10M heist in 2018 got them caught (brileyfarber link above), the heat was too high on Mill Street & Co so it was buried and up went another fancy web site called Bluestar Equity https://www.bluestar-equity.com/ and the cycle continues just as it did when Link Resource Partners was superseded by Mill Street & Co. 

When will it be enough for this family to just retire and let the Canadian small business market recover?   Be extremely vigilant, do not let fancy websites and talk about amazing reputations persuade you – read past court cases before you becomes one.

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