  • Report:  #1125761

Complaint Review: A-List Financial - Ronald Morgan - Las Vegas Nevada

Reported By:
Con Buster -

A-List Financial - Ronald Morgan
6700 Paradise Rd Ste Las Vegas, 89119 Nevada, USA
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Ronald (Ron), Gene (G) Morgan born on July xxth 19xx is a con man whose criminal career stretches back approximately 30 years.

His criminal career began in his home State of Oklahoma, then on to the State Texas, next Florida and California and most recently to the State of Nevada.

His most recent scam that ended in April of 2011 when he disappeared fearing federal prosecution for financial fraud, fraudulent bank wires, fraudulent bank and rating documents sent to impatient victims  demanding some sort of proof of his fraudulent bond scheme.

Morgan represented and still does to this day according to his most recent website  that he had a collateralized bond offering for project finance  that where rated by Moody’s and / or S&P with the offering/head  bank either Deutsche or HSBC.  None of which is true by making a simple phone call to any of these banks bond departments, Moody’s or S&P rating agencies.  The claim that he headed Deutsche DAR is also a lie.  The press release that he touts in attempt to provide credibility to his future victims he created on a free news Internet site and it was picked up by numerous news agencies never being verified as true which is the nature of the Internet.   A call to Deutsche Bank main office in Frankfurt will attest to the fact that Morgan’s statement is fraudulent.

One of the many fraudulent documents Morgan created was a letter from Moody’s to keep a victim at bay, buying more time; as he was paying earlier victims back in part with new victims money. This is the definition of a pyramid scheme. The Moody’s document had the wrong letterhead and a name of an individual that have never worked for Moody’s in any capacity anywhere in the world after an extensive search with Moody’s HR department.  In fact neither Moody’s US or European offices had ever heard of Argent Asset Management or Ronald Morgan – the same proved true by contacting HSBC and Deutsche bond departments that they had never heard of him or his company Argent Asset Management.

 In addition Morgan created fraudulent bank statements (again attempting to reassure his victims) that the promised money was in the bank awaiting release. In of these documents the time stamp he had was a future date (perhaps a time machine) and another he had the day of the week and date incorrect while drafting the fraudulent bank document

This bond scam netted Morgan $3.2 million dollars from six known victims which caused one elderly gentlemen to lose his home, property, and retirement waiting for Morgan to perform.

Another DVW of Texas sued Morgan’s company Argent Asset Management both separately and individually resulting in a default judgment against Morgan who was in hiding at the time for $100 million dollars; which Morgan has yet to address or any of his other victims.  


Morgan an alcoholic spent large sums of his ill gotten money on prostitutes and strippers, which can be confirmed by anyone who was even loosely associated with him during this period.  

His own children who will not associate with him will confirm stories of moving in the night to avoid the authorities from one state to another. According to his daughter that was working in the Nevada District Attorney’s office her father lost his license to sell aircraft (permanently revoked) for taking and spending deposits on aircraft that he did not own.

As nothing has transpired since his last disappearance of April of 2011 he is feeling confident that the coast is clear and is at it again.

Ronald Morgan is a scam and con artist that should be avoided at all costs; nothing that he has represented on his website as far as his accomplishments is true… nothing –which simple due diligence will verify.

Morgan belongs in jail and it is only a matter of time until the authorities catch up with him putting the entire puzzle together.



5 Updates & Rebuttals


las vegas,
Here you go!!!!!

#2General Comment

Sat, April 09, 2016

this man has conned me out of $ as well and here is his phone # i hope he gets his just due !!!! 702-750-5204


His response when asked for monies that were owed .  Where that his businees partner didnt pay past taxes and that he was looking to go to federal prison for many years and had no money to pay up  !! 


Las Vegas,
Ron Morgan Arrested

#3Consumer Comment

Sun, February 01, 2015



San Jose,
Ripped Off By Ron Morgan

#4Consumer Comment

Wed, October 08, 2014

I am not only a friend of a person that got ripped off by Ron Morgan but also met him in person and handed him over 50,000 in cash.  He insisted on cash because my friends check had bounced even though it was post-dated. My friend lost his property because he borrowed against it so he could pay Morgan for the "Bonds" to get rated. He kept stating that Moodys was charging the money for their ratings so the bonds could be purchased. It was all a lie and scam. He lived the high life and had another person working with him stating they had already closed a deal in Jordan and showed newspaper articles written about the financing( which was also fake). Everytime Morgan was successful in receivng upfront fees you would be told he was out of the country in Frankfurt visiting the bank and getting everything secured. Also a lie as another source saw him in Laguna Beach Ca. while he was supposedly out of the country.Do Not do any business with this guy because you will not get anything from him. He and his associates belong in jail for Life. They have ruined alot of peoples lives and it is not time to put him away.

fraud alert

Ron G. Morgan's victim

#5REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, March 17, 2014

Ronald Morgan, Ron Morgan, Ron G. Morgan, Ronald Gene Morgan is a con artist and our group is one of his victims.

We were introduced to Ron Morgan when he lived at 11837 Waterford Castle Court, Las Vegas, NV 89141. He was a managing director at Argent Asset Management Inc. Chicago and Nevada based company. He showed documents that he was appointed by Deutsche Bank as a director of asset management in Nevada State. He presented that he had collaterized bond offering for project finance through Deutsche Bank using Moody's and S&P rating to fund  projects. He said that he was able to block underlying collateral at Deutsche Bank and purchase a bond at 20% discount from face value through his SEC attoney.

He introduced us to his underwriter, he called Deutsche Bank in Germany for us to talk to and showed us the press release from his previous projects even if the press release from Deutsche Bank that he was appointed.

After invested $850,000 in his program, we never saw him again until we found out that he left a suicide note with his partner and he disappeared in April 2011.

We hired private investigators and found out that there were another 8 known victims. We assumed that he disapeared because he had fear for federal prosecution for financial fraud. This bond program netted Ron Morgan at least 5 million dollars. 

Recently we found out that he started to scam agian, as nothing has transpired since his last disappearance of April 2011, he feels confident that he can start his con again. He has new partners and started A-List Financial, offering a bond program again in Las Vegas, Nevada. 

We also found out that the press release that he claimed from his previous projects to provide creditbility was created on a free news internet and never being verifed as true including Deutsche Bank press release, that was the nature of internet!!

He also provided us fraudulent bank statement, bank wire from CitiBank, Bank of America, letter from Moody's using Moody's letterhead to buy time so he can con another victim.

We contacted Moody's, Deutsche Bank in Germany and New York neither of them had ever heard about Ron Morgan or Argent Asset Management!!

Ron Morgan, Ronald Gene Morgan is a con artist and should be avoided, stay away as far as you can. 

The Truth - We know it was you Ron Morgan to comment on this report, you belong in jail. I don't know your family and your children but one question to you if you read this post is it worth it to run and hide?


The Truth

The Truth

#6REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, March 12, 2014

This report is clearly personal in nature.  It is from a disguntled associate that has little interest in the truth.  It is easy to refute.  By doing a background search on Mr Morgan you will find that he has never been charged with anything more that a traffic ticket.  He has had a successful career for most of the last 30 years.  As for AAM it was no different than 95% of all bond companies that operated in 2008 to 2009.  With the collapse of the CDO market and the bond market ie: Lehman, Morgan Stanley etc. it destroyed the industry.  It wasnt under anybodys control that all of these companies fell.  As for the personell attack, my daughter doesnt work for the DAs office, there is no such thing as a license to sell aircraft, and Mr Morgan has never had a DUI, DWI, or any kind of alcohol related offenses.  The personel attack shouldnt be dignified with an answer.  Its unfortunate that people have a forum that they can place these unsubstantiated and untrue attacks but it is what it is.

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