  • Report:  #951645

Complaint Review: Adam Greenberg LurongLiving.Com Lurong Living - Internet Internet

Reported By:
Bob Richards - Tampa, Florida, United States of America

Adam Greenberg LurongLiving.Com Lurong Living
Internet, Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Whats WRONG With LURONG LIVING? Adam Greenbergs Come Back Scam

LurongLiving.Com  Yahoo Sports promoting this scam..

Yahoo Sports and the Post Game should be ashamed of themselves for helping to pedal a phony story by a baseball player who is trying to capitalize on an injury to line his pockets.  This Feel Good story concerning Adam Greenberg is a complete SCAM.  First off, Adam Greenbergs return to baseball for one last at bat is really, ONE LAST swing at trying to sell his Deer Antler Powder. It is bad enough that Adam Greenberg is preying on the emotions of people who genuinely felt sympathy for his injury but to USE this injury as a launch pad for a company he is part owner of is SAD.

Adam Greenberg is NOT a person anyone should feel sorry for because he is promoting an inferior product to people and he knows it. To make matters worse,

Mr. Greenberg goes as far as SLAMMING all the great companies who have been providing deer antler extract to millions of people before he was even BORN.  He is doing this on his website where he is telling people that only HIS powder works
for people and helps with a MULTITUDE of health issues and the companies who have been selling their extracts (sprays and drops) to REAL athletes both ACTIVE and RETIRED is bogus? 

Does Adam Greenberg have AMNESIA from the ball that hit him in the head or is he just a greedy guy who is using this injury to his advantage? I would say BOTH answers are correct.

WHY did Adam Greenberg want a ONE day contract in the MAJOR LEAGUES?

A PUBLICITY STUNT for Lurong Living! 
This is what the public should know..This is not a FEEL GOOD story but rather a marketing ploy..

And to make matters worse

IGF is a BANNED substance by MLB. When Adam Greenberg played for the Marlins on his one day contract, he was in VIOLATION of MLB RULES by having IGF in his system! The MLB KNEW he owned a company that owned a BANNED

Also, Adam Greenbergs father is the CFO of the company! This appears to be a family scam!

This goes to show that Adam Greenberg is NOT a MR. Nice guyHe throws everyone under the bus while using his one day contract in MLB to hurt other companies.

So what does Adam Greenberg know about Deer Antler Extract?

Absolutely nothing!

First off, he is selling a bottle of his POWDER, deer antler velvet capsules on his site for about 40 bucks and is offering free shipping and handling. That brings his bottle down to about $33. We know that he is getting his bottles of capsules (that contain a ton of fillers that do NO good for anyone) for about 6 BUCKS.

Deer Antler Extract has been used by millions of people, LONG before Adam Greenberg was even born and by REAL athletes who have actually played a full season in the majors (much less an AT BAT).  Adam Greenberg is now proclaiming to be the expert in deerantler velvet and we have decided to CALL HIM on this because he has gone too far in slamming legitimate companies who have products that TRULY contain IGF in the hundreds of thousands of Nanograms when his product contains about 60 NANOGRAMS?

Adam Greenberg, here is some education on Deer Antler POWDERS versus Sprays & Drops (which you SLAM on your website and claim they do not workTELL that to the troops in Iraq and PRO athletes that are getting real results with these drops and sprays).

POWDERS are HIGHLY INNEFECTIVE This comes from a SCIENTIST that is a world authority on Deer Antler Velvet formulations.


GOOD Powders are ONLY good for inflamation. I stressed GOOD powders because the powder contained in your capsules is
mostly fillers and less than 65 NG of IGF. MLB, NFL and NHL athletes are using SPRAYS effectively, NOT powders.

Straight From The Scientist- Education For Adam Greenberg (Get your FACTS Straight and Adjust your website to reflect THESE facts)..

 Adam Greenbergs  LURONG product is a great example of this

The major problem with the powder capsules is that there is NO STANDARDISING method to establish if in fact the capsules contain any of the active attributes of Pure Deer Antler Velvet.

Many capsule producers have been known to grind up the  Cast Hard Antlers which are predominantly bone and call this Deer velvet Capsule.

Adam Greenberg Is ALL About The Profit..He is a FOUNDER of Lurong..It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out his motive here!

The average consumer would not know the difference and pay an exceptional price for a low value product. Pure Deer Velvet Powder has a commercial value of around $ 500.00 per kg and the Cast Antler about $ 40.00 per kg.So if the product is for sale at a cheap price you can be rest assured it is also cheap in quality and will not have the same anti inflammatory and immune function effects as the high quality products.

Yahoo Sports, Adam Greenberg & Lurong..Nothing But AdvertisingFALSE Advertising!
Yahoo sports USED to be a reputable sports news agency but they have become nothing  more than an info-mercial website, promoting products they do not know anything about.

Why I Am Posting This. Deer Antler Extract SAVED MY LIFE!
I have been taking deer antler extract in SPRAY form for over 10 years. So you know, I did not just fall off of a watermelon truck. I am a professor at UT Austin  and have studied deer antler velvet extract and powders for many years and it has saved
my life and thwarted off an illness that I suffered from for many years.

Adam Greenberg, If you want to sell a product and be competitive, you should do it the proper way..

WHO does Adam Greenberg know at Yahoo sports that will NOT put their name on the article. They have it credited to a STAFF WRITER.  Is this STAFF WRITER a partner in Lurong Living?

BEWARE of LurongLiving.Com! 

5 Updates & Rebuttals


Never Sued

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, May 13, 2013

For your information, Rick Lentini of Nutronics Labs was never sued for spiking deer antler sprays. He has the cleanest product in the market and is the pioneer having been in business for over 17 years. This may be another company that is attacking Lurong. Rick Lentini does not play games like that. This is libel and slander, this is why you are a coward, Bob. You know you would be sued for making those type of statements.

bob richards

New York,
United States of America

#3Consumer Comment

Tue, October 09, 2012

Thank for the last comment.  The reason we as consumers took exception to your comment is because you chose to maliciously slander a great persons name based on absolutely no facts.  You should watch what you say in the future as your comments can affect good hard working people. 

So lets get this straight:

 - you have no issue with Adam Greenberg
 - you only have an issue with the media when they say sprays are spiked
 - Lurong Living does not mention anything anywhere on their site that sprays contain spiked substances.
 - Adam Greenberg never once mentioned anything negative about sprays 
 - Lurong Living only comments on and defines what an extract is on their site
 - Lurong Living has nothing to do with the media
It seems as though your rip off report should be about Yahoo, not Adam Greenberg or his company. 


Read the article

#4Author of original report

Mon, October 08, 2012

First of all, I am NOT a competitor, I am a CONSUMER as I stated in my first comment!

They STATE in the article that EXTRACTS do NOT work and they contain methyltestosterone and steroids. Yahoo Sports had made this statement once before. I have been taking this product for almost 10 years and so have a lot of my friends and family members and it IS an extract in a spray form. I will NOT mention the company because I do not want to appear that I am PROMOTING but if they can post an article saying that sprays and extracts are tainted then they DO belong on the RIP OFF REPORT because they are misleading people with false information and that is RIPPING OFF the public. 

You state that Adam Greenberg does not own the company but the article says it right there and it also states his father is the CFO. I could care less about that but I am setting the record straight about a product I am taking that is a spray and drop form that IS an extract that they claim is TAINTED.

If you want to blame anyone for this post, blame me. I am not posting anonymously..you have my name right there. This is the way I feel and this is FREEDOM of speech. Why do you choose to blame other people? 

I will go on ESPN tomorrow and voice my opinion there also if given the opportunity!

Not to be redundant..ALL I AM SAYING IS THAT SPRAYS AND DROPS and EXTRACTS are NOT SYNTHISIZED or TAINTED or containg METHYLTESTOSTERONE or steroids PERIOD. If they were, I would NOT be using them all these years.

You have your opinion and I have mine.


Lake Elsinore,
United States of America
LuRong Living Believer

#5Consumer Comment

Mon, October 08, 2012

First of all Bob, as a CONSUMER of LuRong Living Im completely appalled by your comments and think that you should be ashamed of yourself. Adam did not profit one penny from returning to the Major Leagues. I didnt see any articles about Lurong Living and Adam Greenberg except for the one by Yahoo Sports and The Post Game that was horribly written but, how does this demonstrate that Adam Greenberg is trying to profit from the one at bat with the Florida Marlins?

You stated, This Feel Good story concerning Adam Greenberg is a complete SCAM.  First off, Adam Greenbergs return to baseball for one last at bat is really, ONE LAST swing at trying to sell his Deer Antler Powder. It is bad enough that Adam Greenberg is preying on the emotions of people who genuinely felt sympathy for his injury but to USE this injury as a launch pad for a company he is part owner of is SAD.

Youve clearly been hit in the head by a fastball yourself or are you the owner of another velvet deer antler company and you feel the need to slander others on the market? Where did you read that Adam Greenberg is part owner of LuRong Living? Ive been taking it for quite some time and I never knew this. So, I did some research and youre clearly mistaken.

http://lurongliving.com/our-story - if you read that it clearly states, After months of hard work and further research, we (Adam Greenberg, Danny Putnam, Dr. Lebowitz, Dr.Kwok, and others) founded LuRong Living. So, Im pretty sure that Danny Putnam, Dr. Lebowitz, Dr. Kwok and the others would be offended and appalled by this statement as well.

Read the Star-Telegram article. Clearly you need to.

"This was never a gimmick," Greenberg said. "I got to the major leagues on my own merit, and I worked through the ranks as a little kid all the way up, and I earned that spot seven years ago. So the fact this is my not my first at-bat, that's important. It's just not, 'Poor kid, let's give him a shot.'"

But, ultimately, Greenberg said the outcome of his at-bat is less important than the message he hopes it sends. "Life's going to throw you curve balls ... or a fastball to the back of your head," Greenberg said. "I got hit by one of them. It knocked me down. I could have stayed there. I had a choice. I could have said poor me. I chose to get up and get back in the box. That's the kind of message to everyone, that whatever is going on in their personal lives, get back up. Good things happen. Sometimes it takes seven years."

You stated, Adam Greenberg is NOT a person anyone should feel sorry for because he is promoting an inferior product to people and he knows it.

I hate to restate the obvious but, perhaps you should read that article again. Adam Greenberg states he doesnt want anyone to FEEL sorry for him or think, oh, poor Adam. Yet again, you should be ashamed of yourself.

You claim that, To make matters worse, Mr. Greenberg goes as far as SLAMMING all the great companies who have been providing deer antler extract to millions of people before he was even BORN.  

In fact, hasnt velvet deer antler been used for over 2,000 years? So, it looks to me like it was around LONG before you were born too. Wait, perhaps youre just old and your memory isnt quite what it use to be, so you forgot this fact. If thats the case, youre forgiven.

Then you state, He is doing this on his website where he is telling people that only HIS powder works for people and helps with a MULTITUDE of health issues and the companies who have been selling their extracts (sprays and drops) to REAL athletes both ACTIVE and RETIRED is bogus?

You cant possibly be talking about the www.lurongliving.com website, because I dont see any negative comments about any brand or product. Where is this article? The last time I checked, a lot of REAL athletes, both ACTIVE and RETIRED, take a multitude of different supplements. How is it bad that some of them are taking LuRong Living?

As a consumer of LuRong Living it has helped with a multitude of problems. It has helped me with my energy levels, helped me recover from workouts, and joint pain. I have actually continued working out which wasnt possible before LuRong Living because I was always too sore and in pain and would quit after a week. I now work out between 5 and 6 times a week and I take my LuRong Living in the morning and at night.

You said, Does Adam Greenberg have AMNESIA from the ball that hit him in the head or is he just a greedy guy who is using this injury to his advantage? I would say BOTH answers are correct.

I would say that both statements are fallacies, slanderous and clearly malicious and that youve concocted all kinds of things in your mind. Clearly Adam Greenberg doesnt have amnesia which is apparent considering he recalled the 92 mph fastball hitting him in the head. Oh wait, again, you just must be an older gentlemen and so, Im going to have to give you the benefit of the doubt.

You stated, WHY did Adam Greenberg want a ONE day contract in the MAJOR LEAGUES?

Greenberg DONATED his one-day salary (about $2,600) to the Marlins Foundation, which will then make a donation to the Sports Legacy Institute, an organization that advances the study, treatment and prevention of the effects of brain trauma in athletes.

I kindly provided you with the link up above, and so seriously, for you to call Adam Greenberg greedy when he is trying to help other athletes is just cruel and ludacris. Then again every statement youve made has been ludacris. You dont just attack a product, you attack a person, and a family. Adam Greenberg demonstrated courage, strength, and perseverance when going to bat for the Florida Marlins.

This was your most ERRONEOUS statement yet, IGF is a BANNED substance by MLB. When Adam Greenberg played for the Marlins on his one day contract, he was in VIOLATION of MLB RULES by having IGF in his system! The MLB KNEW he owned a company that owned a BANNED substance. Dont get me started about how later in your article you RAVE about IGFs and how your product has so much more than LuRong Living.

LuRong Living is the only velvet deer antler in the world that is certified DRUG FREE by the BANNED SUBSTANCES CONTROL GROUP! http://www.bscg.org/Lurong.php Adam Greenberg was tested and DID NOT HAVE ANY BANNED SUBSTANCES in his body or they wouldnt have let him play.

You state, Also, Adam Greenbergs father is the CFO of the company! This appears to be a family scam!

Where does it say that Adam Greenbergs father is the CFO of LuRong Living? Again as a consumer who takes this product daily, I want to know. How is it a family scam if Adam Greenberg and his father believe in this product, its helped me and thousands of others.

You state again, This goes to show that Adam Greenberg is NOT a MR. Nice guyHe throws everyone under the bus while using his one day contract in MLB to hurt other companies.

What company has Adam Greenberg thrown under the bus? He didnt use his one day contract in the MLB to hurt any companies from what Ive seen. The only bashing going on is coming from you. You bashing LuRong Living.

As my grandpa use to say, This crap is getting old, like you know something we dont know. If you do, please give me actual facts, with proof, not conjecture and propaganda.

I would quote the rest of your article but from misspelling deer antler; which you claim to be an expert on to versus being used improperly when or would have sufficed, to ineffective being spelled with two NNs, (perhaps staying at an INN would rest your mind from your conspiracy theories), to inflammation being spelled with one M instead of two, (you have me going Mmmmm at your complaint here) to standardizing without the Z (which Im Zzzzz as I type this response), Ill just make a few statements as a proud consumer of LuRong Living.

Adam Greenberg is not selling Deer Antler Extract. LuRong Living sells a velvet deer antler supplement that is a whole food. If LuRong Living contains a ton of fillers it has to be noted and Im pretty sure that they couldnt state on the website, Each capsule of LuRong Living Essential contains 500mg of 100% unaltered U.S. sourced velvet deer antler and if they do get their bottles for $6, then good for them. Ill gladly spend $35 a month to feel this good.

IGF is banned in the MLB so why on earth would anyone want that much pumping through their system?

If you want to educate Adam Greenberg, can you please just contact LuRong Living and find his email address and educate him directly. You didnt educate me at all unfortunately.

I will tell you that I can name SEVERAL troops in Iraq and Afghanistan amongst other places, that take LuRong Living and swear by it. You see, I actually work with the troops every day and I am married to one, the daughter of one, the sister of one, the niece of one, the best friend of one, the cousin of one and the aunt to one. They all take LuRong Living thank goodness they can ship to APOs.

Please tell me who this scientist is that is world authority on Deer Antler Velvet formulations which was your word not mine. I dont want anything overly synthesized anywhere near my body. Not many people do.

A lot of people need help with inflammation specifically, so I dont see how stating good powders are only good for inflammation helps your case. LuRong Living does help with inflammation and oh, if I were a professional athlete, I wouldnt be banned from the sport for taking LuRong Living.

I would like to see the scientist post something directly because until I hear it from the horses mouth Im certainly not taking your word for it. I honestly cant take your word for anything because all you did with this post was speculate with conjecture, propaganda, and conspiracy theories which makes me wonder who youre working for actually.

Your statement about rocket scientists amuses me. The only person spewing out the word scientist every few paragraphs is you.

I didnt just fall off a watermelon truck either, I work full time in law, Ive researched velvet deer antler for the past year. LuRong Living has helped me get back into shape. Velvet Deer Antler REPAIRED my ACL and thats a medical fact. Im all for a product that works and I dont feel that Adam Greenberg or anyone at LuRong Living is trying to bad mouth any other product. Ive called them multiple times and theyve never once bad mouthed any product to me and Im their customer. If they were going to bad mouth other products, they most certainly would have to me when I called to ask various questions. Theyve never once done that.

I think you should write beware of poorly written articles about velvet deer antler. I dont think you should attack the integrity and character of a person that hasnt done anything to you. If Adam Greenberg has done something to you, then that is personal, and you should take it up with him.


New York,
United States of America
Consipiracy Theory

#6Consumer Comment

Mon, October 08, 2012

This site should be used if you were ripped off or had a bad experience with the brand, not to promote conspiracy theories.  Your rant has nothing of substance and you are attacking good people, a good story and have zero facts to base it on. 

Anyone reading that conspiracy rant, i hope you use better judgement and understand this is probably coming from a competitor of Lurong Living, not a consumer that is upset with anything they have done.

If i didnt know any better, i would say this is the same Rick Lentini who owns Nutronics ( a competitor that was sued for spiking his antler sprays) Ive been researching both products and saw his comment yesterday. 

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