  • Report:  #205513

Complaint Review: AFNI - Bloomington Illinois

Reported By:
- baton rouge, Louisiana,

PO Box 3517 Bloomington, 61702-3517 Illinois, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
AFNI, Inc.

Got bill from this bogus collection agency saying I owed Verizon New England $400. Of course, pay them instead.

No web address, no full company name only the abbreviation AFNI, Inc. SSN had only X's.

Proof enough of fraud, I say.

Never been to New England so I know these @#$$% are criminals and need to be put out of business!

Send an agent to scope out their PO and put those a#@wipes in the pen!


Baton Rouge, Louisiana

11 Updates & Rebuttals


Anthony go back to working at 7-11

#2Consumer Suggestion

Mon, August 21, 2006

Steve when your book come out please let me know! As far as our genious bill collector Anthony here, he will be working at 7-11 once again after he gets his arse sued. If he knows nothing about SOL, god help him if he doesn't understand FDCPA. By the way Steve, thanks for the advice on my situation. I filed the motion to quash with the courts and just waiting the results. I have the other defenses in reserve that you and Tom advised me to use on my situation. Thanks again Bro!


Anthony go back to working at 7-11

#3Consumer Suggestion

Mon, August 21, 2006

Steve when your book come out please let me know! As far as our genious bill collector Anthony here, he will be working at 7-11 once again after he gets his arse sued. If he knows nothing about SOL, god help him if he doesn't understand FDCPA. By the way Steve, thanks for the advice on my situation. I filed the motion to quash with the courts and just waiting the results. I have the other defenses in reserve that you and Tom advised me to use on my situation. Thanks again Bro!


Anthony go back to working at 7-11

#4Consumer Suggestion

Mon, August 21, 2006

Steve when your book come out please let me know! As far as our genious bill collector Anthony here, he will be working at 7-11 once again after he gets his arse sued. If he knows nothing about SOL, god help him if he doesn't understand FDCPA. By the way Steve, thanks for the advice on my situation. I filed the motion to quash with the courts and just waiting the results. I have the other defenses in reserve that you and Tom advised me to use on my situation. Thanks again Bro!


Anthony go back to working at 7-11

#5Consumer Suggestion

Mon, August 21, 2006

Steve when your book come out please let me know! As far as our genious bill collector Anthony here, he will be working at 7-11 once again after he gets his arse sued. If he knows nothing about SOL, god help him if he doesn't understand FDCPA. By the way Steve, thanks for the advice on my situation. I filed the motion to quash with the courts and just waiting the results. I have the other defenses in reserve that you and Tom advised me to use on my situation. Thanks again Bro!


Reply to Anthony re: SOL..and some advice..

#6Consumer Suggestion

Sun, August 20, 2006

Anthony, If you are working as a debt collector and do not know what SOL is, you need to immediately stop what you are doing and get some education. Did you know that individuals working as debt collectors can be sued personally as well as face criminal charges personally for illegal/unethical collections practices? This is a fact. SOL stands for STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS. Each state determines what the SOL is for thier own state, and it is written into law in each state. The SOL is the period of time aftere default on a debt with the original creditor, that legal enforcement actions can be taken such as lawsuits, arbitration, etc. After the SOL has expired, NO COLLECTION enforcement can be done. The debtor is off the hook. At this time, it is illegal for any creditor or collector to enter derogatory information such as collections activity on a consumers credit report, as the debt is no longer legally collectable. Furthermore, if you file a lawsuit on a debt that you know the SOL has expired, the debtor has recourse against you for damages for frivolous lawsuit. Trust me on one thing, I am not the idiot here. This is also a fact, that I have demonstrated for the past 5 years. I can beat you and your kind around every turn and am very proud of that. Now for the Economics 101 lesson for you. Bad debt does nothing to the economy, and does nothing to prices of other consumers. This is propaganda. These credit card companies would charge the same rates and fees even if everyone paid on time and no one defaulted. This is due to greed. They will charge whatever the market will bear. That is how the economy works. Furthermore, if these credit card companies would practice RESPONSIBLE lending, they would not have so many people default or be in collections. Why is it easier to get unsecured credit than secured credit? Explain that one genius. Now as far as the insults, etc..You are an impotent little freak on crack, so go back to your little cubicle and threaten some more little old ladies behind the safety of your phone. It amazes me how you idiots are new on the job and know nothing at all about anything you are doing, come on here for a few days or weeks, then we never hear from you again. This is because you get fired, and the turnover is high in the collections business. But when you are gone, I'll still be here. Guaranteed.



#7UPDATE Employee

Sat, August 19, 2006

Alright Steve, what IS the SOL on a debt? I'd like to see the law on that. Linda, I did tell John what to do in my first response. Please feel free to re-read it if you need to because chances are the first time you just skimmed through. Once again, you use name calling to prove your point Steve. How mature. But you know what? You're right. People trying to collect debts that consumer ACTUALLY OWE are DEFINETLY scumbags! Makes perfect sense! Screw the client, screw the economy, the consumer can do whatever he wants to whomever he wants with no consequence! But Steve, I'd really like you to tell me what exactly it is that we do thats breaking the law. Please inform me. Because right now you just remind me of this idiot I saw on the Oprah show about collections and debt. This guy talked all sorts of crap about how he walked away from debt, how collectors are scum, etc etc, but in reality, he didn't REALLY know what he was talking about. I think it might have been you Steve.


Thanks Linda!.....And for Anthony the AFNI Collector..

#8Consumer Comment

Sat, August 19, 2006

Linda, I appreciate the comment and response to Anthony. I am still working out some details on the book and have had another delay due to a death in the family. However, I should get back on track soon. For Anthony... Your comment about the "Real World"..Well, junior.. I suggest you visit the real world and learn how things really work. FYI... Debt Collectors are totally powerless and cannot do anything to anyone.. You are at the mercy of, and pray to find the uninformed consumer/debtor who you can intimidate and take advantage of ILLEGALLY. Informed and educated consumers/debtors like myself really piss you off because we don't take your crap! Most of the "debts" you lowlife idiots try to collect are past SOL! They are not even legally collectable! Then the ones that are still in SOL for the most part, you have no documentation on and cannot validate anyway! Get your act together, do your job right and then worry about how people like me respond to you. Rude? Why should we be nice? You collectors are the rudest, most arrogant scumbags on the face of the earth as soon as you find out a consumer just doesn't roll over for you. I like blowing the whistle in the ear of some moron collector and just picturing in my mind the blood running out of some crackhead's blown out eardrums! Now, that's satisfaction! Rude? If you don't like it, DON'T CALL! It's your choice!


Moncks Corner,
South Carolina,
Beg to differ with you Anthony...

#9Consumer Comment

Sat, August 19, 2006

what steve suggests DOES WORK!....I have successfully deleted 3 collections agencies from my credit report...NCO, FBCS & GENESIS!! <--- these sound familiar steve!! So Anthony you can not tell me " chances are you realize that this is the real world, and that kind of behavior usually doesn't get you very far" as you have in your post because I have the proof! BTW...what are these "proper steps" you mentioned??? Anyway Anthony, the law states we as consumers do not have to talk to you! We have ever right to inform you to stop calling and we have the right to ask for validation of the debt especially if it isnt ours as listed in the original authors post!!...no proof is needed on our part, it is up to the person (collection agencies) to provide that proof!... If someone on the street came up to me that I have never met and told me I owed the money, you better believe I am going to ask for proof! I am not going to just take his word for it as most collectors expect us to do! Steve is not being rude, he is just letting you know that we as consumers are not and will not be bullied any longer from collection agencies!!..... Steve, waiting on your book and cant wait!!


once again, no good advice from Steve

#10UPDATE Employee

Sat, August 19, 2006

Hate to beat a dead horse, but I wouldn't exactly listen to Steve. I think I have clearly outlined the basics of disputing a claim and given good advice about actions to take involving identity theft. You can listen to Steve, who suggests that you act in a rude, uncooperative, demanding manner. However, chances are you realize that this is the real world, and that kind of behavior usually doesn't get you very far, and take the proper steps to allieviate yourself of them problem. The choice is yours.


John...Disregard the advice from the debt collector from AFNI

#11Consumer Suggestion

Fri, August 18, 2006

John, Disregard that advice from the debt collector from AFNI. This is the typical uneducated drivel I would expect from these lowlife. NEVER call, or speak to ANY collector on the phone, and NEVER give them ANY information that they don't already have on the collection letter. The way the law works, is the burden of proof is totally on the collector to prove you owe the debt. You do not have to prove that you don't. Immediately send a CEASE COMMUNICATION request where you clearly dispute the debt and inform them that there are to be no more telephone or third party contact regarding this debt. All communications will be in writing. Send this, and all communications by certified mail, return reciept requested. Be sure to put the certified# on the letter itself, and keep a copy for your records. I posted full contact info for AFNI on a prior thread. Just search here at ROR for AFNI to get all the info. Now prepare a DEBT VALIDATION request as per your rights under the FDCPA by the means above. Demand to see whatever you allegedly signed to create the alleged account and demand a full account history. Then demand proof that they are licensed to do collections both in the state they sent the notice from and in the state you live. They must prove everything. You must prove nothing.


dear john

#12UPDATE Employee

Fri, August 18, 2006

1. Chances are they X'd out your SSN because either (a) Verizon didn't send them the entire SSN, or (b) for security reasons to protect YOU. 2. AFNI is the full company name. 3. Not AFNI's fault Verizon sent them that bill, with that information, saying you are the one who owes the bill. If you're legit and its not your bill, then why don't you call them and simply tell them so? They will most likely ask for some information such as proof you didn't live there. Yes, they will need proof. As hard as it is to believe, consumers LIE to collectors! (who would have thought) 4. If someone opened this account with your social and name, without your knowledge, that is fraud, and you should file a police report. AFNI will need a copy of that report as well as some other information from you to validate that the account is fradualant and take you out of collections. If someone has fradualantly opened an account in your name, AFNI calling and alerting you of this might be a blessing a disguise.

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