  • Report:  #535090

Complaint Review: AHMSI - OPTION ONE CORPORATION - Irvine Texas

Reported By:
Jeff - Austin, Texas, United States of America

P.O. Box 631730 Irvine, 75063 Texas, United States of America
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There should be a class action suit.  However I believe we should write our senators and congressman about this specific company.  The government is so much in bed with financial institutes if they really want to do something they should stop companies like this one from stealing from the consumer.  I have not had a draft in over 6 months from this company and all of the sudden they decide to draft me on the same day that they recieved my payment and then charged me with an NSF.  I believe CitiCorp was doing the same thing illegally for years and finally some how some way they were made to pay up for the charges they created by holding checks and not depositing them until the borrower had a penalty.  This is pretty much the same kind of thing un-authorized debiting of an account and then charging a NSF fee.  Why not just put a gun to me and ask for my wallet and credit cards.  How can this happen and to so many people.  I know if I have seen a company like this one from just one little search to return so many issues looks like to me there should be some major investigation into their activities.  I do not feel they are even close to being ethical, so I figure if they are getting away with it there must be some government official that has his hand in the bag.  It usually works that way.  That is why we are most likely victims and will never be able to recover a dime...  However if we continue to raise a little hell about it and to enough of the right people and agencies like the FTC that has to look into the board of insurance, any financial branch of the goverment that is suppose to be there to protect us from organized crime.  We might just bring another institute down for all their wrong doing.  These people are the worst of any crooks.  They should be ran out of town at the very least.  However, I am afraid we are just at the mercy of some crooked finance company that no-one with any authority will do anything about. 

This was not the first time they have done this to me.  About the same time last year it happened only slightly different, I was being drafted and they allowed it to go a week past the normal drafting date so I called and they had me send them a check and then they drafted my account once I sent the check and I did not have enough in my account to cover 2 payments just like this time.  What a scam to make lets say at least 100,000 client times $30 dollars a meir 3 million a wack.  I do not know about anyone else but that would be enough for me to sit back for awhile.  What a scam.  Anybody need a bonus at AHMSI just pull the scam card this month on a few thousand clients and bang we got money. 

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