  • Report:  #695000

Complaint Review: AHMSI - irvine Texas

Reported By:
ann - atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A.

Irvine, Texas irvine, Texas, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
If  someone here has any success suing AHMSI please let me know. I have been through the wringer with them for over two years and they are unresponsive and unwilling to do anything to facilitate a modification yet they are causing me to become further and further in arrears with each passing month. I have all documentation and records of my dealings with them. I think that they methodically and systematically delay the foreclosure process until a period of time in which they go forward with the process once you have accrued a substantial default amount.  I have recently read that they only provide 3% of the people modifications.

If ANYONE has successfully sued, please let me know, I would greatly appreciate it. I can be reached at (((REDACTED))) at gmail dotcom. Thank you.


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11 Updates & Rebuttals

Ronny g

North hollywood,
I agree with you Truth detector..

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, February 17, 2011

..to a point. It is obvious to me that you are of sound mind and reasonable, and perhaps realize the same about me.

But, I know what it is like to post a report here that is legit and then get crucified here by those who really have no interest other then making those who suffered a loss suffer more, or feel bad..feel "more" bad.. I went through this here on this very website myself years ago because I myself was ripped off and the very bank tried to rip me off is losing lawsuits left and right. And I was specifically and most notably mocked for mentioning "lawsuit".

Now yes, I admit when I lodged the report I may not have been as reasonable as I am now...why you may ask?? Because I was angry at being ripped off by a company I trusted for YEARS, and I do not like being ripped off... Well who would?

So of course anyone who replied by trying to defend the company the ripped me off or toss all the blame on me..and to insult, mock and belittle me would cause a defensive reaction. Sure, I could have took the high road and chose to ignore it but not every one is the same. Some are good at ignoring things and as well some are good at being a victim..and some are not so good at ignoring things and not so good at being a victim.

If you kick a wounded dog...what do you honestly expect in most cases to be the logical result?

Truth Detector

Ronny, Ronny, Ronny...

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, February 16, 2011

Must I explain this to YOU of all people?

The OP whines about AHMSI...we get that...has every right to do so.

My original response was predicated on the OP's crybaby tactic of quashing responses by suggesting that a responder "keep his two cents to himself". As we all know, this is a PUBLIC forum - and members are permitted to respond as to the validity of the complaint.

Come on now, Ronny...you know better than what you posted. Put down the pom-poms and pick up some common sense.

Ronny g

North hollywood,
try this....

#4Consumer Comment

Wed, February 16, 2011

You posted here asking if anyone has successfully sued AHMSI and all you got was insulted. So stop wasting your time here. As you can tell by the replies..no one here cares, they just like to insult and mock those who report here. If you do an internet search you can find out who has sued them or who is suing them and perhaps this will help you find a way to deal with them if they are doing anything shady in your case..a few examples..

Texas Attorney General Sues AHMSI After Pressure From Dallas Media ...

Beck Oliver, Fox 4 Dallas Just two weeks after a FOX 4 investigation, the Texas Attorney General is cracking down on a local mortgage servicing company. In our investigation , FOX 4 showed how the AG’s office told complaining consumers it was too busy and they should hire their own attorneys to fight American Home Mortgage Servicing, Inc. But that has suddenly changed. Now, the Texas Attorney General has sued the Coppell-based company, accusing AHMSI of aggressive and unlawful tactics to collect mortgage payments from Texas homeowners and has filed suit.

Ohio Attorney General vs AHMSI American Home Mortgage Servicing ...

Ohio Attorney General Richard Cordray today filed a lawsuit against American Home Mortgage Servicing Inc. (AHMSI), a Texas-based company servicing more than 12,000 subprime and prime mortgage loans in Ohio. The lawsuit alleges numerous violations of the Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act including but not limited to: incompetent and inadequate customer service, failure to respond to requests for assistance, failure to offer timely or affordable loss mitigation options to borrowers and unfair and deceptive loan modification terms.

Cases filed matching "AHMSI Default Services Inc" ...

and so on....

Truth Detector

Did I stutter, "Ad"?

#5Consumer Comment

Wed, February 16, 2011

Yes...MORON...is that clear enough for you, or should I draw you a picture in crayon so you can better understand?

As for your jacka** assertion that I somehow have nothing better to do and need to "feel better about myself" by embarrassing you publicly, last I checked YOU are the whiny little crybaby here bleating about some fantasy lawsuit. My life is just fine without whining to a message board that someone has wronged me - then crying when readers post rebuttals.

Take this as a lesson learned:

Thicken your skin if you're going to swing in the majors. If you can't debate at the big-boy table, best to hang with the kiddies, "Ad".


Thank You, Truth Detector

#6Consumer Comment

Tue, February 15, 2011

I have no idea what Ad's "update" has to do with anything, since I never claimed to be familiar with this particular company's processes, nor do I need to be.

Before a company has to defend itself against an allegation, you have to successfully establish that they have done something wrong, which you have woefully failed to do. I can't even tell what sort of wrongdoing you are alleging on their part, since all you have said so far is "They keep forcing me to pay the bills I agreed to pay."



#7Author of original report

Tue, February 15, 2011

I guess this is the type of forum that attracts rude, name calling people who obviously don't have much to do with their lives other than to insult others. Pretty sad how pathetic and miserable some people truly are. I hope your life gets better soon so you can refrain from attacking others who have done absolutely nothing to you. You apparently need to behave this way in order to make yourself feel better about your life. I'm sure the next response from you will be equally insulting if not more so. Have at it if it makes you feel better.

Truth Detector

A little advice for "Ad"...

#8Consumer Comment

Tue, February 15, 2011

Hey...MORON...this is a public website. People can and will comment at will when you publish a complaint here.

If you don't like rebuttals, don't post here. In the meantime, tuck away those little rabbit ears and that fragile ego.


Talk about no common sense...

#9Author of original report

Tue, February 15, 2011

Do you enjoy insulting people? Is that a hobby of yours? Let me rephrase my last comment; you obviously have no knowledge of how the modification process with this particular servicer works so yes, I insist - keep your snyd comments to yourself if you have nothing of real importance to contrirubute.


If You Insist

#10Consumer Comment

Mon, February 14, 2011

If you insist on blowing $20,000 to have a judge and lawyer tell you your claim is frivolous, when I just told you for free, I can't stop you.

However, this is not an issue of familiarity with the company, since you are obviously not familiar with the law or even basic common sense.


I don't think you know what your're talking about...

#11Author of original report

Mon, February 14, 2011

You OBVIOUSLY have no experience dealing with this company so keep your two cents to yourself.


Sue Them? For What??

#12Consumer Comment

Mon, February 14, 2011

Don't blame them for "causing" you to go into arrears. What causes you to go into arrears is not paying your bill. I can't imagine that a court would find that they have some sort of obligation to facilitate a modification - if you signed the original agreement, they can hold you to it.

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